
Tuesday, August 27, 2013


WoYWW check out all the action here at Julia's
Here's my Desk this week it's pretty tidy at the moment to the left are a couple new digi's I'm going to be adding into Limited Runs shortly Just a few more to finish before the new release so your getting a sneak peak at them. ** THE "C" card in the center lol that I'm working on I'm almost half way done for my list I make about 80+ different cards and I'm not there yet so I've got to get workin on those lots of them. My new stamps I was lucky to have won from WOJ, last week Love them they are going to make some pretty xmas cards up.
So I have some sugar free candy up for halloween too here till Sept 20th and You can win some Limited Runs Digi's here till Sept 5th Here
So thanks for taking a peek at my space and I'll pop around to as many blogs as I can !!
hugs Nikki


  1. I love that Halloween card on the left. It speaks to me. Happy WOYWW, even though I don't yet have a number. I love the layered look you achieved.

  2. Your cards are beautiful. Happy crafting #3

  3. Your cards are just awesome. They each seem to have their very own personalities. The colors are amazing!! GREAT job. If you didn't live so far away, I'd volunteer to help you with your 80+ cards. I'll be there in spirit! :D
    WOYWW #1

  4. Your cards are just awesome. They each seem to have their very own personalities. The colors are amazing!! GREAT job. If you didn't live so far away, I'd volunteer to help you with your 80+ cards. I'll be there in spirit! :D
    WOYWW #1

  5. Your coloring is amazing. Please do share the christmas card when you complete it. It looks so pretty.

    Have a blessed day!

  6. Great cards, Nikki!! Thanks for the visit already. Helen 23

  7. wow, they are all nice and its great when you win things.. but I have to say I totally LOVE the orange and black card!! Awesome!!!Thanks for the peek. Roberta #40

  8. Love the colour combo on that Halloween card! It looks great - all your cards do - the dreaded C word one too! Have a Happy WOYWW! Julie Ann xx #42

  9. Your colouring is really great love the holly wings one
    Jackie 39

  10. ahh, the C word...
    I refuse to utter it till Halloween's past! love your cards, tho!
    happy WOYWW and have a great week :)
    no. 38

  11. Love the Halloween card. Lucky you winning the WOJ stamps, they're gorgeous. Hugs. Pam#36

  12. Super Christmas card - there - I typed the "C" word! Might get a start on mine next month when son is back at school!
    You seem to speak to me in riddles as this week I am wondering WHAT you have seen by your library with buttons? If it is a cache, you don't HAVE to swap you can just sign the logbook to say you've been there. If you join the sight (free) you'd use your name from there but I don't see why you can't just sign it anyways. Thanks for popping by today BJ#6

  13. Nikki, this is a neat desk, but also shows you have been busy, love those images, I think you need ME to help showcase these fabby images, LOL...Happy WOYWW, Avril#52

  14. I love the halloween can too, although I can't hear it speaking like Elizabeth...there's too many other voices in my head! Very tidy desk! how do people do that! Have a crafty week!
    Lyn (happy WOYWW)


  15. A riot of colour and loveliness on your desk this morning which has brightened my day up considerably. Thanks for sharing.
    Hugs, Neet 25 - thanks for earlier visit xx
    ps the only damage that branch has done is to my purse - dread how much the surgeon is going to cost for all our trees.

  16. Great projects, love the colours of your Halloween card x
    Heather #85

  17. What a cute cards you made! Lovely!
    Uniflame - 95

  18. Hi nikki, lovely images on your desk - like the little one with holly leaves for wings :) Happy WOYWW, Elizabeth x #59

  19. Those look realy wonderful. Love the haloween card.
    Happy WOYWW and I wish you a lovely week.
    xx Monique #94

  20. Very tidy desk Nicki! Cute new digis. I've got about 50 Christmas cards made, so I'm very close to what I need. I still owe you stamped images, don't worry, I haven't forgotten! LOTV have just release about 20 more new ones last week, they've brought James back too, there are some sweet new stamps with him on.


    PS. Honestly don't know why I'm knitting socks again as we've had a two week mini heatwave here!

  21. The C cards look great but my eye is drawn to the halloween one, such a lovely design and colour!! Annette #9

  22. Fun cards. The Halloween one is so colorful! And the Christmas stamps look great! Happy WOYWW!
    Carol N #105

  23. Fabulous cards, love the Halloween one, That C word SCARY LOL, happy WOYWW, Dianne #89

  24. Oh that is a sweet image for your Christmas card. Wait. What? You're already half way...kudos girl, kudos. And erm, a bit of jealousy!

  25. I see you are into red and green too!
    Thanks for visiting and the snoop around!
    Robyn 19

  26. My head would go into melt down having to come up with 80 different christmas designs,......that's amazing. I love the look of all the cards on your desk today, but it is your new stamps that really caught my eye. They look gorgeous and I can't wait to see you put them to work. Have a great week and Happy WOYWW! Danie #62

  27. Thanks for your comment on my Timmy Adventure, still finding homes for the new stash and I made an order this morning too. Loved using his tools so just...... I think you get the gist. BJ


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
Check out Visit Limited Runs Stamps
Digital Stamps for those on a budget