
Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Ah I remember when I use to hunch over on the floor to do any stamping now I have a desk and it's such a treat :)  So I was grabbing my rubber stamp binder and it was falling apart from all the stamps I have in it and I'm not going to replace it but I've taped it all up for the time being and then I started to go thru my stamps and stamp and organize thru them. I organize them by company/seasonal. Some that I no longer using so I pop them away till I choose to look in my little box or trade/lend/give them with my sister.
So I'll be playing around with this for a while and let's see the stamps you can see are some
LOTV, Tickled Pink(retired) Elizabeth Bell, Whiff of Joy, Polka Doodles that I really have to cut and use they are so cute, So many stamps so little time.

thanks for looking at my desk and pop by Julia's to see everyone else's space
hugs Nikki


  1. It's fun sometimes to look through our stash to remind us of the fabulous items we have. Hope you uncover some favourites in there

    Thanks for sharing and have a great week.

    Hugs Candace

  2. Ohhh do you do playdates?!! :) What fun stamps you have a fun space - I'm sure you're going to make wonderful cards!

    ~Kelly #43

  3. Looks like you have a fab system of sorting all your stamps. I have 2 boxes and they just get thrown in randomly!! No wonder I have never posted a pic. Have a lovely week.
    Sandra @12

  4. Yummy looking selection of stamps there. Lucky sister you have to do the swaps and stuff :-D


    IKE in Greece #75 xxxx

  5. Amazing how a stamp collection tends to grow and how our favorites change from time to time.....i dare not count how much money I have spent on stamps!!! Don't tell anybody....keep well zeffy52

  6. I so miss my Sis, We chat crafting on Skype but UK to NC is just too far to arrange a play date. Maybe one day we will once again live less than 8 hours travel apart!

    Have fun

    Happy WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (6)

  7. You're definitely right about that, way too many stamps and not enough time, there's never enough time!! I need a stamp binder, my cabinet and boxes are full!

    Brenda 1

  8. It's always fun to look through your stamps and rediscover images that delight you!!

    Hope your Wednesday is absolutely wonderful!!

    Lynn #20

  9. You are so right about so many stamps so little time in which to use them! I bought some more at a craft show at Ally Pally in London, UK at the weekend and I just wanted to use every single one all at once! Have a great WOYWW! Julie Ann xx #35

  10. I love rummaging through all my things (not that I have a lot, because I only just started crafting at the beginning of this year) It always makes me feel peaceful somehow...
    Have fun with your stamps =)
    Happy WOYWW 225 and I wish you a wonderful week.
    xx Monique #94

  11. Organizing our crafting supplies is a never ending task. Love those stamps. Happy crafting #5

  12. What fun to go back through and organise your stamps. I really must find a better way of organising mine...they are in horrible piles in boxes and drawers! Thanks for sharing. Happy WOYWW. Caro x (#68)

  13. I'm almost scared to go through my stamp stash.... I have so many but they are in CD and DVD cases rather than a notebook. Glad you have a desk... much easier on the back. Happy WOYWW!
    Carol N #87

  14. I can't image sitting on the floor and stamping! I used to sit on the floor for hours as a kid but the floor was so much closer then and I was so much more flexible. I love that you don't want to replace your well-loved stamp album but chose to tape it up instead. Good luck sorting through your stamps and making sense of them and yes, even downsizing some of them. That is so hard for some people to do. I find it very freeing myself. I no longer have to sort through stuff I know I won't use to find something I will. I also know it can be a time consuming project!

  15. Yes that's how I organize my stamps. Have three more sheets to cut ( chocolate baroque) then I can sort by theme and stamp the index pages. Lots of work, hey. Thanks for the earlier visit! Happy WOYWW! Nan G #7

  16. I think it's too late to start organising my stamps! I wouldn't mind, but I bought even more at Ally Pally. Is there a support group for people like me!! Hugs. Pam#34

  17. Oh good gal, still looking very organised! agree - not enough time, and then for me, argh, no mojo!! You seriously are lucky to have a sister close enough to trade and swap with...I hate parting with stamps. Knowing they are get-backable would be useful!!

  18. Hi Nikki,

    Thanks for visiting me already! Right now I have my unmounted stamps in a box as I don't have many. I have a few sets from SU that come in a nice cd size case.

    Happy WOYWW
    Kay (25)


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
Check out Visit Limited Runs Stamps
Digital Stamps for those on a budget