
Tuesday, June 24, 2014


and My Balloon Tut here 

It's WOYWW check out Julia's Blog to find the linky to all these wonderful desks to peak thru.
So This is how I organize my always growing Brad Collection I have them all in mini bags and I honestly have a problem with buying them, I see them and want some new ones. If you have some you want to mail me lol I give you my address.  I love my mini collection and have been trying my best to use them as to hoarding them and just looking at them I even a have a new package to be opened for those Cough Cough Christmas Cards 
 So my sister sent me some Project life cards but I'm not into project life so I thought I would make some OOAK Project life cards and find them new uses. Seeing I colour so many images at least this way I can use some smaller ones up and perhaps have toppers to work with which would be a time saver. So you can see all my little images that I've pre-coloured already on the right and my bling box on the left all set out to decorate these guys up.
So that's my space I'm still waiting on the door to be removed so I can finish rebuilding the base of my desk then I have a date with a HEAT GUN. More on that when I get the door :)
So this weekend on Saturday it's 505whimsygirl/ Kay and my BD too so kewl that I share this with another WOYWWer. All I know is I'm buying a SARA LEE CHOCOLAT CAKE Omg that icing is so yummy on that cake you can honestly eat the whole thing in one sitting, which I won't because the DH is a chocolate nut so I'll be happy with my one piece :) . I might get Ice Cream too what a treat that would be. mmmm Mouth watering right now thinking about it. I don't eat to many treats but at Birthdays you have to have cake Make a wish and blow out a candle :) 

 Update on the squirrels they are getting bigger and starting to jump around Yah we are hoping to be able to release them soon in July and have a feeding station for them to come by and snack and yes ignore us completely lol

thanks for peeking into my space
hugs Nikki 


  1. Ooh that is a serious brad collection!
    Happy to send you an ATC, just need your deets.
    Kyla #9

  2. That is an impressive collection you have going there! Love the pics you have coloured here and am intrigued about the heat gun date...Enjoy the chocolate. You made my mouth water too. #13

  3. I have a lot of brads too, lol!! Happy birthday for the weekend, June is obviously a great month for WOYWWer birthdays! Thanks for visiting already. Helen 5

  4. I love your brad collection. I love those images you colored. #4

  5. That ceiling tile is pressed foam or polystyrene. I just painted it silver to mimic the real metal ones this place I am quoting for has already. I am hoping to do an artwork 3.5m x 2.5m on a wall and it therefore needs to be light weight stuff and I need to make it look like the real thing.

  6. Did you mention the C word?? How could you? LOL!!
    I was immediately attracted to your brad collection...look at all the colours and sparkliness...lovely :-)
    Hugs, LLJ 16 xx

  7. oooer, Nicki.. thought I had a lot of brands :D ... happy birthday for this Saturday and enjoy your chockie cake .. well done on making toppers too - thanks for popping over happy WOYWW Shaz in Oz.x #14

  8. Now that is definitely a great collection of brads. Isn't it funny what we start to collect and treasure. Have a lovely week.
    Sandra de @57

  9. Happy Birthday hahaha what a collection of brads you have, I have a softspot for them as well
    Bridget #35

  10. Wow Nikki. What a huge collection of brads you have there. Hope you enjoyed sorting through them. The colours are so enticing.
    Happy birthday for Saturday.
    Gillian #66

  11. WOW! That's an amazing collection of brads! And I thought I had a lot! Cute images! And Happy Birthday!
    Carol N #62

  12. Hi Nikki,

    I'm having a hard time believing it's the end of the month - where did the time go?

    Now, that's a serious collection of brads - do you use eyelets too?

    I found that I have two copies of Julia Cameron's book "The Artists Way." Would you like me to send that along with your birthday goodies? Thanks for the shout out about sharing our birthday! I wondered how some of the people commenting on my blog knew it was coming up! tee hee

    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs to my birthday sister!

  13. Hi Nikki,

    I'm having a hard time believing it's the end of the month - where did the time go?

    Now, that's a serious collection of brads - do you use eyelets too?

    I found that I have two copies of Julia Cameron's book "The Artists Way." Would you like me to send that along with your birthday goodies? Thanks for the shout out about sharing our birthday! I wondered how some of the people commenting on my blog knew it was coming up! tee hee

    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs to my birthday sister!

  14. Great repurposing on those PL cards- I've been given a bunch too!
    Chocolate-don't get me started!
    Brads! I love them too,and now must organize.
    Have you visited
    you might not thank me!LOL
    thanks for visiting Robyn 10

  15. Ahh... the things we collect. I think a lot of us have things we like to hoard we simply don't tell anyone! Happy Belated Birthday!

  16. Thanks for swinging by earlier Nikki - I love my space, so thanks for commenting on it. LOVE that brad/bling collection, I'd give my right arm for a play with that. Happy Birthday in advance..enjoy the choccy cake! Cx #71

  17. I just love brads but it's a funny thing, no matter how many you have there often doesn't seem to be the one you need Lol!
    So you have to get more !!
    Happy crafting, Angela x #43

  18. Thanks for visiting. Oh desert...I've been abstaining from sweets to see if my glucose will go down..and so want something gooey
    Fun bling/brads Enjoy the weekend.

  19. Well first of all - yay, Happy Birthday for the weekend - and yep, you must have cake and ice cream at some's the law!
    Cant tell what made me smile more...the organisation of the brads or the 'problem' you have with the brads...I love it, because you are so neat and organised, to have a 'thing' that you can't stop buying must cause a lot of extra work!!

  20. Happy Birthday for the weekend and enjoy that cake and ice cream. I love sorting all my stash especially the finer things into their homes. You do have one really fantastic collection of brads, I really should use mine more. Have a great crafting week.

    Hugs Eliza & Yoda 74

  21. Chocalate cake for your birthday ... Sounds good to me!! Hope you have a nice time. Nice collection of brads u have there!
    Jackie 47

  22. I have the same problem! In fact, I just saw some snowflake brads at a garage sale for 25 cents and bought them! I don't need them, and I forget to use them! And eyelets, too! For crying out loud, what is that sickness called? Oh, I know we are "hoarders"! LOL
    Have a Happy birthday! And thank you for stopping by my place earlier! #71

  23. Love the brads and the project life ideas. I haven't quite figured that whole system out yet... I guess I am just to much of a traditional paper scrapper. Thanks for sharing! :)


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
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