
Wednesday, August 6, 2014


It's time for WOYWW and  here's my space this week and I wanted to see if I could use one sheet of 12 by 12 up and it worked out to one card and 3 gift cards and I'm just trying to play around with them and figure out how they will all work out. I'm going to avoid that word what I"m working on but my space you can guess it out lol.
So pop around to everyone else's space at Julia's and check out all the other desks 
I haven't had time this week to work on my door but we did get out to an antique fair on the weekend it was so much fun to see some great antiques minus the little rain storm it was a great day out.
I'll pop around to as many peeps as I can 
I've been trying my best to follow everyone on WOYWW makes it so easy to see when you all post 


  1. Good use of your 12x12 paper! I always have leftovers :)

  2. great use of the card, well done! let's not mention that word, PLEASE!! Helen 2.

  3. I love the Christmas cards with the white background .... They look so clean, think I have a thing for white space!!!! But never seem to have any on my stuff!!! Jackie 23

  4. Let me guess "C" stands for .... Ooh, cannot say the word as yet but I did buy a "C"embossing folder last week. Quick cards from me this year.
    Hugs, Neet xx 27'ish )forgot to look)

  5. I really like those cards! They'd be the ones I'd go for in the shops...I prefer a graphic style to overly fussy and yours tick that box!!
    Hugs, LLJ 26 xx

  6. Very frugal! What was that thing called? something like wonderful one-sheet? or one sheet wonder? It was a method for cutting a piece of paper to get LOADS of cards, although some of them might have been only marginally interesting with very little paper on them. I'll have to find a link then pop back - time is short and the linky list of desks is long....

    Happy WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (1)

  7. Nice cards. Your desk looks very organised.

    ~Kate~ #39

  8. That's a LOT of Christmas out of one sheet of paper!

    Happy woyww to you!
    returning to the WOYWW fold
    #62 this week

  9. Well done on getting the most out of your paper - I love the red background. Have a great week, Chris # 5

  10. Lovely cards but I am getting worried about the number of people making Christmas cards.
    Just can't think about them yet LOL!
    Happy crafting, Angela x #38

  11. You've got some lovely "c" cards started there, Nikki! You are inspirational as a reminder that the clock is tick-tocking away!! Happy Belated WOYWW!! Hugs, Darnell #18


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
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