
Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Wednesday it's time to peak at every one's desks at Julia's and lots still to do Christmas is just over a month away YIKES to that.  So here's what's on my floor this week and I'm still making tags they came with a couple quickutz that I bought on line (blank of course) and I'm slowly working out the layers to go over top of the vintage postcard ATC's they even come with slide in cases to so they will be decorated up eventually.
So out right now is my pre cut dies, New tape dispenser love this!!! My mini bag with my tags done in it and on my desk what I'm still figuring out to do.
I was inspired when I saw this book cover I want to create a bunch of cute tags too

Right now I'm

Grab your own button here if you like
there are lots more !!
have a fantastic Wed and I also have CANDY HERE
hugs Nikki


  1. Great looking tags you are making! I think making tags is one of my favorite things to do! A second fun thing is playing with the dies I own so I would be right at home playing at your desk! Thanks for sharing and have a great week. Vickie #2

  2. Morning, thanks for letting me peek into your creative world this morning. Looking nice and busy there.

  3. I see things all the time that I like but unlike you I never get to do them...your tags look amazing!
    So festive! ;D

    Thanks for visiting me earlier... and inspiring me here to get a move on.
    Santa will be on his way and I'm so not ready :$

    Have a great week ~ enjoy WOYWW!

  4. These tags look amazing - I am feeling quite inspired with Christmas ideas this morning doing the WOYWW visits. Happy WOYWW! xxx Laura #51

  5. Pretty tags , has given me an idea to use up all the pretty cards I have saved from previous christmasses. You are very productive.
    Tricia #74

  6. Those tags are looking fantastic and you are so super organised. Wish I could be.
    Happy WOYWW!
    Tertia #8

  7. Awesome tags Nikki...I have enough trouble getting my cards done, I can't even think about making all of my own tags! I thought I would have so much time when I retired but I think I'm busier now than ever...or maybe I'm just not as organized now!
    Hugs, Renee

  8. Well, you're going a long way to matching those cute tags what a cool idea. Now I have a tape dispenser on my desk really is an unsung you wonder why you waited so long!!

  9. I was just thinking wow so organized and then i spotted your badge lol, thanks for the snoop

    judie no 70

  10. Hi Nikki thanks for visiting me earlier. Like everyone else I think your tags look lovely.
    Elaine #35

  11. Hi there Nikki, ah love the tags very much indeed and have been impressed with your tidy space..and love the buttons too have put one on my sidebar and also put the opposite time zones on bottom of my post - early put " I have the #1 spot m'wah nah nah! one but thought better of it as dont really strive for it, it just happened, living in opposite time zones helps!!:D
    Many thanks for popping over and for sharing ~ Happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz.x #1

  12. Great vintage tags! Love to visit you. Happy WOYWW! Nan 93

  13. I love your tags, real classy looking. I'm making mine out of tin foil and ribbon, using all the finesse and grace of a 5 year old who has suddenly discovered bling. Yours look very traditional. Good stuff! x

  14. happy WOYWW! i love your vintage tags! i'm trying out the method of visiting the blogs with the same ending number as mine so here i am!
    thank you for sharing!
    peggy aplSEEDS


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
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