
Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Well here's some things I've been in the middle of working on one is for my DT I'm on and the other is me trying to use up my stash of images I've already coloured if I keep them to long I'll just recycle them seeing I colour way more then I use and yes I'm still making Xmas cards even though I'm guessing these are for next year :). Only one pair of scissors out and that light bulb you see on the right is a pen and yes if you hit it, it will flash LOVE IT!!. I do store my ribbons by colour all removed from the rolls unless they are super thin and really long to re-roll,My mission is to use up my stash and not to buy try to not buy new stash till this is at least at the half way mark which I don't really think is realistic but I'm trying. I've been pre-warned my sister she mailed me some new stash that she's been de-stashing and collecting all year so. Who knows what will happen when Christmas arrives.  So take a peek at everyone Else's desk at Julia's and HAPPY WOYWW.
oh and i still have to do my hand deliveries too.
Hugs Nikki


  1. Hi there; just popping my head round the door to wish you and yours a blessed and joyful Christmas and all the very best for 2012! Good intentions and all that, but there is always something else we see and NEED....... cute card too.

  2. Thanks for visiting me already - happy Christmas to you and I just adore the snowflake border. BJ#1

  3. Oh yes, I'm trying real hard to use all my stuff too, but there's an awful lot of it!
    Happy Christmas!

  4. Like you i'm trying to use up some of my stash & hoping i will continue doing it in the new year.
    Happy Christmas & new year to You . Jill #16

  5. I could be in my room everyday and still not use all my stash. Love the little bird.

  6. Love the papers you are using up! Have a very happy Christmas, Helen 3

  7. Bet time to make Christmas cards...when you're in the mood and at this time of year, they come more easily, huh!!! I LOVE the lightbulb pen, how fun is that! Admiring your resolve to use up stash, and your ribbon maintenance rolling!
    Happy Christmas!

  8. That border punch is one of my favourites it always makes chrissy cards look super cool.
    Happy christmas
    Elaine #35

  9. The cards are looking good -I have those martha stewart punches too and also I usually make most of my Christmas cards for next year now or in January - always grateful for that when it gets to November! - thanks for sharing and have a lovely Christmas. Sunshine Girl no. 24

  10. love the snowflake edge

    Hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year.
    TFS Happy WOYWW Mrs.C.xx #34

  11. I have good intentions about using up my stash before buying any more... good intentions!
    Happy Christmas to you and yours!
    Laura 54

  12. Merry, Merry Christmas! I always have Christmas cards left over, but this year I used up my stash..yeah! Love your work desk.
    Krisha #78

  13. Some good stuff going on at your workdesk today. Happy Wednesday and Happy Christmas, too. :o)
    Sue x (MiniOwner@45)

  14. Your desk is a treat this week, especially as you are still making Christmas cards (even if they are for next year). Good luck with your attempt to use stash up. I keep vowing I will use up most of my stash before I buy more but then my inner magpie emerges and before I know I'm adding even more :) Happy WOYWW and Happy Holidays too. Elizabeth x #46

  15. what a great desk love those stamped images and borders frames . Good luck with using up your stash. Thanks for visiting and best wishes fro christmas and the new year to you x Andrea x #6
    ps hope you enjoy the goodies from your sister and the pen sounds and looks fab !

  16. Love your little creative papers and what nots. Very inspiring. :)

  17. Hey Nikki, look at you #5 this week! Thanks for getting me started on this WOYWW journey...I love it! That is one cute little bird image you have colored. Thanks for stopping by my's taking all my willpower not to dig in to all that chocolate on my desk! Have a very Merry Christmas & a happy, healthy & crafty 2013!
    Hugs, Renee

  18. Lovely image. I have the same problem, I colour way more than I can ever use. LOL Luckily my grandies love to play in my craftroom and they think they are ever so smart when they can use an image ouma coloured 'especially for them'.
    Happy WOYWW and a blessed Christmas to you.
    Tertia #15

  19. Love the snowflake border there! So pretty and a great way of using up your stash. I have made a vow to use up what I have before buying more. We shall see how long that lasts, eh? I can't resist a fabric shop...sigh....
    Sending hugs and best wishes for a wonderful Christmas!
    LLJ #25 xx

  20. The little image at the front is just so cute and so is the Santa one at the back. I love the idea of a pen that lights up! I guess, being in Canada that you may have a lovely white Christmas.... I hope that you have a happy one and all the very best for a healthy and happy New Year too! Hugs, Anne x #20

  21. Very creative desk! A little late getting around but just stopping by to say I hope you have a wonderful holiday! Blessings to you and your family in the coming year. Vickie #100

  22. A very productive looking desk i hope you get everything done in time
    have a great Christmas
    janet #21

  23. Hi Nicki

    I know I’ve not joined in with WOYWW just recently but I’ll be back in the new year for sure.

    I just wanted to pop by to say thanks for all the fun and inspiration you’ve shared over the last year and to wish you and yours a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year.



Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
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