
Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Well with Christmas, Winter Wedding, Working & New Years there hasn't been much time for crafting my space has just been tied up and I craft in a really tiny little space so for me space saving and being neat is what works for me
So over the time I did have with my stash adding new things in and removing those stamps I no longer use or have duplicates of I'll be selling some off really cheap in some sets to make it a better deal. I thought I'd show off my tiny space witch is the bottom 2 feet of my closet in our bedroom.
This is a picture of the full space I have

A Few Close ups of my area Stamps are stored in 2 binders and sorted by clear and rubber and then by companies and holidays.

Over on this side I have markers, Ribbons in those two clear tubs all my 12 by 12 sheets,
my mini boxes filled with pre-made die cuts, metal die cuts charms, glitter glue, scraps, stickers, precoloured images I've done, all my little stuff.

A little peak inside some of my black boxes on the shelves One is all my inks and yep they
have little boxes to keep them all upright and easy to grab and pull out .

This box holds my brads all sorted into little baggies and by companies too
hidden underneath are my H2O paints and Luminarte paint and all my Bling
and 90% of all my flowers in the little black box. I don't really use them that much
and refuse to buy any more till these have been cleaned out plus I gave alot away
from when I moved.

Oh My Embossing Powder Box ... and some re inkers and misters
I love embossing my sister and I shared some of our colours and that
way your not left with so much a little goes such a long way !!!

This is my catch all box and it does exactly that it changes all the time
right now double sided tapes, die cuts couple other odds and ends
YAWN the boring box lol

This is my space as of 5 min ago nothing at all to show just my baby wipes from cleaning up my stamps so I guess I'll get creative in a few days  :) thanks for takin a peak thru my space
thank you for looking though my space and check out
everyone else's space over at Julia's blog
for WOYWW!!!
hugs Nikki


  1. Hi Nikki, well you certainly are very neat and tidy! I wish I could be as organised as you. Happy New Year and Happy WOYWW, Anne x #7

  2. Lol! Start as you mean to go on, they say, and you have the right idea! So organised. Not so me. But today, no crafting, all cleaning. Not fun, but def. required. Have a great woyww and Happy New Year

    MA (5)

  3. Very nice organization. I started out the same way with my crafting stuff 40 years ago and as money came and space increased I kept buying...mistake. I don't use half of what I have now and have thought about downsizing for a while but...I like my toys. You have the right idea...Hope you have a Happy New Year and I look forward to seeing your posts in 2013! Vickie #17

  4. wow!! this is an art space to die for!! i have serious desk/cupboard/materials envy!!!
    you lucky girl ;o)
    wishing you all good things in 2013 and happy WOYWW :o)
    no. 14

  5. wow, you are super-organised! I guess you have to be, but that is fab! good luck offloading your surplus. happy new year. helen, 4

  6. Amazingly organised. Wishing you a lovely 2013.

  7. Oh boy, I can remember having that amoount of space to store and craft in and amazingly, I think I got more done back then!! You are obviously very organised. Happy new Year Annette #23

  8. Just popping in to say Hi. Hope the coming year is a good, creative and blessed one for you! Your space is really organised!
    Neil #36

  9. I could never ever have such a tidy space, how to achieve such a miracle ??
    Silvia WOYWW#40

  10. Well. Nikki colour me impressed. Economic we have a similar amount of stuff, but yours is so well organised and corralled that mine looks way more and way, way less tidy! Such a good discipline. Lack of room may well be a driving force that I need! Am a bit distressed that we might have missed a winter wedding - yours? Please show and tell!!

  11. Ooh nice and tidy space. I too have been tidying my space (must be that time of year).
    Kyla #10

  12. Congratulations on the organisation. Everything is so easy to find which is my biggest problem. Winter Wedding? Tracey ±48

  13. To have such a tiny space you have to be the orginization queen!

  14. Oh Nikki, I'm so glad to see that it's not just me who doesn't have an enormous room the size of a double garage dedicated to crafting space. I have an old fold-down front type bureau writing desk, although I admit it is stuffed to the max. There are a few more bits stuffed into a box in the dining-room sideboard, but I have to keep it in a small space. Your's looks very organised. I also colour code my embellies and have a colour coded organiser folder to keep my half-used papers. And like you I have the 'boring stuff' in a box which is kept out of sight!! LOL.

    Hope you had a lovely New Year.

  15. Oh what a very organised person you are! My craft space usually looks a mess! Its nice to see another big red Sizzix machine - I've had one for years and its just started to feel a bit neglected since I got the Vintaj machine for Christmas.
    Bernice #60

  16. Never realised your space was so tiny Nikki, you're really neat and tidy but I suppose it's best to keep it that way. Happy New Year to you.

    Brenda 73

  17. i love your organisation im a bit OCD and this is fab especially all those neat little bags im the same! I'm amazed how tidy it all is and realise how lucky I am to have a shared room( until recently I had the whole room until hubby moved in with is desk pc and bits . looking froward to seeing your creativity in 2013. happy new year Andrea #9

  18. I love how organized you are! It was really neat to see all your organization. all the little parts and pieces can be overwhelming with out organization (at least to me). I spy your copics! wow what a collection!

  19. I'll just repeat what the others have already said - you're so well organized! =) I'm sure you never lose your scissors on your desk, like I do... Have a happy WOYWW!
    /Zildara #102

  20. Yes I see why you need to stay organized! Nicely done too! New Year's greetings! Nan 78

  21. I love your crafty space...all cleaned up and organized. Look at you! :)

    Happy WOYWW!

  22. I love all your organization...Your tools and supplies are set up well! Thanks for sharing your space with us today!

  23. Nikki

    Your craft room is exceptionally tidy - I dare not post a picture of mine!

    Thank you for your support and comments during 2012, they are so very much appreciated and I would like to wish you a HAPPY, HEALTHY, PROSPEROUS AND CRAFTY NEW YEAR!

    I hope you have a great weekend.

    Take care


    Hazel xx

  24. Wow you may have a small space but your storage is amazing, you really have got everything so neat. I have the old sizzix, I use mine now for bottle caps, your the first that I have seen one. Happy Woyww :-) Kerry x


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
Check out Visit Limited Runs Stamps
Digital Stamps for those on a budget