
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

WOYWW + Candy

Here is one of the main reasons I have a tidy desk because if I don't have a space to the left, where my big kick is. This happens when I'm in the middle of something, Yep a big Furry Hunk telling me I have to pet him now or I hear it and Honestly he doesn't shut up you'd think he's a Siamese cat meow meow meow !! lol  He's a good boy I snap my fingers and he runs away no punishment needed he just knows he's up to no good :)
He looks better when a FLASH isn't going off lol
Ok so if your going to block my view Yep I'm going to tie ribbons around in legs in hope that he will jump off the table to take them off and that did not happen lol continued to sit there till he was happy with how much I petted him .. SPOILED BOY !!!
So here's my space I was super lucky to win a WOW Challenge and I got to pick 
6 of their embossing powders in an adorable carrying case which is a bonus  LOVE thier embossing powders. They have one that GLOWS IN THE DARK!!!  
So now here are the RAKS there are 2 of them and they aren't that big 
and they are some used stamps and some extra embellishments
I will send them anywhere in the world too !!!
Each Giveaway has 25 - 6 by 6 assorted papers. Little tag set some Brads and other mixed embellishments
Each one has 1 Retired Krafting Kimmie Stamp in a little holder with all their add ons that 
come with them When I got them 
A set of border/Florish clear stamps or flowery clear stamps I'm no using anymore.

So which one would you like Flowers or Florishes ? 

These aren't crazy big prizes but I wanted to say thanks and hopefully someone would love to use
them seeing I haven't in a long time.  I hate to see them just linger around 
You can also send this to someone else as a surprize in the mail 
just send me their address and I can mail it to them

Just leave a little comment and share on your sidebar if you like
hugs Nikki 
Winners will be picked March 14th

Check out everyone else's space at WOYWW at Julia's Blog


  1. What a hard decision, flowers or flourishes. I'd be happy with either, but as the first person to leave a comment, the chances seem slim to none I'll win (grin).

    Congrats on winning the WOW. I've heard good things about it, too. Like you, no number yet, but since you've been to my place already, it's a moot point.

  2. I would pick the flourishes... thanks for the giveaway!!
    Moxie Craftie

  3. Hi neighbor! Cat hair adds a nice pit of texture!
    I need to give stamps away,not get more!
    thanks for the snoop around and hope you find time to drop by.
    robyn 6

  4. Now, that's one pampered puss. He's too funny. Flowers or flourishes, I'd be happy with either. #1

  5. Lovely little guy.
    Flowers or flourishes? HMMMMM, is this a trick question? LOL Either would be a treat I'm sure.
    Krisha #9

  6. What a beautiful cat yo have!! I am sure he is a good helper)))
    RAK.. this sounds so sweet)) I love the stamps a lot, but I have never had a chance to get them where I live. I wish I could get a RAK at least..
    Flowers or flourishes, #2

  7. Well I came on here to tell you I love your cat! I laughed at the bows around his paws - he is adorable! And then I see you have a RAK - that's wonderful! I think I would pick flowers. I'll add it to my sidebar for you. Thank you!

  8. Thanks for the chance to win this candy....I would be happy with either flowers or flourishes :)

  9. What a handsome boy you have there! I'll have to see if my Joseph would enjoy some ribbon when he sits on my worktable like that! Love your embossing powder prize! Thanks for having this lovely drawing too--I am definitely about the flowers! Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #13

  10. He definitely looks like he's waiting to get his way, no doubt about it!

    Happy woyww, Nikki,
    #21ish this week with
    a quilty and journal

  11. Awww love the kitty and I know what you mean.. and Congrats that's always fun! Thanks for the peek. #22

  12. Awww ... You put ribbons round his legs!!!!
    Lovely cat!
    Jackie 15

  13. Congrats on the win and the Kitty is gorgeous with or without ribbons.
    Sandra @25

  14. That's a very handsome boy, obviously very tolerant too, ribbons for a boy....Mum what are you Thanks for stopping by earlier...
    Happy WOYWW
    DeDe #19

  15. Wow, Cute Kitty.... Congrats on ur winning the embossing powders. Hope to see lovely creations from you with tht. Thank you for the chance at this lovely candy.


