
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

WOYWW + Candy

Well this week I have no desk/floor to show the place has a realotors walk thru tommorrow and what's the point of pulling out some stash then having to put it away again tucked under here and neatly put away in boxes so I'll share a card I've made and also a Satuated Canary digi I've coloured all up may it help those who love to know how or what colours where . You can see all my boxes neatly put away I have to hide those few cards I finished when I could and my soft blanket that I sit on the floor with hiding my papers Oh and those envelopes you see are some candy to be won  on my blog ends April 5th I was going to have it as followers candy but seems kinda silly to do now with google stopping the followers so for those that want to join in add a link to it on your sidebar and follow if you can on blog lovin or google if you like :) Check out the other desks at Julia's

This is all done with Touch Twin Markers I've used the very few brush markers I own and worked with the limited colours. They don't sell brush markers in Canada yet I won these from playing a challenge long time ago. I'm breaking down and buying a few prismacolors when I can afford them. Love the brush on them and they have some really pretty colours to work with.
if you have any questions about it ask away
Skin tone = R 131,YR 133
Touch markers can be overlayed over each other like watercolours getting
darker shades with only one marker.

So here's my card that I just finished up
Simon Says - Choose a Sketch #2
Stamp and Create - Feather or Fur
Recipe Digi=Limited Runs - Owl Theo,Papers from Stash and Bling

Thanks for looking hugs Nikki


  1. So cute! Your coloring is FAB! :) Thank you for participating in our "Choose A Sketch" challenge over at the Simon Says Stamp challenge blog this week! xo

  2. I agree lovin the coloring of your stamped images, those images are just so cute.....
    Hope you have a great crafting week...

    Maria #9

  3. Happy woyww, lovely cards , jill #15

  4. Like your owl card the markers work well
    Jackie 17

  5. I love the colours you have used on the girl image she is really pretty and the colouring is first class. Mr Owl looks like he is looking for a mate, great job on both I love them
    Wishing you a Happy WOYWW

  6. Very neat and tidy but great colouring,

    Rebecca #57

  7. so sad having all your stuff in the boxes, at least you are still creating, great colouring.

    Happy WOYWW
    Eliza 24

    Congrats on being no 1 this week

  8. I couldn't agree more - if you have to put it away before the muse has exhausted itself, it's not worth getting it all out - coz a few bits leads to an avalanche! I just knew that you'd be a skilled colourer (argh, more bad words!)..your SC image is fantastic.

  9. Your girl is beautifully coloured! Markers are great, I love using my copic markers! Happy WOYWW.
    Janene #39

  10. Hi Nikki, I can't think of anything more frustrating than having to box and hide away stash - hope the sale goes through quickly so that you can get back to doing what you do so well - the owl card is terrific and your colouring of the girl image is very good, especially her massive eyes. Have a happy WOYWW, Elizabeth x #55

  11. Oh how adorable love your coloring.. I so love owls and yours is just so so cute..
    Sandy #9

  12. Lovely colours, but what a pain having to tidy it all away!

    Happy woyww

    debs #85

  13. Congrats on being No1. Cute cards. Frncesca #107

  14. Fab coloring and such a cute owl! Happy WOYWW! Nan #3

  15. Oh i feel so badly for you having to hide it all away! Hope you get all moved and unpacked quickly! Love the owl, kinda like a little kid saying "I don't know"

  16. good luck with your move. I think a move is in my future too due to having to downsize

    love your artistic work

  17. Nice colouring.. what's this about Google stopping blog followers?!

    Ali #88

  18. Gorgeous colouring :)
    Have a great week
    Happy WOYWW Heather#133

  19. Lovely card and colouring!

    StampinBoots x #144

  20. Beautiful coloring and that owl is just too cute. Good luck with the home sell. #110

  21. So cute! Thank you so much for joining us at Stamp and Create this month! Good luck and I hope to see you back next month for a new challenge!
    Rene :D

  22. They don't sell brush markers in Canada, oh the horror! great job coloring! Happy WOYWW Lindsay #95


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
Check out Visit Limited Runs Stamps
Digital Stamps for those on a budget