
Monday, September 8, 2014

Creative Blog Hop

Well I've been tagged in this Creative Blog Hop by Kay she is one fantastic girl that I've met through WOYWW which I've been playing along with since almost the beginning with all those wonderful peeps that show off their spaces each week. Kay is uber talented and has lots of hobbies too she is one wonderful knitter and has tons of hobbies she also takes fantastic Pictures too. We have a lot of similar hobbies and I'm pretty sure it's because we share the same birthday. So here's a little bit about me and I've got a few more links to some wonderfully creative girls that you 'll enjoy checking out you'll find out about them at the end of this post. 

1.     What am I working on now?

Here is my little corner and this is mostly all of my stash to for you all to check out

Well I'm living in Renovations (FULL HOUSE) so I have to sneak time from here to here to craft. I'm even in the middle of rebuilding my desk I've finished the back wall of the desk just which is old baseboards from our house stripped down sanded and turned into a shelf system for me that works so much better and keeps everything neat and tidy. The Base of my desk will be an old door that I have to finish stripping the paint off of then buying new wood for the top and I'm thinking of a roll out cabinet perhaps to hide some more stash off my desk I know that sounds crazy to some people but I love the look of an organized space with most of my crafty goodness tucked away. So the DH doesn't realize how much I actually have. 
 I slowly get things done I'm working on my DT creations and a painting that I'm stuck on but that's normal for me sometimes when I paint I can paint over a picture 10 times till I get the look and feeling I want. I'm also trying to create some more digital stamps for my little store LIMITED RUNS but that's been a slow progress since we started working on our home I guess it's because we so busy thinking about what we have to do next on our place.  I also have a lot of different hobbies that I enjoy from drawing,painting, creating digital Images to even creating stain glass windows. I tried making lamps and did make a few only to find out I love creating windows so much more and I've made some huge ones over time but love making them.

2.     How does my work differ from others in my genre?

I really don't know if I have a genre I love all things dark and eerie but don't always make them. Let's just say I love halloween and love to dress up and go out for the night it's always fun to do.  I'd say I'm all over artist what ever catches my fancy and how I'm feeling that day so perhaps it's just what mood I'm in that day is what I create. I Love to colour things in so I'm more likely to focus in on something I've coloured and show off what ever is the focal point and everything just goes from there, One of my darker fun cards

I also enjoy creating digital art too and have made blog badges and banner and can be commissioned when asked.  Darnell asked me to create this for the Creative Blog Hop.
3.     Why do I create what I do?
I'm an artist and I enjoy the process and sometimes the end results just surprise me in the end I might start a project with one idea in my head and totally end up somewhere else but that's the fun of it. Usually that change happens as I'm waiting on glue to dry or paint. There is no right or wrongs in creating anything just the fun of doing it along the way. When it comes to my paintings I do them mainly for myself and once in a while get commissioned to create for others when they want something created that includes making blog headers and buttons for their blogs.
4.     How does my creative process work?
My process has to start with a tidy area or else I will get sidetracked cleaning up the space so I can focus on what I'm Creating. When it comes to painting I require a drop clothe though as I get lost in the painting and normally miss that I've spilled something till I step in it lol. I also think we are always learning on how to do new things there are so many great suggestions ideas on YouTube that you can learn for free, from colouring to fixing your printer.  I'm also huge into crafting in a limited space with just enough creative tools that I don't have an over load of stash that doesn't get used ,I do own some that hasn't been used yet but will try to be good and use up so it doesn't go to waste.  Even when I think I've grown tired of that pad of paper I'll still try and use it up, or I will create some gently used candy for someone to enjoy if you can't use it all you can share it.

So Here are my 3 people I've asked to join in the hop

Jenny From my DT she is just an amazing gal that is just a wonderful artist to work with 
Hi, my name is Jenny Llewellyn ( aka Dragonllew) and I live on the South coast of Britain with my lovely hubby Mark and my three gorgeous children Shannon (17), Rhys (15) & Aimee (8). I love all things crafty and will have a go at any new craft that I find but my passion at the moment ( and for the last 5 years) is making cards. It all started when I was reading a thread on Money Saving Expert about hand made Christmas gifts and saw someones idea to make up a box of cards that the recipient could use through the year and though I can do that. From there I found a group of lovely ladies on the forum who all made cards many of whom I still keep in touch with through theirblogs. I love to think that my cards bring a little bit of happy into other peoples live's
I met Nikki through being on the design team at Incy Wincy Challenges and love the humour she brings to many of her cards thanks for tagging me in this hop Nikki.

Lynne from my DT at Incy Wincy and she's a fantastic person who is super creative. She can just make anything look wonderful .  Lynne is one of few words on her posts and just makes her work shine so pop over and take a look at her space and see what she's made.

Avril Watson who use to be with us at  Incy Wincy with us but has long since moved on and we still visit each other's blogs and chat every once in a while.She also loves things that have a darker quality to them and her work is just a must see .

About Avril Ann Watson (Crafting in the bedroom)
I started crafting as a young girl, 1st with crocheting and knitting, then embroidery and tapestry.
I got into Paper crafting in 2005, after nursing my Dad through Cancer and losing him in February of that year. I started off with a little plastic box, mainly doing decoupage, then got into stamping, and latterly CD crafting and Digi’s.   I am disabled and have been unable to work for several years, where upon I found Blogland and FB; I have amassed an amazing amount of friends and like-minded people.  This has been my saviour, in so many ways, as my family, go about their days, I too have something to do, and hope contributes.So I sit in my bedroom with a Sparkly Black Miniature Poodle, Jet, keeping me company all the while I am currently on several DT’s and enjoy the rapport, between team members and challengers alike.I have been very lucky to have met, quite a few off my Facebook and Blog buddies, and hope to increase that as time goes on, through into 2014.

thanks for reading my post and enjoy this wonderful hop
hugs Nikki 


  1. A fabulous write up, Nikki, loving your craft space and you also know how much I love your art...thank you for choosing me to join the hop, next Monday, love and hugs xxx

  2. Thanks Nikki for tagging me in this hop such fun to see how everyone else works.
    Jenny x

  3. Hi Nikki,

    Great post! It's always fun to learn new things about people (although it does seem that we have SOOO Much in common)!

    I'll definitely pop over to the three ladies that you've passed the torch to - but it may not be until tomorrow.


  4. Hi Nikki, I zipped over from Kay's so that I could enjoy learning some more about who you are. And thanks, BTW, for that fantastic blog button you designed for Darnell. It's all over the net - thanks to you 2 fabulous & generous people. Loved seeing your creative desk, and how fabulous that you crafted it from used items. I liked your idea of hiding the stash too! I enjoyed some of your wonderful designs while on an earlier DT, and will try to get back more often to enjoy your oh-so-creative art. Have a great week. Hugs & TFS.

  5. Hi Nikki, just checking back to see if my earlier comment posted (and happy to see that it did). Blogger wasn't telling me that it had been published, and when I chk'd back later, didn't see it. Wanted to make sure I left a comment on your TCBH blog, and I'm so happy that I learned some more about who you are. That's some great blog button you designed too. Hugs

  6. Did you know you can shorten your urls with Shortest and make money from every click on your short urls.


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
Check out Visit Limited Runs Stamps
Digital Stamps for those on a budget