
Tuesday, September 2, 2014


It's that time again for WOYWW so here's my space and I've been colouring in some digital images from Limited Runs and for a couple Christmas cards and when I went thorough my scrap box I noticed I had a lot of greens so I started to make a wreath using punches it's a great way to burn through a lot of scrap papers and just glued down on to a cut out circle simple and very kewl looking when it's done don't know what it will be used for but it will be used up :) 

So I'll pop around to as many blogs as I can last week I ended up putting some tiles on our bathroom floors little white hexagons looks good haven't grouted it yet seeing we want to put white grout but the rad guys have to come back to hook up the rads and they will be wearing shoes ,so are we at times right now.  We will be going to be doing it after we are finished a few things and it will stay white a little longer. 

So that's about it also I've been tagged by Kay for Creative Blog Hop my post will be up next monday so pop around and check it out next week

hugs Nikki 


  1. The wreath will look lovely when its finished, what are you doing with the coloured sheets?
    Bridget #1

  2. Oh I've used the same punch to make wreaths for Christmas cards too...I've always loved the way they turn out! I can't wait to see yours!

    Happy WOYWW!
    Amy E. #4

  3. It must have taken ages to punch out the leafs then stick them down. Got to admit the wreath looks good Nikki. Happy woyww jill #11

  4. wow, that wreath is a labour of love - but well worth it, it looks fabulous!! Helen 14

  5. That wreath is looking great, I might borrow the idea.
    Thanks for sharing
    Chris #10

  6. Great colouring there and I love the wreath - simple but very effective. Sunshine Girl #17

  7. Great way to use up left over scraps that wreath looks lovely
    Jackie 15

  8. Love the idea of the wreath! May have to get that punch and try creating one. The image of the snow monster (?) makes me laugh. wondering what kind of card he would go on. Diane #30

  9. The wreath is a great way to use up the bits - it's looking really good and I love the digi colouring. Thanks for sharing your workspace today. Hazel, WOYWW, #34 x

  10. Lurve the wreath, Nikki - don't know that I would have the patience to do it - but it's coming on just great! Well done. Great colouring, too.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #22

  11. You are having fun there Nikki with your snow angel and wreath as well busy indeed!
    happy WOYWW Shaz in Oz. #33

  12. Brill idea for the wreath. Hope the final touches to the bathroom go well. Have a good week, Chris # 29

  13. Like the wreath idea. Happy crafting, Angela x38

  14. Hey #2- love the wreath idea- goddess knows I need to use of some scraps around here!
    Robyn 13

  15. It really is a good way to use up your scraps but most of all the colours you have used are looking brilliant for the wreath.

    Thanks for sharing and happy crafting.

    Hugs Eliza & Yoda 49
    Happy WOYWW

  16. Hi Nikki, that's a great use of your green snippets - the wreath is going to look fabulous on whatever project you put it on. I'm totally impressed that you laid the tiles yourself ... I wouldn't know where to begin! Have a good week. Elizabeth x #26

  17. That's so cute! You could make so many different kinds of wreaths, love it. Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #55

  18. Yes some days it's fun to just use punches on scraps...I have an assortment just waiting to be used. Be well Carole #57

  19. That wreath looks beautiful, but sure is a lot of work :-)
    Gabriele 65

  20. Great images, Nikki, and that wreath you made is spectacular! I'll bet it even looks better IRL! I look forward to reading your TCBH post next Monday!! Hugs, Darnell

  21. LOL! The blue monster reminds me of the old stop-motion Christmas specials for some reason. The thought of colouring in dozens of images for a stack of cards leaves me woozy, 'tho. You are better crafter than me, for sure. Or at least way less lazy - printables for me all the way....


    Happy WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (8)

  22. Hi Nikki,

    What a great wreath! You should enter it in the snippets challenge over at Di's (Pixie's Crafty Workshop). I can't wait read your post on Monday!!

    Happy WOYWW


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
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