
Tuesday, November 17, 2015


Happy WOYWW well today I find my space a mess stamps are out in the middle of making another Christmas card with a shark none the less, lol so you'll see I received some Happy Mail from Debra I've already started to go through the ribbons and roll them up to fit in my box . Now I have a huge itch to tidy this place up now that I've showed it off lol
You'll notice I have a huge cuppa mocha coffee which is cold now will nuke it soon 
So here's my space this week and I do have my tree up and 
we don't have room for a star and he didn't want any garland on it next year there will be something but I thought why not he did have to cut it down a 4 inches to fit and bring it up the stairs it's so nice to have a tree up it's been 3 years since we could. Yep it's the only thing in this room lol we still have to pick out some furniture and are having a hard time deciding on anything for any space.
So that is how I spent most of my time last week getting the house all set for Christmas 
That's not a present under the tree either it's a Card keepsake box that I have tucked under all set to enjoy. So if you wanna swap me a Christmas Card I'd be happy to I can do a few for sure. 

hugs Nikki 


  1. Wow, that is a really big cup of a coffee :)
    Your tree is absolutely wonderful!! I love a rich and colorful tree ;) I can wait 24.12. to put up our tree ...
    ♥Hugs Valentina♥

  2. Yours is the first tree I've seen this year (except in some stores)! Great desk too. Helen 1

  3. NO WAY! Your tree is UP? Holy moley! I think my DD would LOVE it round yours. I hold out till about the middle of the month, and for a day when I can make the family help put it all up. If it's just me doing it all it's no fun at all :) That car looks lovely and how cute is that pompom garland? I need some of that...

    not late, for a change!
    Happy WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (2)

    1. It was both of us putting it up so it was fun we won't turn the lights in for a while I just love having it up everything sparkles and is so pretty at Christmas I can't help myself lol

  4. That's a fantastic tree!! A really good shape and satisfyingly big :-). I like the fact that it's hitting the ceiling, lol!! Enjoy it!
    Hugs, LLJ 7 xx

  5. Amazing tree! Looks beautiful. Happy WOYWW. Anne x #10

  6. Amazing tree! Looks beautiful. Happy WOYWW. Anne x #10

  7. A shark on a Christmas card sounds intriguing. Love the colour you have on your blog posts at the moment, and it matches in with the card.
    Amazing tree, did you trim it to get it to look so good? I want to put ours up now but no time at the moment. Enjoy yours and I will too.
    Hugs & thanks for the visit - Neet xx 24

  8. A Christmas tree with a shark on it?....please show us more. You would make a good friend for our youngest daughter....she likes to make Christmas last as long as she can too.
    Annie x # 6

  9. a shark on a Christmas card, how quirky. Also lovely tree. Vicky

  10. Well of course you're putting a shark on a Christmas card!! Your tree looks they are in the movies! I love that you aren't compromising and waiting till you find the right furniture etc. and doesn't the tree picture show off the beautiful coving and mouldings too. By the way..I think you might already have won the biggest tree competition!!

  11. What a beautiful tree! I didn't even notice there was no star until you said it!
    Glenda #28

  12. Oh wow! That is some kind of a tree! I've only seen these in films - I didn't realise they existed in real life! How great for the Christmas tree to have its own room, LOL! Happy WOYWW! zsuzsa @ InkyDinkyDoodle #33

  13. A shark on a Christmas card? Why not? (Gulps) I truly hope I don't get any requests for that!! Nice busy desk - and seeing that coffee, I'm off to refresh mine! Happy WOYWW Cindy ######30 xx

  14. Hi Nikki, what a glorious Christmas Tree! You have to be the first WOYWWer of the year to have her tree up! Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #9 xxx

  15. Wow that's a beautiful Christmas tree!

    Greetings, Sofie #17

  16. Gorgeous tree, it looks massive. It's so special. Take care and happy crafty woyww, Angela x26

  17. Thanks for visiting! A tree up in November - that is getting good value from those decorations!Hope you are enjoying making your cards Ali #4

  18. Nice tree! I'm such a procrastinator I'm lucky if I get ours up a couple of days before Christmas lol. It's not that bad as the last few years we've been buying live trees that we then plant in the garden and you can't keep them inside too long as they seem to think it is Spring.

    I love seeing all the markers on your desk!

  19. What a lovely tree.

    My coffee always goes cold and I nuke it:)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sue #25

  20. You have been busy!! What a beautiful tree!! your desk looks like a well thought out workspace! Thanks for sharing!!Have a great week, Ginny # 12

  21. I want a real tree, and they don't last for more than a couple of weeks... Usually we put ours up on the 23rd! your going to be able to do a lot of rocking around the christmas tree, being that there's nothing else in the room!

    Happy woyww!
    Kristiina #27

  22. Your space looks a ton more tidy than mine does even after I've cleaned it!
    A whole room for a Christmas tree. . .that's awesome. Nevermind it's because you don't have furniture in there yet, it's awesome!
    Hope #46

  23. Ooh I've spied some fab looking buttons on your desk! That's an extremely well-adorned christmas tree! Happy crafting, Max #29 :-)

  24. I like the organized space that you have. And the tree has its own room! How cool is that? Well, my tree is up, because I never took it down!!! So I am ahead of it. It is downstairs in our family room, so, it didn't bother anyone, and we didn't mind it. :)
    Now, all I have to do is put gifts under it and turn on the lights.

    Thank you for your earlier visit. #52 See you next week.


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
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