
Tuesday, August 4, 2015


Where does the time go is it that time again to show you my little space well I'd like to say I've been super creative but alas I haven't done much at all but I know there is lots to do in my mind lol I did start another christmas card seeing I'm only up to 25 and that is soooo not enough it seems for me so I've got to at least make another 50ish to cover all that I will need 
 Little close up still on not using christmas papers for my cards but I love using black at christmas it's just so striking against all the other colours out there. So that little pile on the right of papers is all my 6 by 6 christmas I own at the moment about 40 sheets I guess and this is me laying out the card and about to make it into a a 5-7 cause I want more pink in it 
Happy WOYWW and you can find the link in my side bar 

I'll visit as many peeps as I can but I'm sure it will be later for some with all we have going on at the moment 

hugs Nikki 


  1. Oh my, your space is luxury for me! I have a whole room but there is hardly any space to walk!!! patsy

  2. I had to check the date of your post in case the link had gone wrong... you seem very ahead of yourself with so many C cards (can't even say the word this early in the year!!) Have a great week. Helen 3

  3. I'm with Helen. The C word is not even on my radar. If my math is correct, (and I WAS a math major) you are going to need a LOT of postage if you are sending about 75 cards. Better get a part time job, because I quit sending more than a handful of Christmas cards because of the high cost of postage. I know it's the same in your country, too. Happy WOYWW from #2.

    1. Oh I don't mail that many I hand deliver a lot and most are for my co workers image a card for everyone every year I mail about 10-20 to keep it out of the crazy $$.

  4. Thanks for the visit already. I love your card and your desk is awful tidy! I have cleaned mine up since my desk shot was taken, but it still has more on it than yours! 11

  5. Hi Nikki, I try to hand deliver as many as I can too. Like the idea of the black card bet it does stand out lovely, Nice tidy desk which always makes me jealous. Have a great woyww and happy crafting, Angela x 19

  6. That's a very pretty card and yes, the extra pop of pink is perfect! I've scaled down the amount of cards I send...the postage is crazy!
    Hugs, LLJ 14 xx

  7. i really should be doing my christmas cards to but i cant get in the mood your ahead of me i only have 21 done so far
    happy woyww
    Charlie :) #9
    or find me here

  8. Your desk is so tidy. That's how I like to start each day but not how I finish up. Your card looks very pretty. The black and white behind does look very striking. Have a lovely week. Barb#20

  9. Hi Nikki, cards look lovely. I just wish I could get in the mood for Christmas card making before November, lol.Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #4 xx

  10. Extra neat space Nikki, and a lovely Christmas card in the making...I have about 25 made so far too and need a lot more. Enjoy your week RobynO#22

  11. Black can brighten and set offa lovely pink card and is so unexpected and real eye candy.
    Your desk is so neat and organized perfect for card making. Christmas oh no, yesterday it was only 97F the rest of the week we hit a hundred!
    Monica #10

  12. I'm always so amazed at how neat and orderly everything on your desk is! Really puts me to shame I'm afraid!
    Glenda #34

  13. What an adorable image for Christmas. I have done so few Christmas cards this year. I really need to get started. April #40

  14. I'm going to pretend we aren't doing Christmas this year, like it will be cancelled. I'm sure all this denial is good for my soul. Ha, ha. I like your desk with its roomy hutch, plenty of room to play. I like seeing Christmas cards with non-traditional colors so I applaud your pink and black one. Judy #49

  15. I don't do Christmas cards, well a few for very special people, but in this country people don't send cards so I don't need to worry. But I do love Christmas cards with un-christmassy colors, so well done for using the black.
    Apologies for the late comment. I've been so busy yesterday...
    A blog hug from me,

  16. Hi there Nikki. I'm finally feeling more like myself and wanted to come around and visit some of my favorite people. This has definitely been a slow recovery. Unfortunately my lupus flared about a month before my surgery so that really slowed things down for me and I had to quit taking my medication for almost 2 months now. I really do live a better life through chemistry.......

    I have my artwork in my bedroom and it looks fantastic. I will have to take a photo for you.


  17. I have so many birthday cards to do, want to do journalling instead, so "C" is way off for me - as usual I will be rushing last minute. So it is good to see you are organised. I have done some simple cards and I chose black and white for them - strange how we both felt the same about black.
    Sending Hugs, Neet xx (sorry I am so late)


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
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