
Tuesday, August 18, 2015


If you thought my desk was clean last week this week it's all been shoved off of it so I can cut some glass on top of it for some stained glass windows I'm working on to go in as sidelight for our front door which I finished taking all the paint off of sanding priming and painting it a nice blue only to have the DH think it needs to be a different colour seeing it blends in to much and you don't notice it's blue. UGG!!! I kind of agree but want to wait to see once we paint the black trim around it and see how that looks then lol.
Life has been hectic for me that I'm hardly any computer time
I did manage a few new drawings this week that I hope to find the time to turn into digital stamps

So here's my NAKED DESK!!!
Where everything has been SHOVED OFF TOO!!!
1st Sidelight for our front door not done yet but will be soon

So I'll try to pop in as many peeps blogs as I can
hugs Nikki 


  1. Wow! I am super impressed with that stained glass door panel! It looks splendid! I wouldn't know where to start making one! I'm sure it will be grand! Happy WOYWW! Patsy

  2. I simply adore the design of your glass panel. It is going to be awesome. I paid for a stained glass class back in the late 80s, then the shop suddenly closed and I was out my money. That's why I've never taken a class or a workshop because I still think about that stained glass piece I planned to make. So glad you are doing well with your panels. Happy WOYWW from #2.

  3. Wow!!What a clever person you are.That stained glass is gorgeous!!
    Judy #

  4. I used to do stained glass, in fact, I still have all the tools. I forgot just how awesome it was, maybe I should dig it out again. Your panel looks great!
    Happy WOYWW!
    Tertia #25

  5. Wow that is a clean desk but then I see where it really is and I had to laugh a bit! Beautiful stained glass project! So creative and talented!
    Glenda #37

  6. Hi Nikki, as everyone else is saying, your stained glass panel is amazing. it will look glorious with the sun shining through it. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #5 xxx

  7. Wow, you are a very talented woman. Love the stained glass and can't wait to see how it all develops.
    sandra de @38

  8. LOL! "What is all that stuff over there??" That is totally my desk all the time, but I tend to step back a step so you can see how bad it actually is :) I am all about the full disclosure.

    The glass is fab. My friend from the US lived over her for about 3 years to do a stained glass course at Swansea Uni. She has done a few pieces on commission but oddly nothing for her own home. I should point her at your blog LOL! Give her a nudge in the right direction...

    Happy WOYWW ... finally!
    Mary Anne (4)

  9. Gosh Nikki, you are an impressive crafter. You cover so much and this side panel is going to be amazing. I remember the last piece of stained glass you did. All I can do is draw an outline with that paint stuff and fill it in with colour - not exactly up to your standard or anywhere close.
    Impressive Nikki

  10. Is there anything you don't so? I don't do encaustic!
    the window is looking lovely. Honestly a clean desk makes me nervous, till I saw the shove pix! LOL!
    Robyn 1

  11. Gosh you are so clever - how lovely it will be. Have a geat week Soojay 23

  12. Shoved? Oh no, I think idea of shoving is to just sweep it all out of the way...are you cringeing yet?!! Love the panel for the door side light, you are such a clever person, and I love that you have done all the work on the door. I've just finished sanding and base coating the garage door. Oh my right arm ached!!

  13. Hi Nikki, love to see the stuff shoved out of the way. This is more like my sort of thing. You are far too tidy most of the time which is not good for me as it gives me feelings of guilt when I look at my own poor desk! Love the door, gorgeous!
    Have a great woyww and happy crafting, Angela x 23

  14. Your side light is going to be beautiful. :-)
    April #40

  15. So much DESK TOP! I had to laugh that it was shoved over to the side. That looks like quite the tidy shove and not the large arm sweep I envisioned. Your stained glass panel looks fabulous! Have a great day and thanks for visit earlier! Judy #51

  16. Oh I love that stained glass panel! You are so talented!
    Have a good week,

  17. Love your desk and the stained glass panel! (Thanks for stopping by - have a wonderful weekend)


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
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