
Sunday, January 29, 2012

Little Red Fairy

This is such a cute little digi I just had to try her out and seeing that make it crafty has a challenge on it to color it Red I went with the whole image as mainly red there are accents of other colors in the red - greens,browns and greys to darken her up and give rich shading I love to shade reds with greens it just naturally darks the red perfectly but grey's and browns work just as well

Challenge -
Make it Colourful - RedStampalot Challenge- MonochromaticSimon Says - Anything Goes
Touch Markers -169,131,174,14,3,27,100,12,wg3,gg3,cg3,131,4,163,94,10,24,146
H2O Luminarte - Hot Cinnamon,Chestnut Brown
White Gel Marker,Paper K n Co,Stamp Friskars, Digi - Darla's
Ribbon From Stash Mini Brad and Pearls, Versamark Red, Stampin up Clear embossing

thanks for looking
hugs Nikki


  1. such a fabulous card. I love it! Thanks so much for sharing with us at Sir stampalot this month and good luck!

  2. A lovely card. The image is so sweet.
    Nikki x

  3. What a sweet image Nikki and really lovely card.

    Thank you so much for joining our Monochromatic theme at Stampalot this month, good luck and hope we will see you again next month (new challenge Sunday).

    B x

  4. This is just adorable Nikki. Thanks for joining us at Sir Stampalot this month.

  5. Ahh, this is so cute! Thanks for joining us at Sir Stampalot, Ruth :)

  6. fantastic card for our monochromatic challenge, thanks for joining us at sir stampalot this month and good luck!



Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
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