
Tuesday, August 13, 2013


What's on My Work desk ahh it's so nice to say that again. I do miss the floor in the fact that everything can go around you but this is just as nice too and I do sit up straighter not so hunched over something :) So today I'm working on those never ending Christmas cards and a couple Halloween tags for one of my nieces BD she's an Oct baby so it's fun to make Halloweenish stuff for her. Up top on my crate is my Xmas tag box it's filling up nicely too

You can see I haven't really rearranged it much from last week it's still a work in progress but I'm thinking SHELVES LOL but I don't think the other half wants to see that he thinks it will be a reason to get more stuff .. it might it might not .. ah who are we kidding.
I resorted thru my paper to try and see what I own and usually that leads me somewhere to create something. Now I store my Inks upside down all of them someone told me that and it's become a habit but is it really necessary
when I can
hugs Nikki


  1. It's good that you once again have a REAL desk. I like the view, too. Those photo type boxes look really handy for holding all your stash which I see you have labeled, too. Happy WOYWW from #???.

  2. Another fun collection of crafting goodies. Happy crafting#2

  3. Hi Nikki,

    Yikes - I hate to admit this but I haven't mailed your surprise yet..... I've just been dealing with some stuff AND not having my act together, at all.

    I finally joined in WOYWW; i think this is the first time in maybe two months....

    Happy WOYWW
    Kay (23)

  4. My goodness Christmas Cards, I promised myself I would get ahead this year and I stopped making them in February. I have also promised myself at least 1 a month so I have 7 months to catch up on, yep add a few more in for tardyness.

    Great desk and thanks for sharing.

    Happy WOYWW
    Eliza & Yoda 14

  5. Oh..Halloween, such a fun time and Christmas..just not ready for that. I'm just happy to be back blogging and having some time to be crafty. Weather here is perfect, Sunny and 70's so have been taking advantage, as soon it will end. Thanks for your visits and kind words. #30 this week. Enjoy

  6. I know just what you mean about being all hunched up when you're working on the floor (or in my case sat at my pc too) and I would love room for a desk!! Love your space. Helen 21

  7. Ooh, I'm loving (envying???) that desk! It's looking great. I always end up making something new when I sort too!!! Happy WOYWW! Julie Ann xx #39

  8. Nikki, i love your workspace, hun, and your tag box is filling up nicely, you will need another one soon...hope you get your shelves, I am working on a Halloween project at the minute too, but it is a DT project for a few weeks time, also managed a couple of xmas cards this week...xxxx

  9. Your desk is looking really good Nikki and it will certainly be a lot better for your back. I too am making a good start of the Christmas card stack and am discovering reading other WOYWW blogs there are a few more challenges to help inspire me. Cheers RobynO#48

  10. I feel better knowing you are sat at a desk... it makes my back ache and neck crick just contemplating working on the floor and the room is getting organised and stash sorted too.. Annette #9

  11. Hey, a real desk! That looks great =). I think it's great that you are so organised to have your christmas stuff already going and organised in a box. I usualy start thinking about cards halfway december and then get into a frenzy about it....I might have to rethink that...

    Back from my holidays wishing you happy WOYWW and a lovely week.
    xx Monique #97

  12. Hi Nikki
    I think you have started making the desk yours now it looks all set up for crafting on. Some lovely stuff on show
    Enjoy WOYWW today and have a great week
    Hugs Ria #43

  13. Eeeek !!! Not Christmas already ?!!!! LoL

    Your stash for sale looks really cool but I couldn't enlarge the photographs to get a good nosey. I have sent you an email :-D

    Happy WOYWW

    IKE xx #99

  14. That looks like a very busy room! Good job on the C cards. I have been stepping up the run on those too lately, but that could just be cos I had a fabby new die recently!
    xx 50

  15. A lovely desk, you look very organised.

    Happy WOYWW. Susi #105

  16. Someone else getting started with the Xmas projects, I don't feel as weird now! Hugs. Pam#33

  17. Xmas projects already!!!?? It comes around so quickly. Great desk. Thanks for sharing and happy woyww Liz@119

  18. So nice to see your desk Nikki and good to see you are still working away at it keeps reminding me to Have a great week! Danie (a very late #133)

  19. Every week I read your post about Christmas and think ya, it's time and then I read it today and am still thinking it's time to start. LOL Years ago I heard the same thing about ink pads and have stored them upside down since. I have some that are well over 15 yrs old and some are still good. It keeps the ink at the top of the pad, or so they say.
    Krisha #115

  20. Hi Nikki - a girl can never have too many shelves... and stuff on them LOL Have a great week - Happy WOYWW Mxx #70

  21. Those boxes are really handy, I use similar ones to store my paint tubes in. So many blogs are starting on Christmas, eek, I don't want to think of it yet. Mind you, I find that I end up buying Christmas cards rather than painting them each year as I run out of time :)
    Have a great week.
    Von #13

  22. Hey Ms. Nikki, yes happy mail is always wonderful. Lord knows the bills overfloweth. Look at you dangling all those goodies out there. It takes every ounce of what little will power I have not to buy them all up. Hard to believe Christmas isn't far around the corner. The older I get the faster it seems to come around. It's nice you are getting all settled in your new space. Have an awesome week. (((HUGS)))
    WOYWW #6


  23. Thank you for your kind comments on my Blog, Sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you, What a crazy Week It's been! Lovely craftiness going on on your desk there!!

    -Tera #101

  24. Hi, Nikki! Thanks for the visit--I'm usually leisurely in my woyww visiting, too!

    See you tomorrow?



Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
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