
Wednesday, January 26, 2011


It's been a while since I've done a WOYWW I've been to late to post but I do sneak around and take peaks but I don't always have the time to make a comment but I love to see what everyone is doing it really is addictive to do ,one thing I swear I do to much is color more then I can ever make for cards but it's very relaxing to do so here's my desk with what I've been working on and it's a new digi for my store called Tea Party so your gettin a sneak peak :)

thanks for popping in
hugs Nikki


  1. There is nothing wrong with a nice afternoon of colouring in, just coz we get older doesn't mean we cant still enjoy the things we did as children :D And you always have an image to hand should you need to make a card in a hurry which is always a bonus :P
    Thanks for visiting me :D
    Happy Wednesday
    Minxy #1

  2. I'm SO glad to see you back here. I thought about you this morning as I was posting. I have missed you.

    I love the Tea Party stamp. I am in a Tea Tuesday group and this would be a fun thing to show instead of insurance paperwork like I showed yesterday. Happy WOYWW from #10.

  3. Welcome back. You've been missed. Love the images your working on today.
    A x

  4. Good to see you and your work - enjoy the look around I say - and say hello IF you have time! Sarah (sasa)

  5. Hiya, thanks for popping by my blog. You look like you have been very busy! Those new images look fab.

    Liz x

  6. There's no such thing as too much coloring. Lol. Its just the right amount for you!
    Looks lovely...

  7. Hey Nikki,
    I tried to pick up WOYWW Creatively Untidy but my machine can't seem to right click it. Can you help?
    (My email is in my profile. *smile*)

  8. nice desk! Love the pics. I don't do too much coloring and I wish I did. I am not good staying in the lines tho. Thanks for sharing
    Vickie #59

  9. Your desk looks like my table where I craft! Very nice stamps!

  10. Glad to hear i'm not the only one that colours loads of images, i wouldn't mind so much if i actually got around to using
    Shaz #133

  11. Gorgeous works in progress. Thanks for the peek and sharing. Hugs, Marjo #7 Happy WOYWWs.

  12. Thanks for the nice comment on my blog. I do have a lot of stamps and I put them up that way so my friends can come over and use them. It is so much easier to see them all. You do a great job coloring... much better them me.

    Shirley Pumpkin #151

  13. Your desk looks like a lovely relaxed place with that colouring in. So tidy, and those images are cute.

  14. wew, that is one heck of a collection of pens

  15. Yes, I was going to say that, pens,loads of pens, I don't think youcan ever have enough. Have a happy WOYWW late as usual

  16. yes, when i feel a bit stressed, i do enjoy coloring. i wish i had more markers!

  17. Most cardmakers I know has way more coloured images than they could ever make into cards.
    Great new image.
    Tertia 137


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
Check out Visit Limited Runs Stamps
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