
Tuesday, December 1, 2015

WOYWW + Mini follower Christmas Candy

Happy WOYWW and Only 24 Days to GO YIKES!!!
I'll be getting my cards off into the post within the next few days
The Cards to the Right are already filled in and waiting to be delivered and posted off
Waiting on my stamps thought to try and order them on-line to get a little savings but alas
it takes longer then I thought to get them will order them a month before I want them next time.
So I have a little mini candy on my blog and I've also updated my stash for sale page with some more goodies for you all to check out.
So here's my mini candy all I ask is can you follow along I'm almost up to 350 followers too ... SO EXCITING !!! Plus to make up for those who are kind enough to comment on my blog and I haven't had the time to visit you in a while.
It's light candy so I can post it ANYWHERE in the World  too
Leave a comment and I'll pick a winner Next WOYWW post (Tues here  Wed across the pond)
So it should make it before Christmas 
Have a wonderful day 
hugs Nikki
Also I have a couple extra Christmas cards to swap with if anyone want to swap me :)


  1. Very impressed that you have already written and sealed your cards. All the Xmas activity on woyww inspired me on the weekend to get started on the cards. I would love to swap a Xmas card.
    sandra de @19

  2. I'm still working on envelopes for my cards! You are way ahead of the game!
    Glenda #25

  3. You are a busy bee, I haven't started yet and I know how late I am...
    My inspiration is block...
    ♥Hugs Valentina♥

  4. well organized, just started making mine.Vicky(#1)

  5. Good for you, Nikki. My cards are all done, mailed and some have been received.I'm hosting Christmas as always, so the craft room must be cleaned and the decorating and shopping must be completed. Busy times for sure. :) Exciting news about your followers -- good for you!
    Nann4 #30

  6. Hi Nikki, how dare you have all your cards ready to go Lol! I'm nowhere near so will have to get my finger out. The ticket on the card is a Tim Holtz stamp set called ODDS and ENDS CMS100 and has several of these little tags for different occasions. Thanks for the visit to mine and happy woyww, Angela x 19

  7. Well done you for doing your cards. I am only starting now (but I haven't got that many to do....)
    I am one of your new followers. I follow on Bloglovin.
    Have a great week,

  8. OMG, you've DONE all your cards???! Can you come and do mine...pretty please :-D. Your desk is looking very festive this made me smile!
    Hugs, LLJ 7 xxx

  9. O you finished your cards and cleaned your desk? It looks drastically empty :) I think I probably have enough cards done, but will still take a while to get them filled and posted :) Thanks for stopping by, happy woyww!
    Kristiina #15

  10. you're putting me to shame! must get mine finished and written and ready to post.. luckily I don't have any to go overseas.. Helen 3

  11. I enjoy the sneak peek of your desk! You have your cards ready to be mailed? I'm so behind! Thanks for the candy - it looks yummy!

  12. This year I mlittle bit late but I will be on time!
    wonderful card

  13. Another one whose super organised having your cards written and ready for posting, I need to get a wriggle on. I never knew you could save a bit by getting stamps on line, you learn something new everyday!!
    Thanks for visiting earlier
    Hugs Lisax #14

  14. Oh its cute candy, how lovely you are. I have a few Christmas cards yet to make, but al my overseas ones are posted. Go me! Liking the calm of your desk today, already a day late here and feeling a bit hassled!

  15. sweet "light candy" loved your desk, nice and tidy!! MAde me smile!! thanks for stopping by my desk! Have a great week!! Ginny #5

  16. First, Sorry I am SO late with my Comments.Your cards look great . Thanks for visiting me earlier in the week . Soojay xx

  17. Wish I was so organised. My cards are still mainly in my head. Think they may just go through an embossing folder this year.
    Hugs - A Very Very Late Neet xx


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
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