
Wednesday, October 1, 2014


I started today working this card and was looking through my scraps and papers and realized I that wasn't sure how many flowers I wanted so I started looking through my stash and the next thing I know I'm collecting some pink papers and buttons, flowers and extras for a little happy pink candy.
that I plan on having for October just leave a little comment to win one of them :)
So this is what I started 

 this is what I ended up with moved my inks over and tidied up now this is what my space looks like now after playing around and STILL the card isn't done and still looks like this lol so eventually I'll get it the way I want 
So Check out everyone else's space at Julia's and Happy Wed :) \
I still have stash for here and on Ebay
Hugs Nikki 


  1. your card making method sounds a lot like mine - lots of tidying up and not enough sticking! Hope you finish it soon. Sunshine Girl #6

  2. Oh, I know how that style of card-making goes, Nikki! The move-and-rearrange-this-way-and-that style!! Tidy desk! (If this comment counts, don't include me in the candy draw, please and thank you.) Happy WOYWW!! Have a wonderful week! Hugs, Darnell #23

  3. Ah the sorting and managing style I call it, but I tend to keep on going and just make a mess and create something. Lovely colour choice.

    No offence, don't worry about candy enrollments for me either. I don't need anymore stuff, I have to use what I have got. I hope you have a wonderful week of crafting.

    Hugs Eliza, Yoda & Flat Susan
    Happy WOYWW #2

  4. Start to do one - and end up with three or four - sounds like a great way to create, Nikki.
    Well done.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #7

  5. I usually end up with a group of three in a corner as I get so tired of moving about, switching and swapping. Bet you are more disciplined than me. Nice display though and lovely cards.
    Hugs, Neet 34 xx

  6. Ooh, I like those pinky flowers and buttons, so soft and pretty. Really gorgeous!
    Hugs, LLJ 30 xx

  7. Oh you're generous,what a lovely idea. I love that you got sidetracked though, it gives me hope! And yep - over organised inks. Very you!!

  8. Oh its so lovely to have such a plentiful stash to dip into and choose from. x Jo

  9. I do like your card how you did it in the first photo, nothing wrong with it!
    Gabriele 28

  10. I love all the elements on that card - it is going to be so pretty! Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #56

  11. Funny how easily we get distracted by our stash...know the feeling well! Good luck getting the card sorted. #20

  12. I've determined you are a 'flipper' You tend to file things to flip through as opposed to stacking whenever possible. Lovely pink goodies. Pretty embellies on the card. Creative Blessings! Kelly #60

  13. I often get distracted by something else and it takes ages toget back to where I was which so often leads to a project taking even longer to complete. Hope you have a great week and happy crafting, Angela x 39

  14. Looking good, girl! You can't beat a bit (or a lot!!) of pink. Hugs, Chris # 16

  15. Love the look of the pink things and hope the card got finished OK. Thanks for sharing. Hope that you have a lovely crafting week to come. Hazel, WOYWW #81 x

  16. looking pretty in pink stash!
    robyn 4

  17. I love your desk organization!! I keep a limited amount of scraps and they are handy in my immediate workspace. I make a planned card or two and them use the scraps to make another card or two, it is always fun to "work" the scraps this way!Thank you for sharing, Have a great week Ginny M #63

  18. Love your pink flowers and buttons, and what a pretty card. Your creative space looks very organised!

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #37


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
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