
Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Well here's what's going on my floor desk today. Started making a couple matching Xmas Cards little set of 6 I just checked on my stash the other day ... I'm behind Yikes and I need to make some fun little sets up to try my luck and sell some. 
I have some fun new stash for sale Check out Here
 My Sister who has a small store as her craft room sent me some stash let's just say she doubled my paper in one shipment and couldn't believe that I lived off so little lol but I do make her all her BD cards and thank you cards seeing she loves to makes mini albums which really are stunning she puts so much time and effort into each one I'm always surprized at them. So just to help her out with her out and that way I never go to crazy with to many lying around it's a fair trade.
Here's my full stash of 12" Pads This is including what she sent me so many new choices WOW!!!

Winner of my ATC IS ....
 Kay AKA 505whimsygirl Please email your address
and I'll pop it in the post for you
And Please check out what I have for sale I'll be adding more in shortly
New Spellbinders and Talking Tags !!! (At the top of my blog)

Thanks for looking and check out the rest of the desk at Julia's


  1. Your stack of cardstock makes me drool. :^) patsy

  2. Love your die folder such a great idea, Christmas card making already love it...

    Have a wonderful week crafting.

    Maria in Oz #17

  3. Your organised making Christmas cards already !!!
    I. See your clear stamps are organised as well live the little tag hanging off the folder
    Jackie 13

  4. I can not believe you can do so much with so little! You are uber creative! I am quite ashamed to admit how much paper I have.Happy WOYWW!
    Tertia #26

  5. Great cards. I find they go faster if I do sets. #34

  6. Hi Nikki! Ugh did you have to remind me of Xmas lol, I am still trying to recover from last year! But I guess it is time to think of cards if you are making them. I really like your card and the stitching around it is very effective..beautiful. and what a tidy desk compared to mine!! Happy WOYWW.
    Janene #8

  7. Wow Christmas cards already..nooooo. love the designs though
    Bridget #28

  8. oh my, can't get my head around xmas, when the spring hasn't even arrived yet! mind you, very classy, elegant cards, nikki, and such an organized desk!
    have a happy WOYWW and a great week :)
    i overslept, so no 21 this week.

  9. Can't believe you're doing Christmas cards already! I feel very disorganised :)

    Love the selection of dies in your first picture!

    Anda #43

  10. what pretty christmas cards lovely colours. It is so good when you have someone that you can share your crafting and crafting stash with.
    Have a great WOYWW today and enjoy the rest of your week
    Ria #40

  11. Christmas cards?? golly! Love the desk, though, pretty paper. Helen, 12

  12. No I haven't started Xmas yet...what month is it??! Have a great week. HaPpY WoYwW! ((Lyn)) # now 49!

  13. Hi there. How nice to have a look into your world this week.

    Neil #10

  14. Looks like plenty of stash to me and thanks for visiting me already BJ#1

  15. Looks like a pretty good stash to me, I have not done any christmas cards in a few months and I promised myself I would do them all year. Must get onto that, I even got some paper on sale the other day too.

    Happy WOYWW
    Eliza 46

  16. LOL! So many of us move to the floor when space o the desk is tight. Quite a stash you have there.

    Happy WOYWW

    MA (4)

  17. Love those die shapes! Lots of fun goodies. :) Happy Wednesday.

  18. Love the copics and the cards. I really should consider starting my Christmas cards earlier than October. They are never done soon enough.

    Hope you get a chance to check out my desk.
    Lori #103

  19. wow you are lucky what a great load of candy

    Gill x 107

  20. Your cards are so pretty! Love the new paper, and look at all those beautiful markers! Happy WOYWW, Kathi #109

  21. I am amazed you are making Christmas Cards, no chance of that happening here yet!
    Karen #61

  22. You are good making Christmas cards already..I am sweating that I don't have my Mother's Day Cards all done yet! Your cards are very elegant. Love the background. I am loving your die storage on your desk, very neat! Winnie#76

  23. Nikki, I want to come over and play and I will bring stash too!!
    Your post was fun!!Happy WOYWW! Ginny #91

  24. Hope you have great fun with your new stash ! Ali #129

  25. Wow you are so tidy...I am so impressed.
    Best wishes Lea
    aka Brawny

  26. Lovely cards and wonderful die storage! Happy WOYWW #15

  27. Wow...Nikki, you are making Christmas card already. Love your stash and neat work space. Looks cool ^_^

  28. What a great idea and so organised to be making Christmas cards already. Love your stash, thanks for sharing it with us all.


  29. Nikki, you are a far better crafter than I--Christmas cards, wow!

    #150 this week

  30. Hi Nikki,

    Yay!!!! I'm so excited to win your ATC! I'll email you soon.

    How lucky to have a package arrive from your sister with loads of goodness! I love seeing packages (and envelopes) waiting for me when I get home from work.

    Again, I'm so excited about the win!!!

    Happy WOYWW
    Kay (14)

  31. Christmas! I don't even want to start thinking of that yet. I'll do Christmas in July with my classes that's soon enough. Your card is looking good! Finally getting do my woyww snooping. WOYWWer #3. Nan G


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
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