
Tuesday, September 16, 2014


Well Here is my space this week and I've just noticed I need to do some dusting that lamp sure could use  a cleaning yet again ... Drywall dust it's almost done just a few touch up here and there and it should be all done. I will be so happy when the dust is just normal dust. I've been Colouring and making up a few Project Life cards. Funny thing is I don't do Project Life at all but thought I'd make these guys into them anyone want to buy them send me how much you'd be willing to pay and I'll send them to the best offer :P

Oh and something that I just read 100 days till Christmas OMG so soon 

Here is a close up of Limited Runs New Digital Stamps 
From Top Left we have  "SISSY,ZERO,VIKKY "
In Bottom Row From Left we have "BUCKY,LUCI-D and DRACO"

Click on any of the Images below for a CLOSE UP !!

Inky Chicks - Anything Goes 9/28
Papertake Weekly - Punch it Out
Card and Scrap - Everything is Allowed 9/28
Haunted Design House - Bloody Mess
Aurora Wings - Touch of Darkness 10/18

 Recipe - Digital Stamps - Limited Runs
Punch - Martha Stewart
Embellishments - K&CO,Studio G
Marker Shinhan,Sakura Gel

Thank for looking
hugs Nikki



  1. Those stamp images are so fun. #17

  2. Love those cards! I tend not to notice dust.... ahem! have a great week. Helen 11

  3. Only 100 days till Christmas !!!!!!!!! Nice set of project life cards! I don't do much dusting in my craft room ......
    Jackie 10

  4. I visited the Limited Runs blog. I have not used digital stamps before. Do you simply color them, cut out then glue on? Do like these a lot. I think the framing you did with the dripping blood punch adds a lot to the cards. diane #26

  5. What fantastic little characters. You could make those into stamps and have a following.
    Dread building work happening, the dust gets everywhere and settles as soon as you take it off - good luck with that one.
    Hugs & Thanks for visiting me early doors.
    Neet xx

  6. Hi Nikki, love those characters. Awesome. Know what you mean about the dust from plaster & plasterboard. It gets everywhere, and no sooner have you cleaned it up than it settles again. Thanks for all the good wishes, they really worked! Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #26 xx

  7. Dust? Didn´t see any. But you little halloween characters are so cute!! I love them!
    Gabriele 16

  8. I can't see any dust. Cute cards. Thanks for sharing today. Hope you have a great day and a lovely crafting week to come. Hazel, WOYWW #47 x

  9. Hi Nikki, love your cards they are so cute. If there is any dust it just gives the lamp the antique look. Joynana

  10. Those cards are fantastic! I say, leave the dust and play untill all has settled and then have a good clean!
    Happy WOYWW!
    Tertia #38

  11. I had to smile, as my hubby will see my dusty lamp before I realize it! Your cards are so fun great images! Can't believe the holidays will be here that soon, ackkkkk!! Winnie #36

  12. your desk looks so tidy in the midst of all that creativity!
    thanks for visiting and your kind words!
    Robyn 7

  13. Cute as a button images! How fun! And I like your storage items for your desk. Very nice!

    Have a good week!
    Hugs, Kathy Jo #41

  14. WOW Nikki! How fun are these? Love the entire set. Love the images and how you've framed them all with Drippy Goo. Thanks so much for joining our A Touch of Darkness Challenge at Aurora Wings. xxD

  15. I agree those images are so funky and fun. I would love to play at your desk. I'm sure you have everything I need. I've read many of your comments on blogs we've both're really good at commenting and generous with your time. Be well Carole #59

  16. don't worry about any dust - that desk looks a lovely neat place to play. Love the art work. Chris # 29

  17. Ah, dust in the craft room, the bane of my existence! How to dust round all the stash that clutters up the shelves ... not easy. My solution, a pen with a fluffy duster sort of thing attached to one end, originally intended for cleaning the computer keyboard. Flicking it around surfaces convincrs me that I've dusted - something similar would be just perfect for your lamp! Have a great week. Elizabeth x #62

  18. To heck with the dust, look at those images!! They're amazing, and a great idea to size em for PL, I bet they'll appear in l,pads of Plan pages for the Halloween thing.

  19. Cool digi stamps and a very tidy desk! Zsuzsa #64

  20. Hi Nikki, happy WOYWW and thanks for visiting my desk...yours looks like a neat place to work and those images are terrific. cheers RobynO#27

  21. Love the neat desk Nikki, what's going on, lol!! How are the renovations coming along, any light at the end of the tunnel yet?

    Brenda 56

  22. I thought I was in the wrong place when I started reading about dust and then thought it might be an art product of some kind, badly mistaken on that one. Oh well you should be more careful with that D word some of us don't like it.

    Cute characters too.

    Eliza, Yoda & Flat Susan #23
    Happy WOYWW

  23. these are so fun tha ks for sharing at HDH

  24. Love those quirky characters, very cute! Happy very late WOYWW :o) Annie C #75

  25. So glad you shared them with HDH, too. Thanks so much! xxD

  26. These are awesome! To quirky and fun, and with a certain, almost cute, flair! Amazingly well done work on them,
    and thank you for joining us!
    Aurora Wings DT

  27. These are fabulous. Thanks for playing with us in the dungeon at HDH.

  28. What well organised work area, all those pens at hand and the box of embossing powders and punches, no wonder you do such amazing pictures.
    Well done
    thanks for visiting my desk
    Chris #4


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
Check out Visit Limited Runs Stamps
Digital Stamps for those on a budget