
Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Well it's Wed but yet again where does the week go. My desk has got a few things on the go and blogger is still acting up but I figured out a way to upload with just a couple extra steps hassle but C'est La Vie. I did turn the page in my little creative book just because it's something for my DT and it's not done yet and it's a surprize and there are my lovely papers from I won at Clear it out challenge along with the rest of my 6 by 6 sheets all organized by my little formula. Yep and I am making christmas cards already and my scrap paper that I used to colour some flowers to Brown. So thanks for peeking at my floor space and check out everyone elses at Julia's blog and I have to start stamping all those stamps I'm no longer using and they will be up for sale shortly some are posted now with some other stash it's a slow work in progress.
thanks for peeking at my space
hugs Nikki


  1. Clever little idea book.
    Sandra @16

  2. Lots of fun colourful things going on today ! Have a fun crafty week with them ! Ali x #8

  3. Looks like organized fun. Happy WOYWW #13 today. Enjoy;

  4. Lovely papers that you have won!
    Happy WOYWW!
    Tuire #5

  5. love the book, and the box actually - i'm in an organizing-kinda mood...
    Happy WOYWW and have a great week :)
    no. 2

  6. Love the book! Sorry you're having problems with blogger... have a good day
    Helen, 10

  7. great looking little book. I have been having problems with blogger this week too. I wish there was a better alternative but all of the blogs seem to have the same issues. Have a great week. Vickie #43

  8. what a lovely little book. blogger keeps messing me about too but works okay in windows live writter if that helps

    Happy WOYWW Mrs.C #46 {i think?!}

  9. My word! you are busy and you are so well organised with lots going on... lots of love Jo x No14

  10. I love the iomage of the mouse that's resting on your sizzix, beautiful colouring. Selling stuff is a labour intensive process I know, but so worth it - as long as you're 'over' what ever sells!

  11. Excellent to see this workdesk an so nice to meet you !
    Have a good and creative rest of the week!

    Invitation to take part on:

  12. What a gorgeous book, so colourful and pretty! Happy WOYWW! Karen 90 x

  13. Like the paper pad you have there, lovely book as well.

  14. Love the idea book but CHRISTMAS CARDS?! Really? I am in awe or your preparedness :)

    Happy WOYWW
    MA (1)

  15. You have some lovely papers and nice colourful things going on there.

  16. I keep my Memory Box 6x6 papers in a container similar to yours, perhaps I should do the same with my other packs too! Nothing wrong with Christmas cards whilst the weather is still cold I say!

    Brenda 106.

  17. I love that you are organised enough to have your 6 x 6 papers sorted like that but methinks I might need a few of those boxes. :( Your mini book looks lovely too, hope the stamp selling goes well, I should do that as well!! Annette #3

  18. Your 6x6 organization looks inspiring, I really need to do something with mine too! ♥ waving hi from the soggy laden hills of North Carolina ☺

  19. Thanks for sharing, love your little ideas book :)

    Becky #147

  20. Christmas cards already! so wish i could be that organised but will no doubt start mine in December as always !! Hugs Pam x

  21. Organized and pretty - my two favorites, lol!!! Have fun!

    Jeannie #47

  22. I am so impressed that you've already started your Christmas cards. I like to wait until the last minute and experience the rush of 'stress'. :-) And the mouse is adorable.
    April #141

  23. Love that picture in your journal - is it a card in progress or what?
    You are so organised, making me think I need to get going too.
    Thanks for visiting me - Hugs, Neet 7 xx

  24. Great looking journal pages! Love the mouse riding a fire cracker? :D Happy WOYWW! Nan 113

  25. Love the book,and the way you store things. Saves so much time looking for that one thing you need but can never find.
    Nelle #152

  26. Love the idea of filing you 6X6 paper. May have to try that someday when I finish the studio in the basement.

    Sorry I am a day late. Fighting the nasty flu.
    Lori #84

  27. So much creativity. Just stopped by to say hello. #99

  28. Love your book and how organised your space is - I have not shared my desk this week as am busy looking after my friends cattery but am enjoying looking at everyone else craftiness - Have a great week

  29. What a lovely book and those papers you have won are gorgeous! Have a good week xx #126

  30. Hi Nikki, congratulations on the Clear It Out challenge, lovely paper - however, it seems to me that you now have even more paper to clear out :))

    The book is gorgeous. Elizabeth x #52


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
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