
Tuesday, September 29, 2015


Happy WOYWW everyone !!!

 The  skulls I had on my desk last week, this is what they started off looking like. Super cheap and not very scary just tacky!! lol Halloween can be tacky if you want it to be..I perfer the scarier side of it mahh haa haa(evil laugh)

Now onto this week desk
Well here is my space for this week and I've Finally inked up my LOTV clear stamps they where new and needed to be used so wrong to have left them untouched for so long but shh they don't know:)
Trying to design some stained glass windows for our shed he wanted them done yesterday lol but gave me the measurements today so it's going to take a while lol 
I have 9 in total to create and can't wait to get them done will hopefully work out wonderful 
he wants them all clear but ... I might toss in a little yellow just because I want to add a little something something

Update on the sketches none of them worked for us so back to the drawing board !!
Managed to make a few cards for Christmas like 1 and a half (it's a topper at the moment) so I'm trying to get some done looks like I'm going to have to print a bunch up and stamp some more up and go on a colouring binge then just make cards like crazy.

On going projects NOT done - Pumpkin untouched since last time but finally dry so will need to work on that once I can sneak the time

thanks for looking 
hugs Nikki 


  1. The black one scared me, looked like a scene from a haunted house LOL
    Bridget #1

  2. It is a lot of stamps but I've been buying them for 20 + years now... Love the skulls, and good luck with the windows, I am sure they will be gorgeous. Helen #2

  3. Gosh you are clever doing those windows. Not sure how you can do a "clear" one so am waiting with baited breath to see the result. Knowing you it will be fab!
    Hugs, Neet 6 xx

  4. Those skulls look fabulously creepy. Goodluck with the leadlight windows, I am sure they will be stunning when finished.
    sandra de @11

  5. Hi Nikki,

    Those skulls - creepy! Fabulous though. Thanks for sharing your photo. Lyns #9

  6. The skulls look really creepy! to go with the pumpkin I guess. Good luck with the windows. It sounds a mammoth task. Your tags look really pretty. Barb #24

  7. Yep, the skulls are erm, vile! I love that you're designing the glazing for a shed. Now I need to know that it's just called the shed for convenience, because I have a shed in my garden that's 6 foot x 4 foot and full of gardening crap, and I need to know that your 9 window shed isn't really for that?!!!

  8. Your skulls certainly scared me. I'm more a fun Halloween person that a scary one. Good luck with your windows. Glenda #29

  9. WOW the variety this week on WOYWW is amazing. Creepy..yes but it is the season..adding glitter to my broom this year. Lots of fun things going on in your world. Enjoy Have a great WOYWW

  10. Omg I will have a nightmare :D just kidinng, but it would be great to pop up when the doors open, I know I would be scared!!!
    The tags are cute, can wait to se them finished.
    ps... Youre super scarry halloweeny candy has arrived super fast to meee and I can not wait to go hom from work to post it on my blog!!

  11. Wow! Those skulls are cool. Loving the tags. #35

  12. Wow you have lots keeping you busy. Have a fun and productive week of crafting. Linda #45

  13. Hope you come up with a happy design soon and we will have photos.
    Looks like the C bus is picking up more passengers .....

    Have a good week
    Take care
    Bishopsmate #48

  14. You must let us see the new window when completed. Have a good woyww and happy crafting, Angela x 27

  15. Looking forward to seeing the final design. Love the sweet little tags too. Funny thing - I just had to order a skull with a raven sitting on it for DS to give to his GF as a gift. Thing is, she will love it :) Glad to be back taking part, just like usual, LATE

    glad to be back ... finally!
    Mary Anne (33)

  16. Colouring binge! I like that! The stained glass will look so much better with a bit colour thrown in! Thanks for visiting earlier, Nikki! zsuzsa @ InkyDinkyDoodle

  17. Skulls! Creepy! lol Another crafter mentioning Christmas cards. I guess it's time to start making them! :-)
    April #54


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
Check out Visit Limited Runs Stamps
Digital Stamps for those on a budget