
Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Well Last week I showed you the pumpkins I was going to carve and when I finally finished them this is what I created they turned out better then I thought and I love how the little kiddies just loved them they where so much more fun to see. I love to write in my pumpkins so I created one that said Happy Halloween with ghosts and when making these I did use his wood working tools to carve them out. The Bat took about 20 Min to carve the Pumpkin face I spent about an hour one and the Happy Halloween maybe 2 hours it was getting the light to sneak thru the carved area that takes time you should always carve the areas out 1st then hallow out the pumpkin check to see if you can see the candle in it then do the cut outs ... I never remember to do this until after I'm done the pumpkin and thinking why can't I remember to do this when I start because once you do the cut outs it gets very flimsy in areas and it's so easy to break them. Oh and I forgot to take a picture of myself the whole nite funny how that happens
The Fancy Pumpkin "Happy Halloween with ghosts and gravestones"
This guy got such a fun scream from a little boy it was so CUTE !!
funny little bat the candle fit thru the gaps so I carved it that way too

So Next is my space this week not to much going on at the moment just sorting thru my basic grey papers these are all 6 by 6 size putting them in matching colours so I can have it all organized and find them easier I have them all labeled up by Companies and assorted colours to make it quick to find. That and I find it gives me inspiration when trying to create
One of my most over used MS punch. So if you want pop over to Julia's and see everyone else's desk and I will be having some Candy to mail really soon just have to get myself organized al little more and will be posting it soon look for it !!!
thanks for popping in and
Sorry if I didn't get around to you last week I honestly don't know where the time went
I'll be better this time around
hugs Nikki


  1. Oh, those pumpkins were just terrific! They must have created quite a stir! Love the way you've organized all your papers too! I've only got a few! Have a great WOYWW! Julie Ann xx #43

  2. Those pumpkins are AMAZING and the papers are so pretty. Thanks for sharing . Anne x #63

  3. WOW! Now that's what you call pumpkin carving!! They're brilliant. Hugs. Pam#37

  4. Very clever carving. Lovely
    Famfa 11

  5. Hi Nikki, great pumpkins! Your desk is so organised!
    I got out the Halloween trimmings and did the treat bags, but didn't decorate up as much as usual because I wasn't feeling well. Also I had this feeling that my little witches were away, and that turned out to be the case so not one visitor!

    Cazzy x #83

  6. Hi, Nikki -- your pumpkins are super cool! We just do rudimentary jack-o-lanterns at our house, but I love the more detailed designs. Yummy Basic Grey papers, too. Hugs, Laura #10 (Thanks for visiting.)

  7. Love the pumpkins. I'm sure we all spend at least as much time sorting & organising as we do crafting! Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #28 xx

  8. Your pumpkin carving is too cute. I can I'm not the only one doing some organizing. Thanks for stopping by #17

  9. Hi Nikki,

    Those pumpkins are amazing! I think my favorite is the goofy pumpkin. Do you roast the seeds? Now THAT was my favorite thing to do after carving.

    Years ago I broke down my 12x12 papers and didn't keep them together so I have no idea who the manufacturer is. I realized my mistake when I see people list the supplies used to create certain items. Oh well.

    So, you love cowls..... I'll keep that mind! The bamboo yarn is amazing. It is so soft and I love working with it.

    Thank you for visiting me already! I'm off today so will be having fun desk hopping.

    Happy WOYWW

  10. Love your pumpkins, they are so much fun, but a lot of work!

    I remember spending an entire day creating intricate carvings when my kids were still here. Fun times. :-)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier and for the kind comments.

    Happy Woyww,

    Sandy #4

  11. Happy WOYWW, Nikki, totally loving them pumpkins, hun, love your workspace, hugs, Avril#69

  12. what wonderful carving! I've never seen such gorgeous pumpkins. Your papers also look pretty fab! Helen 7 - thanks for visiting already.

  13. Wow Nikki, you did a really fab job on the pumpkin carving! Organising patterned papers... yes, not one of my favourite occupations but it is a lovely way to remind yourself of what you have so you end up actually using some of it! Annette #14

  14. Oh how I love organisation by colour, I'm sure it will aid creativity. BJ#108

  15. Those pumpkins are amazing!! The things on your desk look awesome too!

  16. These pumpkins are just fabulous!! We didn't have any this year at all...the last two years no one's called in....which is good, coz then we can eat all the goodies! People here don't really 'do' Halloween...but I did light a little night light holder i bought when over in the US a few years back....
    Happy WOYWW
    ((Lyn)) #36

  17. Great collection of papers!
    And cozy pumpkins.

    Have a really nice weekend!
    Susan nr 101 WOYWW


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
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