
Tuesday, September 3, 2013


WOYWW it's that time in the week where we all show our desks off at Julia's
I'll show you my finished Halloween Card using my newest digi from
Limited Runs She's in the store too
She's Called Scarecrow Girl and that's my Handwriting for the tag seeing I didn't have a stamp that would fit in it properly

So here's my desk LOOK AWAY if you don't want to see CHRISTMAS LOL but that's what I'm working on at the moment. It's those endless supply of cards I need to have to mail out to my friends. I'm Also trying to use up the last of one of my Christmas papers so I can get some new xmas stash of papers. I'm using one of my fave Stamps Motivet they no longer make rubber and only do digital but I have a few of them and have to use them every year, on a couple cards. I'm trying to figure out how to fit some flowers on the card but I honestly struggle using them. Some people there cards are full of them and me I move them around then put them back in my pile at the end.
So thanks for taking a peak at my space and I'll pop around and visit a bunch of you and anyone who leaves a comment :)
Also I still have Candy going on for Halloween ends Sept 20th

Hugs Nikki


  1. Hey Nikki- we're WOYWW neighbors!
    And you just won my SB prize.
    Gotta run..
    Robyn 5

  2. I love your cards. your work is stunning. Happy crafting#1

  3. That's an AMAZING card Nikki!

    Happy WOYWW to you!

    Create With Joy

  4. Happy WOYWW! love those stamps!! Esp your halloween one!
    -tera #9

  5. Lovely coloring and crafty space! The kool-aid embossing powder is one part kool-aid to 2 parts clear embossing powder (mix throughly and use unsweetened kool-aid or the smell of burnt sugar will overpower everything). I learned about it during Papertrey Ink's Stamp-a-faire.

  6. Your handwriting puts mine to shame. Had you no said it was yours, I would have thought it was a stamp.

    I'm like you. I have trouble using flowers at all. I don't make many cards, but when I do, I never reach for flowers. They are just too fussy for me.

  7. What nice handwriting you have
    I see Father Christmas on your desk!!!!

  8. Happy WOYWW! love those stamps!! You have such lovely cards and I love getting to peak at them. Thank you for letting me look. Roberta 19

  9. Hi Nikki, your Halloween card with the little girl is fab and you would never guess that you had handwritten the words! C cards are coming fast and furious now onto desks... won't be able to resist for much longer! Happy WOYWW Annette #32

  10. I guess I'll have to start thinking about C soon.. it's creeping up! Great cards. have a good week. Helen 23

  11. I'm the same with flowers Nikki - I confess that I often look at a card online and think that the flowers were just added for the sake of it - they bear no relation to the subject, so them I put mine away again and don't feel too bad in my horrible judgement! You need to protect and look after the real rubber..I feel a campaign coming on!!

  12. Loving your digi and card,looks a busy desk :-)
    Happy WOYWW
    Kay # 41

  13. Great workspace! Have a good week xx Jan (57)

  14. Great workspace! Have a good week xx Jan (57)

  15. fabulous card and artwork as always! Love the sentiment, you should go into 'fonts' ! Have a great Crafty Week! Happy WOYWW?!
    (((Lyn))) #46

  16. Love the card :) I confess I looked away from the desk pic - I did explain my aversion to the C word, till Halloween's passed, didn't I??
    Happy WOYWW and have a fun week!
    no. 26

  17. I love the close-up of your beautiful pumpkin girl and that hand-written tag on it is so professional looking! I'm never happy with my own writing, but I'm so impressed with yours. Christmas is no doubt creeping up - maybe I'd better get started! Julie Ann x #34

  18. Great card,love all the detail on it. Looks like you have been very busy x Heather #63

  19. Happy WOYWW, Nikki, and an awesome desk it is again, I love Motivet, too, so glad to hear they are in digital actually, as I do struggle with stamping, just cos of my wobbly hands you understand, LOL....loving you new images hun and hope you get lots of buyers...Hugs Avril#60

  20. Cute cards - and I have no problem at all looking at Christmas - take a peek at my blog....CHRISTMAS!!
    Have a great week.
    Margaret #50

  21. Lovely halloween card. I terrible with christmas cards, I usualy only think about them when it's halfway december...and then just make a digital collage and sent that out...this is way mor clever =)
    Happy WOYWW a I wish you a wonderful week.
    xx Monique #60

  22. Lovely Halloween card, cute scarecrow girl
    Famfa 10

  23. Cute card but them thanks for the warning I m sorry I did look away. But hey I will come back another week
    Janet @39

  24. Your cards are just beautiful, love the scarecrow girl!

  25. Your cards are great. Don't worry about the flowers. You will know when they work. You can write on my cards anyday. 93

  26. Love your cards!! It is hard sometimes to get embellishments to fit the look you want. happens to me all the time!!

  27. Gorgeous cards! I love seeing the Christmas cards going on too. Thanks for your sweet visit today. Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #11

  28. Fabulous cards but I shuddered at the "C" word... I don't even want to think about that time of year yet !!!!
    LoL - I do the same thing with flowers hahaha


    IKE in Greece #67 xxxxx

  29. Gorgeous cards. Also trying to use up Christmas papers of old :-) Happy WOYWW Anne x #54

  30. What a delightful Halloween design!!

    I'm seeing the beginnings of some fabulous Christmas ideas on your desk along with my favorite MS punch!!

    Wishing you a wonderful WOYWW!!

    Lynn #100

  31. busy lady,lovely card,enjoy Halloween

  32. It's really satisfying using up Christmas stash so you can feel good about getting new stuff in isn't it? Thanks for the visit BJ#16

  33. How neat is your handwriting? It looks fabulous on your sweet Halloween Card. Have a great week! Danie #25

  34. Oh, I'm not really ready for Halloween OR Christmas, but what you've done is wonderful. :-)

    Thank you for stopping by my blog earlier and for the nice comments.

    Happy Woyww,

    Sandy #13

  35. Oh my, Scarecrow Girl is simply adorable!!! You did a fantastic job on her. Though I have to say I have not seen one thing you've shared that isn't fantastic. I really admire your work.TY for popping by and saying hello. Hope all is well. (((HUGS)))
    Kimmie #3

  36. Cute Halloween card and Christmas cards. You've just got all the holidays covered. April #22

  37. Oh heck! Christmas is going to hit me like a giant snowball before long!
    Love your Halloween card - as for the handwriting - that is impressive.
    Hugs and Thanks for visiting me earlier - Neet xx

  38. Here is the finish


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
Check out Visit Limited Runs Stamps
Digital Stamps for those on a budget