
Tuesday, October 29, 2013


It's Wed :) so it's time to show off your space last week I missed out seeing most of the day I thought Wed was Thurs ... yep it happens every once in a while you loose track of the days, also  had the week off so that didn't help at all lol .
So Last week we moved out of our upstairs and into the main floor where we are knee deep in Reno's I feel like I'm a little kid and living in a blanket fort. That's because we have the studs up no walls and we have the TV and sofa on the other side of that you can spot the old fridge that came with the house it's old and we are keeping it till the Reno's are done no point in recking a new fridge lol
So I moved us all downstairs and we are even tented in with plastic to keep all that dust out, my space is just a makeshift space for the time being don't know where it will be next
so this was add done after I had set up and tried to figure out where to put things (still working on that)

Here's my desk today yep coloring in some images Kenny K and Stamp fairy for upcoming challenges and you can see my lovely candy I won from Barbara she sent me the card too I LOVE IT all that is dark and scary it's my fave time of year that and  Christmas of course !! I love looking at all the little details in her card and box so kewl and very inspiring :)

So pop by Julia's and check out everyone Else's space and join in

Hugs Nikki
I'll be popping in to visit those that leave a message
so tomorrow I have to get my costume ready and crave these bad boys up
what was I thinking when I got 3 big pumpkins I am one of those crazy carvers that use power tools  must grab the dermel and carve them all up
I have no idea what to carve in them though wonder what they will become


  1. Hi Nikki! I haven't got round to you for a few weeks, as life has been sooo busy! It still is, as I'm moving my mum into a new flat. I love all your Halloween images on this post. Thursday night will be fun here with all the Trick or Treaters calling in! Those are amazing pumpkins, can't wait to see what you do with them. Have a great Wednesday and a fabulous Halloween! I have no number as yet, as I have not yet linked up - just saw your post on my dashboard! Julie Ann xx

  2. Have fun carving your pumpkins! Happy Halloween!

  3. Those images you colored are stunning. Can't wait to see what you carve into those pumpkins. #5

  4. Happy Halloween & WOYWW! :)
    You have a very neat desk!
    Sharon #7

  5. Hope you carve something super dooper on your pumpkins and have loads of Halloween fun Numero Uno!! Annette #11

  6. well done on being numero uno!! and well, some colouring and candy to boot how good is that, a productive desk! happy WOYWW, Shaz in Oz.x #8

  7. Wow, lots of gorgeous colored girl images you've got there! And love, love your tiffany lamp :) Have fun with the pumpking carvings!
    Kelly #12

  8. I love that you are still a kid at heart, Nikki, and you love carving the pumpkins --- even though you do it with power tools, what a genius idea!!

    Good luck with the reno! Living on site while doing that takes a lot of stamina! Love your coloring and the card and candy from Barbara! Happy WOYWW! Have a wonderful week! Hugs, Darnell #9

  9. Wow! All that moving around but your WOYWW desk looks like its got a big space covered! Hope you get your pumpkins carved in time!!!! Big job! patsy

  10. Have fun carving your pumpkins.. Good luck with your renovations hope it all goes well for you..
    Happy WOYWW
    Sandy :) #23

  11. Love those cards on your desk especially the on standing up.

    happy Wednesday
    Hugs Eliza & Yoda 17

  12. Wow, Number 1 in WOYWW and a candy winner! Congratulations! Happy WOYWW!
    peggy aplSEEDS@14

  13. Great images!
    Very creative little space.

    Have a nice day!

  14. What beautiful cools on your cards. My hat is off to you to keep creating during the renos....although it took me a minute to figure out what renos were. I kept thinking it was Reno NV, but I finally figured it out!!! Have fun.
    Sara j #29

  15. Morning, great to see your desk again - a different one too... I was wracking my brains about 'reno's' and then it came to me, doh!! hope it goes well.. happy halloween, sure the carving will be fab. Helen 31

  16. Happy WOYWW and congrats on the No.1 spot. Your desk is looking good, and your pen collection is brilliant. The images you are colouring in are sweet - and I love the card from Barbara (no wonder you look at it all the time). Ali x #36

  17. I wonder what you will carve into the pumpkins... I made two yesterday and used patterns from a book to help and they turned out really good ! Show us next week!
    Jackie 27

  18. Really admire that you're keeping on whilst rents go on around you...I think the plastic walls could become a real trend! as for the pumpkins...there's some real pumpkin art out pressure!

