
Tuesday, September 15, 2015


TO Win some Crafty Goodness check out my Giveaway here 

 So Here's my desk this week and I'm working on a big scary knife for Halloween it looks like plastic now But I'm hoping to alter it a bit to make it look better I've wrapped up the bottom with some Kraft like ribbon paper to cover over the plastic handle and I just found some spray paint that will hopefully give it a reflection seeing the little silver paint looks like paint and I hope that I'll have some more time to create a couple freaky things for outside to make those kiddies earn their Halloween treats lol
It's pretty big if I wanted to hide it along my back it would have to go half way down my backside so awkward for sitting

So Here's the stained glass window someone asked to see last week it suits the rest of them and matches in with the whole feeling of prairie style I tried to design them all to match up. The DH didn't want a lot of colour in them so I just used touches the yellow is so pale when up it's just a tint of colour and now it's all done they have all a dark black patina on them so you don't notice how new they are.

Thanks for looking and 
Please join in my Halloween Giveaway

hugs Nikki 


  1. That's one scary knife you have there. Love your stained glass, I think you are awful clever with the things you have done around your home. Bet it all looks wonderful.
    Hugs Neet 7 xx

  2. Love the window, clever you as Neet says!! Not sure I'd like to come across you with the knife... happy WOYWW Helen 5

    1. It's a great back scratcher and if I swing it to much it bends so harmless lol

  3. Hi Nikki, thanks for the visit to mine. I love your stained glass window. I have a bit of an obsession for the old ones and there are still lots around where I live. I had once thought of photographing as many as I could and having a book printed. I fear that as they become in need of renovation they may disappear altogether but thank goodness we have some clever glaziers here who seem able to fix them.
    Have a great woyww and happy crafting, Angela x 31

  4. Well obv the glass is fantastic, you must be so pleased with the look of the pieces in place, what a fab investment in your home. As for the! The bigger the better!!

  5. That's pretty scary! Wow. I do love your wooden hub on your desk - great storage! Take care Zo xx 36

  6. There's something I didn't expect to see! That's a huge sabre, plastic or not. Are you going to put some blood on it, LOL? Love the stained glass - something I have yet to try myself! Happy Wednesday zsuzsa @ InkyDinkyDoodle #38

  7. Lol, I didn't know you were a master of weird!! That is sure going to freak out the kids at gave me the shivers, I know that!! And that window is gorgeous, clever you, it looks absolutely perfect :-)
    Hugs, LLJ 12 xx

  8. It will be scary round your house at Halloween!! The window is Beautiful!! thanks for the earlier visit. Soojay xx

  9. Your design for the window is beautiful. it is very simple yet elegant.
    Origami is not for me. It does require great attention to detail that alas is very missing. Your work area looks perfect. that knife is quite a scary project; very YoHoHo and a bottle of rum, splce the mainbrace ....
    Monica 50.

  10. Halloween is always so fun for us, looks like you will enjoy it!
    I love window! The people who sold our house to us 7 years ago created a work room in the basement for making stained glass windows. I now use their work benches and light table for my craft room!

    -Lizzie #54

  11. Love the stained glass!! That will be one scary knife methinks. Anne x #34


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
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