
Tuesday, June 17, 2014



Well I have a few new things to share on my desk this week. Glad to see Julia is ok and 1st off my ATC from Kezzy LOVE this little monster when he showed up on my doorstep which came with a few goodies inside to play with too.
Now to show you my desk which I am so happy with I made the shelf on the back with reclaimed 100+ year old wood it was painted which I stripped off and then sanded it down it's not been sealed yet but then I realized the base of my desk doesn't work so I have plans to use a old funky door in our place once we stop using it and cut it in half to make legs and make a new base top for my desk. Loving the vintage feeling and I took Julia's advice and kept the shelves low it's only 28 inches high and 6 inches deep but it's perfect thought I would like it deeper but it's working perfectly and I still have to make a bulletin board but I'm leaning on finding some metal to use and use magnets think that will work wonderfully. So All my stash is even more tidy and everything I use a lot is still close at hand oh even found the lamp shade for my lamp that I made years ago. Also had to recover everything in kraft paper so it doesn't stand out to much against all this lush oak.
One more thing that makes me smile really big when I enter my space .... my new BLING BLING Chandelier that I talked my DH into.  I did burn myself on those lights too gave myself a little 2nd degree burn on my arm putting the crystals on and gave the DH a laugh when it happened as he says I'm a walking clutz. 40 watt bulbs get SUPER HOT QUICK !!F*&& bulbs lol !! Still have to get curtains and everything but it's a work in progress and we enjoy the process so we live with the mess. Will be so happy when it's done Oh and my other half does the plaster crown molding so pretty they are :)
Thanks for looking and check out everyone else's space at WOYWW 
hugs Nikki
Thought I should make my blog match my desk :)


  1. Wow to your desk it's great & how clever using an old door . Doesn't it look smart & your right so vintage looking. A good up cycle project. Happy woyww Jill #9

    1. The desk top us our old base board trim the top of it was cut off and we have lots more ready to be stripped down and put to more good use

  2. Wow to your desk it's great & how clever using an old door . Doesn't it look smart & your right so vintage looking. A good up cycle project. Happy woyww Jill #9

  3. Oh wow! What a fancy chandelier! The ATCs are great too! patsy

  4. Love your new storage, it's gorgeous! so is the chandalier! Happy WOYWW Helen, 11

  5. Cool shelves for the desk! And loving that the chandelier....bling bling! Hugs and Happy WOYWW! Nan G #12

  6. Love that monster ATC! I wonder what stamp it is?
    RosA # 7

  7. great looking desk and shelf! I love old wood and I don't know why the new stuff doesn't have such nice graining. I am moving rooms and having fun with the process also just wish I could craft a bit while doing so. Almost to the point where I can. Have a great week. Vickie #19

  8. It's all coming together and looking great, Nikki. LOVE that chandelier - we all need a bit of glam in our lives...
    Margaret #8

  9. Happy WOYWW Nikki, wow your shelf unit is fabulous, beautiful old wood who wouldn't rather that to laminated chipboard...very nice..and your room is coming along wonderfully, chandelier and all. Cheers and have a great week RobynO#21

  10. Love that bling! Funny I almost got similar, but multi-coloured, when they had it at a local shop, but ended up converting an old dangly surround with photos of the kids (and a VERY low watt bulb so it doesn't burst into flames above my head!) It's all looking very elegant in your craft room. Will be lovely when it is all done.

    Happy WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (3)

  11. ah love the desk great crafty space would like to borrow it for top of my desk too would look great in my corner!! Happy WOYWW Shaz in Oz.x #31

  12. Love your desk and I like your style with a bit of bling in your crafty space.
    Hugs Lisax #49

  13. Looking good, love what you have done so far. That chandelier is something else - it is fantastic. Lucky you.
    Hugs, Neet 26 xx

  14. Love the bling of the chandelier! Why do simple home repairs always have to be so hard? Love the lamp on that neat and tidy desk! Diane #40

  15. A happy creative space and what a gorgeous bit of bling that chandelier is! x Jo

  16. WOW! Your room has really come along! Love the lighting! And you MADE your lampshade?!?! WOW!! That's amazing!!!! You are so talented!

    Happy WOYWW!
    Amy E. #13

  17. Fabulous ATCs and goodies, Nikki! I think your found shelving is brilliant and I like it narrow. If it's deep you just have to reach behind or take stuff down to get to what's behind; this is way better. I can't wait to see the whole thing finished! Love the lamp and chandelier, too!!

    (Lemeno when you get your tute posted!) Happy WOYWW and have a wonderful week! Hugs, Darnell #14

  18. How cool to use an old door for a desk! Wonderful idea, and I love your storage unit. So neat!

  19. Love your new bling and storage!
    Robyn 32

  20. What a great shelf, and how cool that you made it from repurposed wood--truly breathed new life into it, it's fabulous!

    Happy woyww!
    #66 this week

  21. Very fancy lighting! Lovely ATC's : ). Happy WOYWW! #51

  22. Love the idea of using an old door for a new desk and the chandelieris wonderful. I don't think there will be many woyww with such a great bling/light system.
    Sandra de @84

  23. Back again to say thanks for the tip on photographing glitter! Usually I use a thicker glitter, but this goes on smooth and flat so it's been a learning experience lol. I am going to try sideways : ). Thanks again. #51

  24. Thanks for the visit earlier -I'm blessed in that I don't need surgery just a cocktail of tablets, all sorted now thanks.
    Love how you're creating your workspace - and making the blog match! love it!!

    Bishopsmate #49

  25. Hi Nikki, everything seems to be coming together well. LOve the monster ATC, Stampotique? I think.
    Happy crafting, Angela x

  26. That's such a cute monster ATC, and I love receiving extra surprises in the mail! 100 year old wood for your shelves and a sparkly chandelier, wow, you are crafting in style!
    Happy WOYWW!
    peggy aplSEEDS@2

  27. Hi. I'm a little late getting round this week but wanted to say thanks for popping over to mine.
    Fab desk and your chandelier is gorgeous.
    Annie x # 28

  28. The wood grain on your hutch is beautiful. I just love old stuff. And your chandelier was worth the burns you suffered. Well maybe, but it is beautiful. And the crown molding - good job hubby!
    April #86

  29. Love the bling on the ceiling it looks fantastic. Oh and that new bookshelf you have done a brilliant job re-vamping it. Your desk is so clean and tidy. Happy crafting.

    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs Eliza & Yoda 85

  30. Hi Nicky

    Will be lovely to see your plans come together for this room. If you're planning the room around thias gorgeous chandelier, I can't wait to see the outcome... love it.

    Paula xxx

  31. I came back to say thanks for the tip for photographing glitter! I'm so pleased with the result : D.


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
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