
Tuesday, July 8, 2014


It's WOYWW time and here's desk and today I got home today to some happy mail a little package of Die cuts from Carole that I'll be putting to good use I own none of these so it will be so sweet to play with some new ones. A new High Hopes stamp I won from a challenge ... it's a snowman so xmas cards will be made :P a new LOTV stamp and one more WOYWW5  ATC from Kyla she made 17 of them WOW!!! 
Here's a close up of Kyla's ATC love her sewing on it :) and the butterfly has a great shine to it.
So what's on your desk looking like this week 
and share it over at Julia's and have fun desk hopping 
hugs Nikki
I'll be better this week for comments last week got away from me and 
became super busy with all this stuff at home ahh life takes us all away from blogland :) 


  1. Hi Nikki, attempting a reply via my tablet as it is only 5.45am here and I'd need to go downstairs for the main PC now which is quite a bother. I guess there isn't a link yet but my tablet doesn't seem to show the link lists for previous weeks either, will have to look into that! Anyway your suggestion of turning the internet off if DH takes over the PC from work really made me giggle, I just rang his work phone as I knew he'd have to be at his desk, but I will keep your suggestion in mind still giggling about the thought! Some lovely pieces on your desk, adorable ATC. BJ #?? Now I might need to get up to see if the link is up........

  2. Love that atc from Kyla. Have fun with your die cuts helen 4

  3. I spy on your new batch of die cuts one I want, the border one,like a chevron tim holtz I think. Envious!

  4. Very pretty ATC! Yes, I've been looking on eBay for that punch handle but I'm not very hopeful.
    Have a good week.

  5. Very pretty ATC! Yes, I've been looking on eBay for that punch handle but I'm not very hopeful.
    Have a good week.

  6. Do u mention Christmas cards Nickki ?????? Well done on winning the stamp! Thanks for the visit already
    Jackie 10

  7. What a gorgeous ATC you received!
    I SO missed participating in this year's event!

    Create With Joy

  8. Lovely atc and what a good idea to put some sewing on it.
    Do you want some more die cuts? If so pop along to my blog and email me and I will send you some when I have your address.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  9. Not sure if you would have seen it, but I did a post...last week? I think so :) about making an ATC display to hang n the wall. I have all my WOYWW ATCs on show that way - and one of those from Kyla as well. The photos don't do any of them justice, do they? what a talented bunch we are LOL!

    Happy WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (1)

  10. Oh I know all about the weeks that get away from you - don't worry - we're here regularly! Nothing like some happy mail to get the week going well, hope this week is calm as your lovely tidy desk!

  11. Have fun playing with you die cuts, I bought a sewing machine for crafting with and guess what its still not been used....opps

    Happy WOYWW Sue #23

  12. Love that ATC from Kayla.
    Have a fun week with your die cuts.
    Gillian #49

  13. I love the ATC you received, have fun with those cut outs.
    Have a great week,
    Von #18

  14. Lovely ATC and congrats on the win.
    Sandra de @55

  15. Loving the ATC and look forward to seeing what you do with the die-cuts.
    Well done winning the stamp.
    Happy crafting, Angela x #41

  16. Hey #2!
    Lots of fun new stuff here for creating!
    Must do more sewing!
    thanks for visiting and welcoming me to your place!
    robyn 26

  17. Congrats on the win and on all the Happy Mail. I've been luck enough to receive some of Carole's die cuts too, she really does some nice work.

    Too hot to think of Christmas yet...LOL

    Thanks for the earlier visit
    Krisha #64

  18. A lovely ATC you've got there. I think you should leave the snowman stamp until the weather cools down a bit!!! Yes - the blendabilities are three shades of the same colour - I have now updated my post with a link to more info as so many people were asking about them.
    Bernice #3

  19. Hi Nikki,

    What nice goodies you've received! I hadn't thought of putting die cuts in a package - now that's clever.

    The ATC is so pretty; Kyla did a great job.

    Have you received the package from me yet? I hope it arrives before your next birthday!

    I'm not participating in WOYWW this week but wanted to stop by and say hello!


  20. What a super ATC, and how sweet of Carole to send die cuts, what a lovely idea.
    Bless you
    Chris #32

  21. Hi Nikki : ) What a nice surprise to get Happy mail!!


  22. A lovely ATC, Nikki, and some die cuts to play with. Enjoy! Congrats on the prize. Have fun making your Christmas cards. Ooooops - just said THE word!
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #15

  23. So many pretty things on your desk today. Love the ATC and all your die cuts.

    Happy Woyww,

    Sandy #52

  24. Congrats on winning the giveaway! And that ATC is beautiful.
    April #74

  25. What lovely mail to come home too.

    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs Eliza & Yoda 51

  26. Thank you for visiting me! What lovely goodies on your desk. I love the die cut borders and the ATC is wonderful! I wish I traded with Kyla!
    Happy WOYWW!
    peggy aplSEEDS@12

  27. That is a gorgeous ATC (I have an extreme fondness of stitching lol). Looks like you will have some fun with that stamp too! I find that something won has a little extra sparkle to it : D. Love the papery bits too! Happy Belated WOYWW! #63

  28. So pleased it arrived ok .


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
Check out Visit Limited Runs Stamps
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