
Tuesday, October 13, 2015


It's that time again where we all show off our spaces sorry about not getting around to everyone's blog I was so busy I hardly had any fun time on the computer at all but I did manage 5 stained glass windows last week and they are put in place only 1 left to go and I can focus in on Christmas cards and figuring out what to be for halloween !!!

So I can spare a little time tonight to colour a few cards in which I plan on making a few CAS for Caring Heart Drive which I will have to make ASAP then my stuff next :)

I know I have a lot of pencils if you wanna mail me more GO FOR IT LOL I love them all 

Some are super old I have some Prisma colors that I've had since I was a teenager and they do feel different from the ones in the stores today the old ones have less waxy feeling if that makes sense.
So in this pile is also Watercolour and Chalk pencils, I have Crayolas too metallic ones 

Here are the window I made for our shed there is another small skinny one on the other side of the bump out 
I love how they turned out will take a picture of the front once the last window is complete 
it's the toughest I think :)

When you see the shed I know your all going to think TINY HOUSE !!!!
it's so cute and the DH is really talented craftsman when it comes to building stuff
and he stole all my reclaimed wood from our house and used it to cover 2 walls
but it looks good and I'll just have to do some .... OMG dumpster diving when I see some builders
ripping apart some of our old house cause that's the wood I wanna work with

thanks for popping in and I'll try to visit everyone that
leaves a message :)
hugs Nikki


  1. Hello Nikki, thanks for already popping by and saying hello. Love the windows and absolutely love the"shed" but am in awe of your collection of pencils. Have a lovely week.
    sandra de @9

  2. wow that is a lot of pencils I must say but only you know where they all are and what type
    Bridget #1

  3. thanks for already visiting! look at all those pencils!! the shed looks fantastic! Helen 5

  4. That's a shed? You are a talented pair, it is wonderful. Do you really really mean it is a shed r is it a nickname for your house? Gosh, I love it.
    Love the pencil collection too - I have a large set of pencils and I must get around to using them as Chas bought them for me last year. Enjoy yours.
    Hugs, Neet 13 xx

  5. What a great read today's post if! I love your Shed with the amazing clever are you and your hubby? And then there's the Pile of, that's a lot. I bet there are not many people who still have pencils from their's the sort of thing that gets thrown away. They are a work of art in their own right :-)
    Hugs, LLJ 10 xx

  6. Hi Nikki, thanks for the visit to mine. Love your collection of pencils. I see nothing wrong with keeping old pencils they may just be the colour you need one day. The shed windows a brilliant! Have a lovely woyww and happy crafting, Angela x 27

  7. I agree with the others that it doesn't look like a shed! It's beautiful! What a great husband you have and how talented and clever you are to make those gorgeous windows. Well done!
    Thanks for visiting already,
    Have a good week,

  8. Hi Nikki. Thanks for popping by at mine already this morning. I really love your shed with thos wonderful windows....what talent you pair have.
    Have a great week.
    Annie x # 11

  9. Love your desk and all your colouring mediums, my desk has many pens but I do also have Prisma and Spectrum Noir pencils! Take care Zo xx 32

  10. your desk is great!
    wow how many pens you have!
    love this picture where sun is coming thru window!

  11. Your shed doesn't look like a shed at all - it looks like part of your house! You did a great job with those windows! Do show us what you dress up as at Halloween! happy WOYWW! zsuzsa @ InkyDinkyDoodle#36

  12. Good morning Nikki, WOW the shed looks super fab your DH once again has outdone himself and the windows you made look perfect. A job you both did wonders on. I do love your pencil stash it looks so grand too........ I dont have as many as you as my daughters grab my art stuff from time to time. But how great never worring if you dont have that colour. Love your room by the way. That is something I am working on myself. Huggs ~Anne

  13. Nikki, those windows look as if they've always been a part of that shed. Great that we have talented hubbys, eh? What are the dimensions on the shed? My addition is 480 sq. ft... so yeah. a tiny house in its own. LOL I have pencils, markers, crayons, pastels, oil sticks.... if it can apply color you can bet I have it.. and metallics are a must! Creative Blessings! Kelly #43

  14. Wow, you have a cool pencil colection ;) and I love the shed windows, they are great!!

  15. You have a big collection of pencils!

    Greetings, Sofie #46

  16. First you got me will all those yummy pencils and pens, but the windows, those are WOW! So glad to see them in their finished places, thank you for sharing, Nikki!

    Happy WOYWW!
    :)trisha, #52 this week
    with paint, a shelf and a bench

  17. Hi Nikki. Oh I think your storage shed would make a very cute studio. Those windows are so cool. I love them!!

    I have pencils and markers that I've had for at least 20 years now. Somehow I can't resist adding to my collection though!

    Thanks for visiting me

  18. Hi Nikki. Oh I think your storage shed would make a very cute studio. Those windows are so cool. I love them!!

    I have pencils and markers that I've had for at least 20 years now. Somehow I can't resist adding to my collection though!

    Thanks for visiting me

  19. Happy WOYWW, Nikki! Neet asked me if I've seen your pencil
    collection so I popped on over to see it. Wow! That is a big collection!
    I love it!
    Blessings, peggy aplSEEDS @2

  20. Great shed windows :-)

    Your pencil addiction is brilliant, something to aspire to!!
    Love your purple Christmas card a few posts back too.

  21. Love your collection of pencils! I've seen a fabulous wall hanging done with pencils in rainbow colours on Pinterest, let's see if I can link it to you. Oh yes, here you go:

    You are so clever being able to do stained glass! I'd love to have a go at that. Popping in as part of my blog comment challenge 300 in 30 days. Found you on Julia's WOYWW


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
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