
Tuesday, April 14, 2015

WOYWW + Winners

Happy WoYWW and here's my space this week working on a DT creations and I've got an envelope all set to mail off to Miss Julia for the big WOYWW crop So I still have 3 ATC's To trade and if I make some more I'll be happy to swap more it's fun so in total I've made 18 of them which just was one big colouring fest I'll share them on my WOYWW #6 post and just share my fave 2 with you here when I announce the winner...s From last week with the ATC image I used 
Here is my space and I've labeled it all up for you :)

Now I don't know if this will work but the marker that is standing up I have the tip I always use facing down hoping the ink will make it's way into it seeing it's slightly  not as strong as it use to be unless I use the other side it's working perfectly.
 Here are my two fave and none of the ATC's look alike I just to play with colours. When I was making them and I loved colouring up the zombie girls it's just fun there is no mistake when you create creepy images a mistake is just an added bit of detail/depth./EWW you did that lol.
 Limited Runs Two Faced Girl
Zombie and Normal
and here are my Winners
I pulled 3 names out and just need your email
and I'll send you these two Digi
Pat Taviss
Kristina Majuri

Have a wonderful day
hugs Nikki 


  1. great colouring
    have a good week, Happy WOYWW
    Thanks for sharing
    Mrs C.x #2 this week :)

  2. love the zombie one! I'm finally starting to plan (in my head!) my atcs so I don't know yet how many I'll get made. Helen 5

  3. Love your two faces and love your colouring. Is that a Chameleon pen you have upside down?
    Hugs, Neet 23 xx

  4. Who says it's not good to be 2 faced....... Both look great to me although I think I like the zombie one best.. I must start planning my ATCS too but may not get many done but I'll try
    Janet @32

  5. Your zombie girl looks great HAPPY WOYWW!

  6. Love the zombie girl :) I never think to make monsters since my head of too full of fluffy pretty things LOL Shel@PaperOcotilloStudio #17

  7. Love the girls, they look so different. Must start to think about what to do for the ATCs, so many people have already started theirs. Hoping you have a great crafty week. Happy woyww, Angela x 36 x

  8. Your ATC girls look great! The zombie girl is a bit scary but very original.
    Have a great week,

  9. Hey hey, lucky me. Looking forward to the 2 faces thanks so much.

    Happy WOYWW Thanks for sharing.
    Pat #64

  10. great looking desk and awesome looking atc! I am amazed at how the zombie thing has taken off in stamping recently! Have a great week. Vickie #8i8

  11. Everyone seems to bbe making loads of ATC:s... I'm counting on finding a suitable one in my box of done projects once I know who it's going to...
    Kristiina #15

  12. Hi Nikki,
    Your desk looks nice and organized. How do you label things? Not participating in the WOYWW swap. Having my total knee replacement on June 8. Wish me luck!!

    Happy belated WOYWW
    Hugs, Kay (4)


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
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