
Tuesday, December 22, 2015

WOYWW + Mini Candy

Well With everything set for the holidays and all my christmas shopping done and most of my baking shared with my friends and my hips lol I have gone through more of my stash purging and cleaning things out I'm trying to get my space less cluttered looking (TO ME !!!) and move things around again. So I have a little mini envelope that I will post to whom ever would like a little mini surprize to be sent to you snail mail it's the cost of one stamp to where ever in the world so leave a little message and next week I'll pick a winner.

So my kitty took advantage of the clean space and put him self dead center in my desk so I thought humm why not make a quick little message to everyone
as you can tell the FLASH was not what he wanted to see :P
Have a Merry Christmas and Pop around to everyone's space over at Julia's and Check out all the other desks !!!
hugs Nikki 
And this week should be easier on me so I should be able to pop around to more peoples desk last week WHERE did it go lol


  1. Wishing you a very happy Christmas and a wonderful New Year. Helen 3

  2. May your Christmas Season he Happy and Peaceful.Couldn't we all do with some of that!
    Judy #9

  3. Love your Christmas Message to al the WOYWWers - an admirable subject sitting there.
    Wishing you a Happy Christmas and a Good 2016 ahead - Hugs, Neet xx

  4. Hi Nikki, Merry Christmas to you and a Crafty Happy New Year.
    Love the photo of your Kitty.
    Big hugs, Angela xXx 21

  5. I'm jealous as have not begun to declutter, put away, not bake a thing! I love how cats just seem to take over our spaces, think they are theirs. Thank you for the offer, put my name in the hat. Merry Christmas! Diane #16

  6. Happy Christmas to you too Nikki..hope it's a good one!!
    Hugs. LLJ 11 xx

  7. He looks like 'why you be bothering me after I made an effort to show off your desk?'!! Happy holidays to you too Nikki, have a bit of a break, you seem constantly busy to me!

  8. Good morning.
    I'm doing a quick whizz round all my fav blogs before hitting the supermarket for the last minute shop.
    I would just like to wish you a very happy Christmas and hope that 2016 comes with all you wish for yourself.
    Big hugs,
    Annie x #16

  9. If I won your candy do I get cat too?
    I love your cat!
    Bad Kitty's Craftroom

  10. Gorgeous kitty in pride of place...have a wonderful christmas and new year.
    sandra de @25

  11. Love that you've decluttered before Christmas. I can't see my crafty space at the minute as Santa seems to be storing his stash in there!!
    Wishing you a very Happy Christmas and a Peaceful, Happy and Crafty New Year.
    Hugs Lisax #30

  12. Hi Nikki. I hope to declutter after Christmas. I put stuff all over the place so can use dining table for what it's meant for lol. Happy Christmas. Anne x #27

  13. Hi Nikki. I hope to declutter after Christmas. I put stuff all over the place so can use dining table for what it's meant for lol. Happy Christmas. Anne x #27

  14. He is georgeus, I love cats :)
    As for the clutter, LOL I buy a kitchen today and tomorow it will arrive and OMG I think that we are going to have a bomb hihi, butt a happy one, instead of decorating oure Christmas tree we shal decorate kitchen...
    ♥Hugs Valentina♥

  15. Hi Nikki

    Organizing, purging and crafting is what I plan to do with my Christmas break. The bad part is I have to take everything out of my closet (again) to get organized. Every time I do it I say "this will be it" and then I change my mind.

    I want to thank you again for my beautiful pink card -- she's such a sweetie. Is it one of your digital stamps?

    Have a wonderful Christmas and a crafty 2016.

    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs, Kay (41)

    PS. I did see the post about your belated birthday present -- hope the cowl is keeping you nice and warm!

  16. The picture of your cat looks like mine, at my desk, sweet and making sure they don't miss anything that may need their attention.
    Sending Christmas wishes from Wisconsin, where we have no snow..Yet, and happy New Year.

  17. I'm running behind, but that's what I've done for the past two weeks. Bleubeard gives your kitty desk two paws UP. Way up!

    I hope you have a merry, safe Christmas, filled with good health, happiness, and love. Happy WOYWW and happy holidays from Bleubeard, Squiggles, and #2 (that's me).

  18. HI Nikki, what a gorgeous kitty you have there. Hope you and yours have a lovely, Happy, Peaceful Christmas and Wonderful 2016. Love & Hugs from us both, Shaz #8.xx

  19. Hi Nikki, wishing you and your family a happy Christmas and all the best for 2016.
    Thanks for the chance to win your Candy.
    Hugs, Valerija

  20. Oh, what a fun photo? Sorry I missed this earlier! Cats are so funny! Hope you had a great Christmas Nikki! Thanks for stopping by my blog!


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
Check out Visit Limited Runs Stamps
Digital Stamps for those on a budget