
Tuesday, February 11, 2014


It's not perfectly tidy how I like it but this stamp book takes up a lot space
Well Today I did get to playing with a few things and moved a few things around to be able to reach them better. I also have some new stamps from Whimsy "2 Cute Ink Line" They are just so cute too !! I also dismounted some of my wooden blocks that where tucked a way and a hassle to get. Just nuked them for 10-15 secs in the microwave and they came off super easy and with almost all the foam perfectly. Save on space and they fit in my book. 
Just organizing and going through my stamps to pick out ones to make little stamp card holders the fronts are all stamped and coloured up to inspire me to use them more. So far I'm just making holders lol but having fun doing so. 
So pop around Julia's and check out everyone's desks
thanks for peeking about 
hugs Nikki 


  1. I'm actually in awe of all those Copics. I know lots of people who have dismounted (is that a word?) their stamps, but I find the best stamping comes from wooden blocks. Sadly, I'm not much of a stamper, though. Happy WOYWW from #1.

  2. I thought of unmounting my wood stamps but I do not want to spend the time. I prefer the acrylic blocks. You are well organized.
    Monica 16

  3. loving your stamp storage, what a great idea, wish I was that organized!
    Debxx #7

  4. Wow! That is a lot of Copics! Thanks for the peek at your desk. :)
    Sharon #29

  5. Wish I had kept my copics from my student days, they were a fortune then, they are worse now!

  6. Your storage is great, but I couldn't bear to unmount my wooden stamps, I love them too much, even if they take up so much space! Have a great day. Helen 12

  7. A round tin of just looks so cool. And everything is right there. That seems to be my problem of late. I'm so scattered in trying this and that and the other that I want EVERYTHING right there. Alas. May I ask how you get your stamps to stick in the notebook? Seems like a great idea.
    Have a good week!
    Sara j #30

  8. So busy, busy...
    Love watching others get organized... *grin*
    Happy WOYWW :)
    no. 26

  9. Impressive looking stamp book you have there.
    Happy WOYWW!
    Tertia #25

  10. Oh you're so on it! It all looks fab. If you could just pick that stamp book would make a great weapon!!

  11. Oh wow Nikki, I have lots of wood mounted stamps and am lucky with the storage I have that they are quite accessible....have thought a few times to do the same but haven't got the guts yet. Have fun Cheers RobynO#51

  12. I do think about doing that with some of my wooden stamps but it can wait till I really have to !
    You seem very organised!
    Jackie 22

  13. Great idea to get the wood off the stamps to safe space... but I DO love those 'wood mounted stamps'too, just for the way they look! Happy stamping! Big hug from Holland and happy woyww, Marit #57

  14. Lovely desk and copic collection.
    Fab way to store stamps :)

  15. Great desk and so many copics! Love the way you have done your stamps. Great idea!
    Glenda #60

  16. Happy WOYWW! Great Workspace. xx Jan (69)

  17. HI! You won both #1 and #3 prizes from my blog candy! Congrats! email me at

  18. Hello Nikki. Wow - I wish I was that organised - you are so obviously having fun doing all your sorting. Great idea.
    Margaret #74

  19. You are certainly well organised and I must admit I love the end view of all those copics in the pot!
    Jo x

  20. I love your pen storage and confess I am tempted to 'nuke' some of my stamps!
    Karen #44

  21. Happy WOYWW Nikki!
    I have slowly started a binder system for my stamps too. Yes they do get heavy.....LOL But quite the space savers.

    It always feels so good to get storage accomplished.
    Krisha #34

  22. I have my unmounteds in CD and DVD cases and on book shelves. Got so many. I unmounted a vast majority of my stamps many years ago when the HALOS (Hook and Loop System) was popular. You workspace looks pretty organized. Happy WOYWW!
    Carol N #14

  23. Hi Nikki,

    The microwave tip is GREAT! Do you then use the plastic mount blocks for them and do they stay in place?

    I have finally re-joined WOYWW this week. I'm hoping to get back in the groove.

    Been stressing a lot lately. Waiting for the determination of my appeal with The Hartford. Bloodsuckers that they are......

    Happy WOYWW
    Kay (86)

  24. Thanks for the tip! I might try unmounting a few of my stamps to see how that works out for me.


  25. Love the idea of your little stamp folders and I'm very jealous of your huge collection of markers! :o)Annie C #67

  26. Gosh didn't know you could "nuke" rubber stamps in the microwave to lift them off the blocks! Box still unopened - birthday tomorrow, not long now. Thanks for the visit. BJ#58


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
Check out Visit Limited Runs Stamps
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