
Tuesday, June 3, 2014


Happy WOYWW and I Have a few more ATC's to show off the one on the Top right is from Robyn
she made a brilliant stand for it and the other is from Wipso it's a little stitched up quilt AtC so adorable 
the other 2 are two I just made One for my mini Candy Winner and the other for Annie to send back 
Other then that my desk is a YAWN lol and I'm still working on the backboard I've been distracted by 
some little furry guys we've been taking care of to let loose in our backyard 
here is one of them !!
3 baby Squirrels that are really good at hiding in a place I can't take a picture

The lucky winner of my WOYWW Rak Winner is # 27 NAN G !!! Please send me your snail mail so I can pop you a little treat in the mail 

So here it is all short and all
I worked today outside in the sun too long and now I could really use a nap it seems :)
Have a wonderful Wed 
hugs Nikki 


  1. Oh, Lucky Nan. She and the girls will be in heaven when they learn the news. You got a far lovelier ATC from Robyn than I made for her. I told her I felt ashamed and wished I had time to make her a better one. But my skills aren't as good as hers, and I don't have a cutting machine, either. Have a super WOYWW, dear.


  2. Many congratulations to the winner :)

  3. We desk on...regardless of the fact that Mr Linky has gone on a break with our leader!

    lucky Nan! Having received one of your raks, I know what a treat she is in for!

  4. Lucky Nan, and lucky you, with those fab atc's you received. Helen (no linky/no number! but you've visited already so thank you)

  5. Thanks for sharing your desk and the ATC's. I love the two you made! Hope you get a pic of your little squirrels...would love to see them. Thanks for visiting my desk already.

  6. OMG! That's me! #27......I'd screen out loud but I'd wake the Girls. :) Thank you! Cool,ATC with a built in stand. Isn't the mini quilt one fantastic. I have one too. Love the two you've made. Am sending my snail mail info to you. I'm so excited! Hugs and Happy WOYWW5! Nan G #none yet

  7. Everything to hand on your desk and lots of nice crafty makes to see
    Lynn-one I made earlier today

  8. Well done Nan. Lovely ATCs and nice and short post too....I always forget that bit when I post!

  9. Yay, lovely ATCs and missing baby squirrels....only on WOYWW!!
    Hugs, LLJ xxxx

  10. You are so right, Nikki, and I think that the huge diversity of styles is what makes this blog hop so successful and fun to do. Have a great week. xx Maggie

  11. Congratulations to Nan!
    I love that little girl ATC - read your next post so I will have a look at Limited Runs, she's a cutie.
    Have a good week
    Bishopsmate #61 ish

  12. Your desk looks like a party happened...confetti fun. it's so fun to get mail.

  13. Lots of ATC fun there today! All so fun, and different! Congrats to your winner!! Winnie

  14. Congrats Nan. Love the ATC's you got, the one with the stand is very clever. The 2 at the front are super cute - who made the cat one, I want that stamp LOL..crafters..want want want. Cx

  15. Lucky Nan to be receiving something so nice. Gorgeous collection of ATCs, really like the cat, so cute.
    Happy crafting, Angela x @Felix the Crafty Cat.

  16. I Don't think your desk is a YAWN. I thought it was a party going on with all the paper cuts everywhere. lol Awesome creations by everyone. Happy WOYWW!!!

  17. Hi there I found you this week :-) thanks for commenting last week and replying to me. Your desk is great as are all the ATC's. Anne x ( no number cos no mr linky :-) )

  18. Lovely ATC's, seeing so many this week.

  19. lovely atc received in the post from a few of the may talented people who join in each week . Sorry i'm late Jill #47

  20. Slightly more of a challenge to hop without Mr Linky but glad I did - I doubt anyone got ALL of the ATCs and I am so enjoying seeing them. I made more this year than last but can see I'll need to make even MORE next year LOL!

    Happy no-Linky WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (2)

  21. Lovely atc's on your desk and it is never a yawn.

  22. Lucky Nan! Some lovely ATCs there, to keep and treasure. Hugs, Chris # 10

  23. Yay! Thanks for showing the ATCs! I was hoping everyone would this week!

    I hope you can get a pic of your squirrel babies! I would love to see them!

    Happy WOYWW
    Amy E. #1

  24. Hi Nikki,

    Congratulations to Nan! Woo hoo. The ATCs you've received are great. We are a diverse bunch!

    How sweet you are to take care of the baby squirrels. I have both squirrels and chipmunks visit my yard. They are so fun to watch.

    Thanks for your visit already. I'm hoping to at least get most of my visiting done today and tomorrow!

    Happy belated WOYWW
    Hugs, Kay (39)

  25. Yay for Nan! So nice to see the variety of ATCs that were made for the anniversary!
    Being out in the sun does make one sleepy. We have a lot of sun here so that's my excuse!
    Happy WOYWW!
    Blessings and hugs,
    peggy aplSEEDS @24

  26. Nice looking desk and I love all the cards/atc's. I haven't been able to post on Wednesdays for a while and I have missed it! Sorry I am so late getting around! Thanks for sharing. Vickie #62

  27. Brilliant ATC holder, and beautiful ATCs. Your desk is just waiting for you to get busy D. Happy belated WOYWW #5

  28. Oh wow Nikki thank you so much for your ATC, its truly awesome andcall the die cuts will be really useful. ? Love all the ATCS you received. Happy Woyww:-) Kezzy xxx


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
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