
Wednesday, November 11, 2015

For the birds

This week our sponsor is Bugaboo and I've used the image Snow Friends  ,seeing this is a daily winter routine for me I feed the birds,
Every day which also includes the squirrels , this is a Winter Activity for me lol

Challenges - Incy Wincy  - Winter Activities
Cutie Pie - CAS + Cute + Christmas 12/5
613 Ave - AG..
ABC - U = Unlimited ..
Card and Scrap - Christmas..
CHCCE - Christmas12/1
Noor Designs - AG..
Petal Lu - AG..

Thanks for looking
hugs Nikki


  1. Morning - Love your snowman! The green really stands out and is a change from the traditional reds that seem to be used a lot.
    If you follow the link to Jo's blog from mine you can see the church in all its glory.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  2. it is so cute card!
    love this snowman!
    have a nice day

  3. Oh how sweet, what an adorable image

    Thank you for joining in with the cuties xx

  4. Oh how cute is a snowman, I like the card and as for the weather yes I love it it is warm and sunny but I am afraid how it will be in real winter or next year in summer or are we going to have a summer at all :(

  5. Adorable! Thanks for playing in Bugaboo's challenge.

  6. This is really adorable the bright green! I feed the birds (& the squirrels) every day too. The blue jays swoop in & steal most of the seed but I love the chickadees & pine grosbeaks who manage to get a share.
    Hugs, Renee

  7. wawwww så super flot ♥

    10000 tak for at du deltager på Card and scraps udfordring.

    knuzzzz ♥

  8. How cute ! Loved the snowmann .
    Thank you for joining us at Card and Scrap .

  9. Thanks for sharing your cute Christmas card in our Anything Goes challenge at Bugaboo Stamps' Catch the Bug blog. We are really happy you joined us and wish you luck in the draw.
    Please join us again soon!
    luv'n huggz
    Jen Leeflang

  10. Hi

    He is super nice.
    Thanks for joining us at CHCC2
    grtjs lisbeth

  11. Such a fun and happy card! Thank you for joining us at Noor! Design UK challenges. We hope to see you again next round.
    Hugs, Karina DT

  12. Gorgeous card. Thank you for sharing with the Cutie Pies. Shona xx


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
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