
Monday, March 18, 2019

Just for the boys

Our Challenge this round at Incy Wincy is all about the boys, this is one of the newest images from Limited Runs  - Lighthouse #1 ,  We also have another Sponsor Fabrika Fantasy too so you will have 2 chances to win. Here's a little ATC I made up using Watercolours to colour it up.

Thanks for looking
hugs Nikki

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Reviews - Monte Marte Watercolours

Here is my little Review on Monte Marte Watercolours Paint Two Seasons.  I bought these paints on sale too good of a deal to not give them a try and these are not to bad they are a soft wash of colours they have some great tones for those that like to paint  softer looking colours. You can find them on Amazon Here . But I bought these for only $8 at Homesense so you can find for a cheaper price if you just look around.

This set has a Gold and Silver Colour in them too which is a nice little bonus for those who what to try out a metal colour.
Stock Photo Used
I just made up a quick little sample sheet of all that come in this set to 
give you an idea of what they have. Leaving the colours as full pigment as I could

These paints aren't bad and Some of the colours feel like they been mixed with White,
and aren't that transparent as a pure colour but work good for shading.
Below is a example of the paints as you can see they feel muted to me little bolder in real life but this gives you an idea.

Sorry the Photo Went MIA when I paint up another will share it here

Pros about these
Had Metallic colours included which is a nice surprise and like the washed out colour pallet to play with.
Few Cons about these
Now I did notice a few of the  paints have a funny little smell when I used them from the tube and put it on a pallet but that went away once it dried up must be something they use in the process to create the paint. Also Might be the fact the the only thing keeping the air out of them is the lid not sealed air tight.
I also put some paint in half pans they seem to be very shiny and don't like staying in them very well and fall out a lot , they look like plastic paint. They still work fine just funny they won't stay in the pans if dropped about. Also they have been in there for a couple days and everytime I've opened the container you can smell the off gases what do they use to make them stink?

So over all these are pretty low end paints but great for a student learning and they will paint just lightly like they all are mixed with white

The paints also didn't seem to be mixed very well as water came out at first then paint showing separation or the way the store handled them
Would I buy these again maybe have to think about it.

Monday, March 4, 2019

To the Moon

Our challenge this week is to use Ribbon and I didn't want to take away from the colouring I did on this image it seems a little magical with the watercoloured BG. I've been becoming addicted to use watercolours.  So you can work with a digital image and play with your watercolours to get some sweet effects.

thanks for looking
hugs Nikki