
Tuesday, July 16, 2013


You know I thought I'd be off the ground but things are moving slower then we hoped quicker in some areas but slower in other. Cleaning has taken over at the moment, along with painting and moving boxes and emptying our locker, My calves are burning from the amount of stuff we carried up the stairs we managed to be moved out of our apartment in 4 hours driving back and forth to get everything so my stash is still in boxes and right now it's on my sunroom floor plus we've hit a Heat wave !!! UGG !!! our attic is our own personal SAUNA ... not that I'd want to be in one today lol
So this was taken earlier today when it was sunny out we just finished bringing back 2 loads of stuff from the locker still more to go and ate something and sat down to relax
So check out everyone else's space at Julia's and have a Happy WOYWW :)
So here's my Space Just shoved in there quickly all I've used is a pair of scissors and a marker :( I miss them lol but they aren't going anywhere
I'll pop around shortly to visit you all
P.S I still have candy running here till Aug 2nd !!
hugs Nikki


  1. I was planning to go to bed, then saw your post come up on Julia's blog. I'm glad to see you have moved and hope the sorting and unpacking goes well. I'd offer to help, but you would be all settled in by the time I got there (grin). Happy WOYWW from #2.

  2. Oh my heart goes out to you having to move and unpack in the heat not good combination. Take it easy, re hydrate and take it one box at a time. Remember the fun to be had in discovering your art supplies that are in one of many boxes.

    Happy WOYWW Eliza 26

  3. Hoping the rest of your move and settling in goes easy and you are back crafting and enjoying your new space in no time. Looking forward to seeing What's on your work-desk in future weeks.
    Danie WOYWW #34

  4. ACK !!! I hate moving !!! Just think though when it's all sorted... it will be wonderful and you can look back and chuckle !!! :-D
    Well .... thinking positive for you anyways !!! :-D

    Happy WOYWW

    IKE x # 33

  5. Moving is the worst. We moved in July 2 yrs ago. Moving in the heat makes it that much worse. My oldest son was actually moving into his new apartment today. I bet you'll be excited to get your craft stuff out and put away. Have a great week. (((HUGS)))
    WOYWW #3

  6. Hope the unpacking and sorting goes well and you can get your craft room up and running soon - and that the heat abates for you (and us too, please!!) Have a good day. Helen 19

  7. Sounds like a busy time Nikki, take good care hun, and hope you move gets complete real quick hun xxx

  8. You must be getting exhausted! Burning calves - sounds really painful! Hope it all goes smoothly and you soon feel really settled in. Julie Ann x #45

  9. You're over half way there - and unpacking is much nicer than packing...
    Happy Wednesday

  10. I see you are well on your way. Good luck getting everything organized and remenber to drink lots!
    Happy WOYWW and I wish you a lovely week.
    Monique # 70

  11. Hi Nikki
    I am sure you will soon be unpacked and crafting away with the rest of us just take your time
    have a great day enjoy the rest of your week
    Ria #75

  12. Poor you! Hard labour on a hot day is disgusting. It is very hot here too...
    Thank you for your visit and leaving a kind comment
    Gabriele 23

  13. As painful as moving is - it is a great opportunity to reorganize. :-) I can't wait to see your room once it is all put together.

  14. Moving is always such a task, but doing it in the heat makes everything so much heavier...LOL
    Hang in there GF, it will all be over and arranged before ya know it!
    Krisha #5

  15. Hope the move goes well for you, we are doing the big move in the summer holidays, not looking forward to it, thanks for the snoop

    Happy WOYWW
    Jay NO.65

  16. Hi Nikki, glad you've moved house, even if it is in the middle of a heat wave and you can't do any crafting. It all takes time, especially unpacking :) I wish you health and happiness in your new home. Hope you've had an enjoyable day and have a great week. Elizabeth x #47

  17. Moving can be a terrible thing that turns into a very good thing. Just take it easy and try not to over do!
    Glenda #82

  18. yikes... moving is hard enough but to do so in a heat wave that's really bad... sorry!



  19. Oh dear what a job in the heat. Hope it's all done quickly and you can give those calves a rest. Happy Wednesday ... better late than never :o)
    Sue x (MiniOwner@96)


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
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