  16. They are so beautiful
    Happy WOYWW

    Peggy xx #29

  17. Cute boy with ribbons on, lol!! Flourishes please....!! Have a great day, thanks for visiting. Helen 10

  18. Well, I guess he just wanted to wear ribbons and a chance to pose - cats walk to their own drums...
    A chance to receive a parcel? count me in - flowers all the way, for me :)
    Happy WOYWW!
    no. 31

  19. I will get DeDe to send you the recipe and what a handsome puddy love the ribbons on his legs.

    I have never heard of Kimmie stamps before now, I must google them, as for flowers or flourishes, I love both not an easy choice.

    Give puddy a pat and cuddle for me.

    Happy WOYWW & Happy Crafting.

    Eliza & Yoda 34

  20. Who WOULDN'T pick flourishes? :) And I got a huge grin from the totally disdainful look on your cat's face...sooooo dismissive, and so CAT!

    An early Happy WOYWW!

    Mary Anne (20)

  21. Ooooh flourishes please lol. I am totally sidetracked by your beautiful cat. Tying bows on him is just the sort of thing I would do too. Happy WOYWW.
    Love Karen no.57 xxx

  22. Aw Nikki, you are funy - I love tha tyou tied the ribbon round his legs and he still waited till he was happy! Makes me very smiley. You're very generous too - and well done on the powders - they are LUSH!

  23. Either one would be great!!! This is the first time here love it!!!

  24. Great WOW pick up Nikki and your puss is a cool looking cat (especially when he lets you tie ribbons on his legs). Cheers and have a good week RobynO#51

  25. hahaha cats just rule the roost dont they
    Bridget #65

  26. love your cat sitting there while you tie riboon to its legs, daft thing. We have five of them and they all have funny quirks.
    Gill xx 48

  27. Thanks!
    I'd be thrilled to win either!

  28. Your cat's a handsome dude, and appears to be as demanding on affection as my cat. She likes to jump on my lab when I'm working on my drafting table. Blessings!

  29. Hi Nikki. Thanks for visiting already. Some cat huh??! Not even going to move when he has ribbons to pull at. They really are something else, aren't they?
    Golly - I'd be thrilled to receive either gift if it was offered to me. Thanks for making such a generous offer to us all...
    Have a great week.
    Margaret #17

  30. Your handsome dude is even more handsome with his ribbon embellishments! Great win on the WOW powders and very generous candy for some lucky people. I will pass as I have so much stuff, and well, I can't knit with it can I, lol!

    Brenda 74

  31. Adorable! Mine has that very same look when she speaks to me with her eyes. "Move away from the paper. No mummy I mean right now"
    Nelle 70 xx

  32. Seeing the ribbons on your Furry Hunk's legs gave me quite the laugh! Our Miss Piggy just demands food or out. And she does take over my chair now and then. Congrats on winning the powder and I like flourishes. Happy WOYWW and thanks for visiting!
    Carol N #18

  33. Ribbons on your cat made me smile!! Mine would never hang around long enough!! I enjoyed your post!!Have a great week!! Ginny #74

  34. Hi Nikki! How lovely to giveaway candy!! Hard to choose but I'd take florishes. Thanks for swinging by earlier and for your nice words about my Ma. I laughed at your furry hunk allowing you to tie ribbons on him..I too have Feline Crafters..not especially helpful ones. Cx #28

  35. How funny that even the ribbons around his legs didn't entice him to move. He looks quite content to sit right there in your way.
    Glenda #72

  36. Oooh no contest there, I'd love the Big Furry hunk! Oh isn't he on offer, OK flowers if you pick me to win.
    Like the ribbons on BFH, mine wouldn't sit there long enough for me to do that, Max would be climbing up my bosom for a cuddle. Can be quite painful, so of course I pick him up.
    Have fun with the WOW embossing powders. Show us next tiem.
    Chris #45

  37. Hi Nikki,

    Your cat looks quite pleased with himself, wearing fancy bracelets made especially for him!

