
Tuesday, October 20, 2015


Happy WOYWW so as you can see the Stud Muffin also LOVES Pencils to chew on I have a few that are pretty icky but he passed by them when I said a quick NO!! lol
So kitty moved his butt out of the way so I could snap a picture of my space it's all about Christmas at the moment seeing I have so many more cards to make. Where does the time go, I've made a few for the Caring Card Drive and those just need to be signed and mailed out.

So the Little Man Shed is all done it's his domain and it's a cutie for sure can you say TINY house or What. I love how it turned out it looks like it's been here for a very long time just refreshed with some new paint. The Windows look like we reclaimed them too so who can tell they are brand new lol which is what we wanted 
 Here's the side of the little shed
It would have been kewl if he made the windows open up but he thought it wasn't necessary
The Door we reused it was our old side door and now it doesn't matter if cold air get by it the shed is not heated.

So that's it for me this week and I'll try my best to visit everyone that I can
hugs Nikki


  1. Great pic of your cat, lol! Love the shed, it looks fabulous!

  2. Omg that shed is to die for WOW
    Lynn 18

  3. I love the little house and the door and the glass windows are just beauuuutiful! Patsy

  4. Gorgeous cat Nikki! That shed is far too wonderful for a man shed. Everything looks so lovely especially your stained glass panels. Do you have Glamping over there? If not, it's glamorous camping and this would be perfect for that. So chuck your man out and let me come stay in it instead :D! Debra x

  5. Your desk is so neat, it worries me! Loving your kitty - Rosie manages to walk through my ink palette (still got splotches on the carpet in paw shapes) and drinks the inky brush water. Wow, that is one amazing shed - didn't you fancy it for a craft room?! xx

  6. Cute cat and cool 'shed' love it! . Anne x #22

  7. Cute cat and cool 'shed' love it! . Anne x #22

  8. What an adorable fur baby! That shed is amazing! I could almost live in one that size!
    Glenda #29

  9. Your tiny shed is absolutely amazing. The attention to detail is stunning. Love the kitty too.
    sandra de @28

  10. There's a TV programme in the UK called Shed of the'd definitely win that! I love the shed and the windows are awesome :-)
    Hugs, LLJ 14 xxx

  11. Your shed is amazing! It's a beautiful little house! Well done!
    And your naughty kitty is beautiful too.
    Have a great week,

  12. That's not a shed! It's a proper little house. So cute! Would make an ideal studio for you. It certainly doesn't look alike a man cave! LOL at Muffin, so sweet! Happy WOYWW zsuzsa @ InkyDinkyDoodle #34

  13. That is one lovely house to look out onto, much better than the houses in my view!!!!
    Well done on making a start on the Christmas cards.
    Have a good week

    Bishopsmate #39

  14. Can I come and play with your cute cat?
    Oh this shed is wonderful.
    take care
    have a nice day

  15. The shed is too nice, how can you bare to let him have it Lol! It's gorgeous! Kitty is cute too. Happy crafting and have a great woyww, Angela x 24

  16. Youre shed is great and the cat is my cind of cat ;)

  17. The shed looks beautiful! I especially like the windows!

    Greetings, Sofie #56

  18. Hee hee loving your cat pic and the man shed looks amazing. I'd love to have that myself! Take care Zo xx 44

  19. Hi Nikki,

    What a cute meow meow. I can see where he'd be excited to a good chew on some pencils!

    I LOVE the shed. Your windows are absolutely beautiful; I'd claim it for myself I think.

    Your package will be mailed on Saturday! Can you believe it!!!! Holy moly, only how many months late?!?

    Happy belated WOYWW
    Thank you for visiting me already.
    Hugs, Kay (38)

  20. I don't know that I could let anyone have space in such a lovely shed but me. I really think I would have to keep it all to myself! Lovely!!! Christmas! I haven't even started yet but it seems you are well on your way. Great job!

    Happy WOYWW!
    brenda lee #59


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
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