
Wednesday, August 27, 2014


So here is my space this week nothing to exciting going on just creating a card with no set plan at all.  Just the thought of using these two images from Dilly Beans So I've pulled out my Halloween papers to play with and try to figure out what I'm doing. NO IDEA LOL was even thinking of turning this into a messed up Christmas card lol but we will see when it's all done and said.

I have only 2 Halloween Kits left and some extra stickers and embellishments left to sell along with a few pads of papers if interested check out the Kits here and I can email you the details of the others I have for sale. 

I do recall a mention of my scrap paper box well here it is along with some pre-stamped and coloured images. I have already coloured up waiting to be used. I have my box of my 6 by 6 on my desk and 12 by 12 on the floor easy to flip through. I always try to use up my scraps first on any creation I make I like having only a tiny box. 
Thanks for looking 
Hugs Nikki 
Check out WOYWW at Julia's
I will try and visit all who visit me 
but I know tomorrow we are going to be working outside 
on the chimney at least I only have to hold the latter :) 


  1. ah some busy desky work going on here.. .. clean space too!
    I must investigate how that is achieved!!
    happy WOYWW Shaz in Oz.x #10 I think

  2. wow, such a tidy desk! Love the scrap box - but so tidy there too, how do you do it!! Helen 4

  3. Your scrap box is so tidy! I have a shoe box with everything rather thrown in in a jumble mess! Hope to see a peek of the finished Halloween card next week. Diane #32

  4. Hi Nikki, happy WOYWW - neat desk and handy storage idea. Cheers Robyno#24

  5. Happy WOYWW back at ya. - To have no plan is a good plan you know. Sometimes it is like this and sometimes it is being so busy so it is hard to catch up. I like your small Halloween things - Thanks for sharing.
    Kind regards

  6. Very organized and neat desk! Those images are so fun and different, made me smile. Winnie#35

  7. Very inviting workspace today.
    My scrap stash is totally out of hand. Can't imagine getting into one box.

  8. Those two images are so cute, I can see them on either, a Halloween or a goofy Christmas card.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier and for the nice comments.

    Happy creating and happy woyww!

    Sandy #44

  9. Wow, your scrap box is impressively well organised. I will not be showing you mine any time then! I like the slouchy character. We don't do halloween to such an extent as swapping cards really.

  10. Fun images on your desk. I only wish my scrap box was THAT small! grin
    Krisha #19

  11. My your scrap box is surely organized. Good girl, I find I end up with scraps that get forgotten. Since I buy mostly collections in pads or single sheet collections, I've started putting the scraps back in the pad or clear bag along with the single sheets. I think I'm actually using up more scraps this way. It only took me 15 years to figure out a method that works for me :-) Have a crafty week!

  12. Hi Nikki,

    What a great idea to color a bunch of images at the same time - without having anything specifically in mind.

    A while back I cut down my 12 x 12 papers into 4 x 4 and that left me with lots of paper!! I have since bought some new 12 x 12 packs so all is good = well, all is papered!

    Thank you for visiting me already. I also received your bio - thank you!

    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs, Kay (57)

  13. It's very satisfing to be organized and to use scraps. I always want to go to the scraps first so I even have a small container of 3 X 5 pieces of card stock to use for punches or lables, or if it's special paper silver or gold I'll get out my small punches and use every half inch I can.
    Be well Carole #50

  14. Very organised, I have a scrap box but I'm not so good at emptying it, must try to use it more.
    Have a great week and happy crafting, Angela x 34

  15. Good idea to use your scraps first. I like your file system. I tend to collect many papers for collage but don't get around to using them. You gave given me inspiration.

  16. Good idea to use your scraps first. I like your file system. I tend to collect many papers for collage but don't get around to using them. You gave given me inspiration.

  17. Too late for WOYWW really, I know! My computer is rubbish this week so I have got a bit behind with myself. Glad to see you have been busy with some crafty activity. x Jo


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
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