    Congrats on the WOW score - nice carrying case they came in too.

    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs, Kay (90)

  38. I love new to me stuff... You are so generous I need to clean out a few things and do my own Candy :) Well soon. Thanks for the chance.

  39. Ohmygosh! Your catsistant is too handsome for words!!! Quite a character I can tell, lol! You have a lovely desk and congrats on winning those embossing powders.

    Jeannie #82

  40. Cool Cat eh? sound great. Karen #101

  41. Love both, but flourishes are my favorite!

  42. your kitty is so very cute, love that you can tie ribbons on his legs, so fun! Thankfully my little dog can't jump up so she just sits at my feet while I work!
    have a great week, happy WOYWW,
    Deb xx #11

  43. Wow, what a patient the ribbons!

    Congrats on winning the WOW comp, the glow in the dark powder has SO many possibilities.

    Great idea with the giveaway and so lovely of you too.
    kyla 104

  44. looks like you have a big fan there.... but not of crafting obviously. I have to say I think I am a bit of a flourish girl. Have a great week
    janet #30

  45. The ribbons on his legs are too funny. I might have to try that with my guy - Ben. Except my desk is someplace he's not supposed to be so it would have to be a lap thing. Love the idea of glow in the dark emblossing powders! Thanks for stopping by the Fun Room. Have a good week.
    Sara j

  46. I love the ribbons on his legs. Silly kitty! My cat would do that too. I've never tried WOW embossing powders; will have to check them out. Flourishes are always a favorite. :) Happy WOYWW,! Helen #26

  47. Love that kitty. Flowers are a favorite with me. Thanks for having the giveaway.
    isoscia at aol dot com

  48. I think you and Barbara Diane need to swap kitty stories!!! Oh so sweet that you have a furry stamping buddy! Happy WOYWW!

  49. Just love your 'puddy tat' - a cat with determination written all over his face. Love it!
    Thanks for sharing and for the generous offer of candy.
    Hugs, Neet 49 xx (and thanks for visiting me earlier)

  50. Your cat is very handsome!! LOL putting the ribbons on his legs!
    Aren't giveaways fun? I love giving stuff away! Your giveaways sound very generous to me! How could anyone pick between them? They both sound awesome!

  51. Hi Again,

    Yes please, put my name in the hat for your giveaway!!!


  52. Oh the glow in the dark embossing powder sounds great. Sorry I’m a bit late replying this week, too much Winter Olympics to watch, harp to play and everything, thanks for the visit BJ#77

  53. Oh he's such a handsome fellow and quite persistent too. :)) Ive heard good things about the WOW powders may have to try them myself one day. Thanks for the earlier visit! Hugs and Happy WOYWW! Nan G #86

  54. Isn't it great to have company when you're crafting! Although chewing up paper flowers etc usually results in an expulsion from my craft room!

  55. Love your cat, he's obviously very interested in what's going on, Angela x #114

  56. Hey Nikki, Eliza said you wanted the recipe for the Ink refresher and stamp cleaner I made, I've just posted them on my blog.

    Hope you get good use from them. Happy crafting.
    DeDe #19

  57. I'm not picky, I just love winning blog candy!

  58. hahaha, I just had to laugh seeing your cat on the craft table, over here they are the same, both my cats enjoy spending time in my craftroom and both are also sitting on my workdesk, mostly to see if they can snitch something :). Lovely candy you have, would love to join in for the flourishes. Thanks for entering my candy too, I am not following you too, love it when a catlover follows me :), hugs, Marion

  59. Congratulations on winning Wow Comp. It's hard to choose one . so I love to win both! I posted a pic on my blog. Thanks for the opportunity.

  60. Thanks for the opportunity to win Nikki. I do use the stuff you sent me and really appreciate the way you labelled it all.

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. Your cat is so adorable :) Love clear stamps! Thanks for the chance


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
Check out Visit Limited Runs Stamps
Digital Stamps for those on a budget