
Tuesday, September 22, 2015


Happy Woyww everyone So my desk is all about Halloween and touching up some of my older homemade decorations up they where starting to crack a little my creepy boys that I made a few years ago and thank goodness it didn't matter what colour I added as it would all work in no matter what lol
They are cheap Dollar store plastic skulls that have had paper mache over them and the guy in the middle thick paper mache glue (flour and water) and moss then you have to let them dry 100% about a week I left the guy in the middle and then have fun painting them up.

So here's my pull out I'm trying to make a funky pumpkin not sure how he will turn out but I'm hoping ok and this way I can slowly work up the layers on him and let it dry out really good. The fake knifes have been spray painted and I'm debating on if they should be rusty or not would look great for a Homemade butcher shop for my front porch would be fun 

Congrats to my lucky Winner who is ...
#9 = Valentina Loncar
Please send me your snail mail at

Also all those who posted it on their sidebar as a Thank you please pick any ONE Digital Stamp from Limited Runs so you can all gave a fun image to play with for fun please send me an email with your choice.
FT Fit Kitty,Debra Kenworthy, Bad Kitty,Angela Radford,Regina,Valerija

Thanks for popping in 
and I'll pop around to as many peeps as I can 
hugs Nikki 


  1. I dont think I could ever work with skulls, creeps me out, but you have done a great job with it
    Bridget #1

  2. the skulls are already looking good, I am sure when you've finished they will be fabulous! Helen 8

    1. They are done now just needed to be touched up and refreshed

  3. Must be the week for skulls.I found a skull back pack for $2.00 this week.I couldn't work with skulls either.
    Judy #2

  4. You really know how to creep out a skull! can't wait to see your pumpkin!
    robyn 14

  5. They made me smile, those skulls of yours! Why , I don't know, but they look kind of friendly to me...not too scary YET!! Have fun with your pumpkin too...your Halloween display is going to be amazing!
    Hugs, LLJ 12 xx

  6. I have no experience (thankfully) but I would say those skulls are looking very real, how amazing! They are pretty scary...added to the big old knives..yep, you sure willhave a 'butcher' shop for a porch! You're very patient!

  7. I don't think I'd be happy with three skulls sitting on my desk! Plus a knife! How about some blood drops on the knife...
    Have a good week,

  8. yey! bravo Valentin!
    thank you Nikki
    Will send you my choice.
    you are very kind

  9. Wow so scarry sculs, When I so them I got goose bumps :D
    As for the candy YYYYEEEEEEIIIIIIIIIII I can tell you how lucky you made me!!! Now I wil make my BFF a cool card with it, and for my girls too, When I so that I winn I started to screem :D They freek out, what happent mum???
    Thank you again and I am going to send you mine mail!!!

  10. Your dollar store skulls look like phenomenal with the paper mache treatment you did on them. I hope I get to see your finished pumpkin. Happy WOYWW! #35

  11. Whoa, those skulls are way to cool! Can't wait to see what you do with the pumpkin as well. Have a happy week! zsuzsa @ InkyDinkyDoodle

  12. Thank you so much, Nikki! I'm heading out now but I'll email you tomorrow. Congrats to all the winners! Your skulls are very creepy! Yes, very creepy!

  13. Hi Nikki, you're so kind and will go and have a look at the Limited Runs when I've done a bit more visiting Oh! and I had better hang out the washing before it decides to rain Lol! You are a very generous lady.
    I would also like to thank you for joining my followers, only ten more and I will get up to the Hundred! It's been a bit slow but sure I will get there. Have a lovely WOYWW and happy crafting, Angela x 36

  14. Those skulls are fantastic! Love what you have done with them. We never have anything remotely like that here. Did they come with the teeth or did you put those in yourself? You have made a smashing job of them, hope the pumpkin comes out as well for you.

    Looking forward to seeing all your halloween makes.

    Hugs, Neet 15 xx

  15. Not into skulls, but they are nice. ?? Do you call skulls nice? LOL Will you show us the pumpkin when you are done? Happy WOYWW! #50

  16. Those skulls look amazing! Great idea to add extra creepiness to store bought skulls and I would definitely go for a grungey rusty effect on the knives. Have fun :o) Annie C #43

  17. Hi Nicki, and thanks for visiting. mmmmm not sure I could do skulls either.. Halloween isn't a big thing here in the thought of a butchers shop on the front verandah is not on my todo list....but enjoy - you sound like you sure have loads of scary fun. Cheers RobynO#29

  18. Hi, I enjoyed my visit to your blog, and thanks for looking at mine. Those skulls made me smill, they are just brilliant

  19. Oh my! I think a homemade butcher shop on your front porch is perfectly terrifying! Good luck! Those skulls are wonderfully creepy.
    Happy WOYWW!
    brenda lee #42

  20. WELCOME to Craft Rocket Challenge Blog Candy Good luck Hope you will join us when the challenges start in October..............Lis DT

  21. Ahh Nikki well done on your candy, so nice to share like that... looks like fun going on in your crafty spot .. love your colouring too.. brilliant work
    Thanks so much for popping over.
    Happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz.x #34

    {Shaz in Oz – Calligraphy Cards}

  22. Thought I would stop by and say hi what a fun bunch of skulls you have there!!! Have a blessed day
    DIANA L.



Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
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