
Tuesday, April 7, 2015


Happy WOYWW well here's my Whole space I love that it's a cozy little corner that I share with our computer there is a black chest with all that I'm trying to sell and holds all my finished cards so they stay dust free. 

A Closer look the two purses I  Made using the same fabric just the reverse side for each of them 
they don't hold that much but they are perfect for going out for a night and you don't want to carry a lot with you. Underneath them is some ATC's I've been colouring for WOYWW #6 and I'm making two different types you can see the image below I'm using for them. I don't want to wreak the surprize just yet so they are flipped over at the moment I'm half way done. All of them are coloured differently, I can't seem to create the same one twice it seems just have to create a back for them all and add a little something extra extra to them before they are finished.
Here's what I've used for my ATC seeing it's WOYWW 6 I thought why not make it a sweet/evil combo seeing some of us love those quirky dark images out there or take the sweet and just zombied
 them all up :P

OPPS almost forgot the winner from last week and is number 4 

Congrats and I'll send you your GC off to you to enjoy 
Happy WOYWW 
and I'll pop around to as many people as I can
Plus I'll give away these two digi above to one lucky person
just because I can :) 
I know a lot of people ask but I'm in a rut and would love some ideas on what you'd like to see me make for a new digi and if I make the one you suggest I'll send it to you as a bonus !!

hugs Nikki 


  1. I am always so impressed by your compact desk and play space! Also by you also planning your atcs.. better get a move on here.. Thanks for stopping by already. Helen 4

  2. You do have a lovely compact space with everything to hand. Your purses are great. I like the thin rectangle one. That's a great shape for a purse. I noticed your very stylish lamp too! Who said desk lamps had to be utilitarian!? :)

  3. i love how much you get done in a small space in some ways i was more productive when i had a smaller space but shh dont tell Mr C that he's just finished building me a craft room lol

    Happy wwoyw
    love Mrs C.x

  4. I wont ever complain that I dont have a desk big enough, seeing what you create on
    Bridget #1

  5. Forgot to say please send me your snail mail address to my email so I can put you on the list for ATC
    Bridget #1

  6. Hi Nikki, wish I could be so organised. Love the little bags they look really useful and you have reminded me that I must get going with some ATCs.
    Hope you have a great woyww, Angela x 24

  7. Wow, Nikki, you have got it together - planning those ATCs already - you go girl!

    Create With Joy - #18

  8. Love your good and evil twins! What fun.
    Great job on the sewing front Nikki, those purses (handbags where I come from) are great and will go with any outfit.
    You are certainly firing on all cylinders!
    Hugs, Neet 20 xx

  9. You are super organised and that is probably why you achieve so much. Now that you ask about a digi design. What about a crow! Lots of birds out in stamping world but not a lot of really good black crows.
    sandra de @32

  10. What a lovely cosy desk! You are obviously very organized....
    Those little bags are gorgeous. Yes, and very handy too.
    Thank you for reminding me about the ATCs. I think I'll give it a whirl this year.
    Have a good week,

  11. Cosy space as you say - but plenty of room to craft!! lol

    Love those digis!

    Have a good week
    Bishopsmate #34

  12. It sounds like you've been busy creating all sorts of great stuff. Your digi design of the lady is great. Blessings and Happy WOYWW! #37

  13. Your space looks so neat and practical! Not much on the inspiration/work in progress shelf this time :)
    Happy woyww!
    Kristiina #6

  14. Your place is busy! The purses are sooo cute. Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #40

  15. Oh, colour me happy, I won! thank you! I haven't changed my email address. Those purses are fab, and Yep..when you go out, a card, car keys, sunnies...perfect.
    You're making me panic aboutATCs!

  16. You did those images? I'm so impressed. I prefer the normal, but I can see great potential in the scary version. :-)
    April #62

  17. I really like your purses and I am impressed with what you achieve given your desk space. I like to spread out and the more the better. I think your girls look fantastic. As for ideas on more images why don't you try things with wings like flying telephones or computers, I know I am weird.

    Hope you have a wonderful week crafting.

    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs Eliza & Yoda 5

  18. luv luv luv the two faced girl. Way cool

    Happy WOYWW, thanks for sharing
    Pat #54


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
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