  19. Morning Nikki.
    Your space looks rather restricted, well done for colouring those lovely girls and bears under such conditions. Now I'm going to confess that I had absolute no idea what' reno' were until I started to ask a question about the word and the predictive text offered' renovations' and suddenly the penny dropped.
    You are obviously in for a very disrupted time but no doubt it will look great when the work is all finished.
    Happy WOYWw
    Chris #42

  20. Ooop that last comment I'm #43

  21. Your pumpkin carving sounds like great fun! Happy WOYWW!!
    Glenda #52

  22. Happy WoWWers. I haven't known which day os which for the last 3 weeks. But love the desk. Francesca (not in this week)

  23. We did our pumpkins yesterday with the help of our grandson.
    Have fun craving yours.
    Happy woyww Jill # 37

  24. Hi Nikki, I feel we are sisters-in-arms at the moment ... both struggling with limited crafting supplies :) However, you have a desk, and it would appear enough pens, ink pads and stash to keep going while the work is being done ... it's amazing how well we adapt :)) Hope you have a good week, despite the restricted space. Elizabeth x #42

  25. OMGoodness - I don't envy you with all the Renos :-( I hope we get top see you all dressed up... enjoy your carving :-)

    Happy WOYWW #230
    IKE in Greece #63 xxxxxx

  26. Can't wait to see what you do to the pumpkins.
    Sandra @65

  27. So brave living in a Reno zone! Can't wait to see how what you carve those pumpkins. Do show us please. Thanks for the earlier visit! Happy WOYWW! Nan G #6

  28. I'm just about to carve a pumpkin for my hubby. He has to take one in to work tomorrow. so I am scouring the net for inspiration lol. Enjoy carving yours, they look enormous. Love your cards too :)
    Karen no.51 x

  29. That is a nice setup you made for yourself while you reno! Lots of fun images there to color too (envying your markers there too!
    Must say, all those halloween stickers I won from you have been making a lot of cards! I don't have a pumpkin yet can you imagine? So far behind this Year! Winnie #55

  30. What a tidy desk and work area to be in so much turmoil. Hope everything is soon completed. Great cards
    Monica 33

  31. Lots of fun coloring, and what an awesome bunch of markers you have to work with!

    #75 this week with
    a mess, bunting, and
    tiny book

  32. Oh my goodness, I can't take my eyes off that Sizzix. I'm finally getting one soon. Thank you for a sweet visit to my worktable too. Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #10

  33. Hi Nikki, thanks for the earlier visit from the #1 spot!
    Great temp. space and your winnings are cute as can be....lucky you.
    Looking forward to seeing your carved pumpkins.
    Krisha #18

  34. Hi Nikki,
    I hate construction, but it will be worth it when it is done. You have done a fine job finding a space to continue during the change. Peg R #71

  35. Your cards look lovely. I'm curious to see how your pumpkins will turn out. Have fun tomorrow =).
    Happy WOYWW
    xx Monique #75

  36. The little bears are so cute!
    Sheri #87

  37. Hi Nikki, thanks for swinging by earlier, love that shot of your desk, where I can see all your lovely want :) Love those Kenny K Stamps too. Cx #22

  38. Hope we get to see the costume and the carved pumpkins - please.
    Sounds as if things are very upside down for you - but fun!
    Hugs, Neet 16 xx

  39. Lookin' good for a makeshift space!!
    Have fun carving those pumpkins!

  40. love the coloured images, thanks for sharing, Donna #32

  41. I love all the colored images! Hope you had a huge brainstorm on what to carve in your pumpkins. Enjoy! Kim #77

  42. fab colouring! Just bought a pumpkin myself (but to roast to make pumpkin pie not carve)

    There are some fab carving templates online - just download and stick it on and cut. Just saw a fab one of walter from Breaking Bad :)

    Busy with DS's visit yesterday so Happy (late) WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (12)

  43. Desk looks great for a makeshift - I am hoping to do some painting of walls n things in the next few months just to freshen life up around here - Happy WOYWW - Mxx #57

  44. Hope you got the pumpkins done in time, talk about pressure! I have an image in my head of you at your desk happily colouring whilst all around your is chaos and dust! Hope it's not like that!


  45. Cute images, Nikki! Is that a huge roll of markers I see on the shelf-rack? It's enormous!!
    Thanks for stopping by already and leaving a lovely comment - don't know where the days go to - it's already Sunday!!
    Happy belated WOYWW xx


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
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