
Tuesday, July 9, 2013


We are a POWER hungry society now a days dependant upon our phones and laptops and everything else electronic. We've been hit by massive rain here in Toronto and YES Cars can FLOAT lol We've lost power twice and it's not that bad more concerned about our food then anything else but it has been nice and everywhere that cooks food insanely busy!!
So I should have packed all my stash away .... but I haven't yet will do that tommorrow lol
here's my space nice arial shot for you. My scrap paper box, with coloured images, an ATC I'm working on for a Blog Swap that will be happening at the last week in August ... (hint hint) I know the theme is ATC ... and It will be at INCY WINCY shhh I never told you lol
Also I'm giving away 5 free digi's this month at my little store "Limited Runs" Ends Aug 2nd
So I'm gonna go surf your desks and enjoy the fact that I can now seeing we have power again YAH!!!
and this Friday I move so I'll try my desk to pop in and check out your spaces
hugs Nikki


  1. Hi Nikki, What a neat, organized crafter, stamper you are!!!
    Krisha #5

  2. Really like your crafting stash. Happy crafting #7

  3. I truly don't envy your move. It can be really tedious and time consuming. I hope it's smooth for you. And of course, I hope it's not raining when you move. that's the worst case scenario.

    Thanks for dropping by already. Happy WOYWW from #2.

  4. Even cramped into a corner your stash looks good. Hope the Rain lets up for you soon
    Happy WOYWW

  5. ah Nikki sounds very busy in amongst power shortages... love your crafty space.
    Thanks for sharing and happy WOYWW Shaz in Oz.x #35

  6. Yes, we are so dependant on technology - hope you still have power as I write this!! Love your desk, have a good play.. Helen 17

  7. fingers crossed, we haven't had any power cuts so far this year... really throws us, doesn't it??
    great desk shot, btw!
    happy WOYWW and have a fun week :)
    no. 31

  8. Glad the power came back and really hope the rain stops to give things a chance to get back on an even keel. Good Luck with the move... hadn't you better start packing? LOL Happy WOYWW from Annette #7

  9. Hooray for power! Love your desk today, looks very organised. #62

  10. Lots and lots of luck with the move! By the sound of the weather you've been having it sounds as if you need to re-locate to an ark! The desk looks great from the air, by the way! Hope you can soon get organized again in the new home. Julie Ann #55

  11. I have seen pictures and footage. Of the rain in Toronto it looks really bad I hope you're okay I have friends who live out there
    Jackie 15

  12. Hi there.
    Just popping my head around the door to say hi as I haven't been around for a while.
    Hope you have a great week.
    Neil #39

  13. all looking good on your desk! ...ohhhh all those markers on the side look very yummy :)
    I hope the rain stops soon, so you'll have a dry move :)
    happy woyww,
    Jana #76

  14. Wow I cant imagine not having power, I would be lost. Hope you have some stability in the electric area.
    Bridget #1

  15. Trust you soon have some dry weather, and you manage to get all sorted.
    Margaret #66

  16. You're going to be crafting in the back of the truck at this rate! Two more thunderstorms here yesterday for us too, lots more rain, at least the grass is green this year and the farmers shouldn't be complaining!

    Brenda 3

  17. ACK !!! Powercuts - tell me about it. !!! They do it all the time on our little island here in Greece. !! Half the time I think it's coz they can't afford to pay for the electricity supply coming IN !! :-(
    Hope everything goes OK for you .

    Happy WOYWW

    IKE x #94

  18. Great work space xx Jan (102)

  19. Got all confused about your title and then it hit me, I was looking at your floor...=) Your floor looks lovely and crafty =).
    Happy WOYWW and I wish you a wonderful week.
    xx Monique #106

  20. YOu know right, that if I lived in Toronto I'd be helping you exciting!! Gah, the rain sounds horrid..loss of power sure helps you re-set your needs huh!

  21. Love the view of your desk! Good Luck with your move and hope that it has stopped raining by then! Chris 96

  22. I like that view of your desk. what a great collection of markers. I wish we could see more of your art. :-) April #107

  23. ohhh sorry to hear about the power outage! It's been pretty bad here too but we didn't even have all that rain... so I have no clue as to why MTL is being affected... Love the ATC in the making.



  24. Hope your power stays on for you. Great desk pic. Take care Zo xx 65


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
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