
Tuesday, August 12, 2014


Today is that day we show off our spaces and here's mine you can see lots of little images tucked in my boxes all peaking out I'm trying to start drawing again and get my groove back. A few weeks ago I said I was looking for large buttons and I found this on my floor when I came home BUTTONS from Darnell so sweet of her to have surprised me with a whole bunch of buttons to play with Thank you !!! and I'm just going through my bling box to tidy it up other then that you will see the same christmas trees sitting on my desk still trying to use them with no luck so far eventually I hope they will get used :)
so pop around to Julia's space and check out everyone else's desks see what's going on 

hugs Nikki 


  1. what a great pile of buttons!! Your desk always looks so creative. Have a great week. Helen 3 (thanks for the visit)

  2. Bling and doesn't get much better than that for me!! Have fun playing :-)
    Hugs, LLJ 12 xx

  3. What a lovely surprise! The crafty world is full of lovely peeps! #21

  4. How lovely of of Darnell to send you buttons and it looks like you have a lovely range of colours.
    sandra de @33

  5. Great selection of buttons from Darnell, she is a lovely lady and thoughtful! Have fun using them
    Jackie 16

  6. Aw. What a lovely surprise. How kind of Darnell to send those buttons to you.
    Hope you have fun using them.
    Gillian #34

  7. Tidy desk today Nikki and those buttons are gorgeous - how lovely of Darnell to think of you like that. I've come to the conclusion that I like tidying ... it reminds me of the stash I have forgotten :) Have a lovely WOYWW and a great week. Elizabeth x #45

  8. Well one justcan't craft without bling and buttons!! Nice stash, thanks for sharing, Happy WOYWW, Cindy #57

  9. I;m in the midst of a clean out, and my button bin is next!
    thanks for visiting
    robyn 13

  10. Not only buttons, but crystals and pearls, too. Happy creating!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and for the nice comments.

    Happy Woyww,

    Sandy #55

  11. How nice of Darnell! The buttons look cool! I wish you a nice creative time!
    Gabriele 29

  12. Looks like you've got lots of new stuff to play with. I hope you share what you make. April #66

  13. Hi Nikki,

    Bling and buttons! I don't know if you've seen the email I sent; I received me package and thank you very much. I took the card to work to share with my co-workers yesterday and they all loved it. Your coloring is out of this world wonderful!!

    Today I'm off work so hoping to get around to at least those that have visited me so far.

    Happy WOYWW
    Peace, Kay (14)

  14. Buttons are the best! Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #54

  15. Wonderful buttons!
    Enjoy playing with them.
    Happy WO
    Tertia #41

  16. Buttons!! I love buttons! Can't wait to see what you do with them!

    Happy WOYWW!
    Amy E. #8

  17. Buttons!! I love buttons! Can't wait to see what you do with them!

    Happy WOYWW!
    Amy E. #8

  18. Miss Darnell is such a sweetie! Love the other bling too, can never have too much of it! Lots of rain around again, looks like New York state and Connecticut got hit really hard too.

    Brenda 53

  19. Argh trees! the card and die on my desk this week are my current argh! , I bought the die thinking it would be useful and it's totally stumped me! Good that you're sorting the bling next, you might inspire me!

  20. That was so sweet of Darnell! I find sorting my desk really fires up the mojo (usually mid-sort lol). Hoping that works for you! Thanks for visiting my blog earlier. Honestly you are chock full of good information! I had no idea iron filings could be found at the beach with a magnet. Now I have to remember to pack one next time I go : D.

  21. Gosh, buttons are one of those things that I can't stop myself buying. I have a TON, but never seem to have the exact right colour - or maybe I tell myself that so I have an excuse to get MORE!

    Happy WOYWW! a little late
    Mary Anne (1)

  22. What fabulous buttons and sparkly stash.

  23. Hi Nikki. Your cards are fabulous, such wonderful colouring. I'm sorry you didn't win this time but thank you for becoming a follower.
    You have a busy looking craft space where lots gets done whereas mine is a tray on my knee and a small folding table, I'm waiting to get a craft room built. Great gift of those buttons. Debra x

  24. How late am I to see this, Nikki?! You should have told me you shared with the world. I was just coming by to see your current WOYWW and then I got to scrolling backwards, enjoying your cards and then, bam! Buttons!! I'm so glad you got them and like them! I felt quite proud of figuring out how to mail them w/out spending a fortune. I hope it wasn't too much trouble freeing them from their bindings! Love your bling, too!! Hugs, Darnell #19


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
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