
Wednesday, April 24, 2013


So here's my floor this week My kitty ever so vigilant sitting on my paper that I plan on using so I guess he wants to be petted, Yet again and again and again SPOILED BRAT lol
Oh Yes I'm still trying to make a few Christmas cards, it's a full time hobby lol but all they are parts of set of 4 mini ones playing around with the layouts. I have a bunch of images all coloured up and ready to be made into cards ... forcing myself to start using them up lol. Little felt owl I'm surprised he hasn't been snagged yet my Kitty. I've Posted the finished card here.
Well it seems I am still the proud owner of an envelope filled with CANDY for some lucky person so I thought why not offer it up yet again and include all those friends of mine from WOYWW If you want to go for a peak around every one's desk this is the place to see how everyone Else's space looks like. It's so much fun to spy every one's desk. So leave a comment on this post and one lucky winner will win a package full of goodies I'll leave it posted for 2 weeks just to let some of my sweet followers and friends enter as a thank you too it would be fab if you could be a follower too :) WILL SEND WORLDWIDE!!!
Rules  Ends MAY 7th DUH !!!
Leave a comment to enter.
Post on sidebar for 2nd entry
Follow me for a 3rd entry (would love that)
Thanks for visiting me and I'll be around to everyones desk that leaves me a message
hugs Nikki & Good Luck !!


  1. Now that is a cute kitty ...amazing how they always know what to sit on. Good luck with the card making.
    Sandra @13

  2. look at his expression!! he's such a lovely one!! and thanks for the candy!!


  3. As one cat owner to another, I'll let you in on a little secret. He has you wrapped around his paw.

    BTW, I'm still making Easter cards. Christmas is but a distant dream (bad one, too!)

  4. molly cat always sits on the bit i want to work with next - they seem to know, don't they?
    i'll pop over to see your finished card and your candy post...
    happy WOYWW and have a great week :)
    no. 1 - can't believe it!!

  5. Hi, Nikki!
    Thanks for sharing this candy, your cat is really cute...
    Ardilla :)

  6. I am a follower of yours... :)

  7. What lovely goodies!, and your puss!!Don't they just know how to meow, and sit right on your work until they get the attention they think they deserve.

  8. I think your cat would sit on your desk too if you worked on one! They love to do that to get attention! Nice collection of cards you have there. Belinda Basson (Bella) #19

  9. What a cute paper weight you have there Nikki! You look ready to get crafting already. I still use my sizzix too. They are fast becoming an antique. I love the action of pulling down the handle - I think it reminds me of the old one armed bandits at the seaside arcades! Happy WOYWW to you from Helen 33

  10. Hi Nikki - I can't believe your cat will sit there and let you make cards without trashing your stash! Thanks for the chance to win this Candy bundle ... I'm already a follower and I've just posted a pic in my sidebar with a link to you.
    Good luck to everyone!
    Helen x

  11. Your kitty is so cute)))
    Thank you for the chance to win your candy.

  12. I am your follower and thank you once again!

  13. Hi there, cute kitty, they sure know how to get your attention!
    Hope you have a good week.
    Neil #27

  14. Very cute kitty and I am duly impressed that you are already making C cards.
    Happy WOYWW!
    Tertia #17

  15. Awww... cute kitty! And thank you for the chance to win :)

  16. What a beautiful cat! Love the bag of pens you have on your desk. The colour's look great. Jules No 48

  17. hi, Nikki, thanks for visiting and inviting me to join your giveaway. your kitty is a beauty! and i would love to have our kitty want to be petted. she likes to be in the middle of everything but doesn't like to be petted. she would rather have rough play or hide and seek. i love your bag of pens!

  18. I love the way cats try to help ...several of mine love to type messages in 'Feline' too.xx58

  19. Ah Nikki, cats and attention - no different from children, frankly. Miss Dunnit used to make a beeline for kitchen drawers and anything in them that was generally off limits if I was on the phone and she didn't want me to be!! I love that you're so diligent about Christmas cards..put me to shame, for sure.

  20. Hi Nikki, what a cute cat and he lets you work too. #75

  21. Love your kitty, such a cute face.
    Just become your latest follower - thanks for the opportunity to win your candy.
    Hugs, Neet (tired because I have been up ages as mojo came back with a vengeance) 4 xx

  22. Lovely to see your cat helping.
    Karen #64

  23. Hi Nikki
    I love that your cat is looking for attention while you are trying to craft. One of my dogs is always looking for attention just when I am about to craft.
    Well done on getting some more Christmas cards made you are putting me to shame.
    Happy WOYWW and thank you for sharing your desk
    Ria #60

  24. Gorgeous kitty! :) A friend of mine is working on her Christmas cards in a inspiring. I really need to start some so they will be ready to mail on time! lol! Happy Wednesday!

  25. Those eyes... come on Mum - I neeeed you to stroke me!
    Happy Wednesday
    (not posted my desk this week so don't have a number)

  26. Your watch cat is doing a great job there I see! Mine would never just sit there, she would know every last thing off the desk. Wow, Christmas cards, I can't wrap my head aroudn it, I should do that same thing, but alas, I am always behind. Thanks for the chance to win! Winnie#73

  27. Loving the cute kitty
    What a lot of lovely pens you have for colouring
    Jackie 15

  28. Hi Nikki,

    It looks like your cat is waiting for you at your desk! He looks quite talented, in a reserved sort of way.

    It's never too early for Christmas cards. I didn't send any out last year and hope to rectify that this year!

    Thanks for the chance to win your candy!! And thanks for stopping by already!

    Happy WOYWW
    Kay (14)

  29. I sure miss having a kitty sitting on my paper. Yours is so cute!

    I love all those Copics. I only have 37 so far, but it's becoming an obsession, so I know I'll get more!

    Kathi #105

  30. Your cat sounds a bit like my Delilah (dog), always wanting attention LOL. They make great companions though. Give her/him a rub for me. Thanks for the chance to win candy. Easy rules since I already follow, always post your stuff in my sidebar and generally comment anyway. :)
    CDAC DT Member
    A Look Through My Eyes

  31. Hi Nikki <3

    Thought Id see how my luck is xx

  32. What a beautiful pussycat! He's awesome. Lots of interesting things to see too. Have a great week, Hugs Shaz #114

  33. What a sweet kitty! Makes me miss mine :(
    Thanks for showing your work space - I just posted my first link on WOYWW :)
    Cheers, Jana (121)

  34. Love your colouring, very pretty. Would love to be added to the candy draw. Happy WOYWW. Karen 129 x

  35. Love all the colored images! They are going to make awesome cards! Hope you have a great week and thanks for sharing. I forgot it was even Wednesday until 11:50pm CDT! so I am a little late getting around. OMG! Memory issues again. Oh well better late then never. Vickie #145

  36. Hey Nikki I am new to your blog but I am already hooked maybe one day I can be at your level of crafting,bless you and thanks for sharing your work. Dorothy x

  37. Kittens are so demanding but so lovable, I love to hear them purr when you pet them. check out your stash of copics?
    Bridget #38

  38. Oh look at all the goodies! Such a nice kitty. Happy WOYWW! Nan G #98

  39. Thanks for the chance to win your goodies. You are such talented lady Nikki and I love to see all you have shown here in your blog. I visit your blog every time you post, just dosn´t have time to come comment. Lot of inspiration to you and I will visit you soon again ;)


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
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