
Tuesday, December 29, 2015

WOYWW See you all NEXT YEAR !!! + Winner

Happy WOYWW well thing have gone well with the clean and purge and setting up my page of
FOR SALE ITEMS some new and gently used from stamps/dies and much more please take a peek.

So Looks like Google is gonna force you to join up to follow wonder if this will effect my bloglovin friends hope not so lets see what happens then Google Followers 345, Google + 65 ,Bloglovin 122
on Jan 11th they are stopping a whole bunch of non blogger followers ---  why they want you to join google and marketing studies where do you sure too etc ... snoopy buggers !!! now on to my desk
So it's a lot more tidier with things, moved and removed and shifted around.So here it is all labeled up for you to check out. I know to some of you this is just to neat but to me and my DH it makes him happier that there isn't as much JUNK as he calls it around lol. This is what my desk looks like most days I know YAWN!!!  now if I buy a little Caddy maybe it will make it look naked in areas lol 
I've hidden most of my inks and Recycled handmade containers away I've also gone through my papers and resorted them and made new labels then redid all my scraps tossed some stuff I no longer used and got rid of the inks that had died up.  The Cat bed is not a guarantee that he will sleep or hang out there, sometimes it's right under the light not that it gives off much heat he wants to be the center of what ever is going on :)

Mini Candy winner is Bonnie Schulte I couldn't get in contact with you seeing your blog doesn't show up in your profile.
  Please send me an Email before next WOYWW post 
with your snail mail I have a little quick email in sidebar!!!
Don't worry if you didn't win I'll make up another mini candy in a week or two so please follow along so you don't miss out if google will let you (Try bloglovin it's pretty good )

Here are  mostly all the christmas cards I managed to make this year for you all together some aren't show seeing I made them later and lots of the cards I made this year were flat so they where easy to pop in the post and the rest I hand delivered 
This group is all 5.5 by 5.5 and the bases are all kraft paper which I loved 
making with matching kraft envelopes must get more for next year :)
as you can tell I really love to make cards with hand coloured images 
now I have a couple of Birthday cards to make for the new year for a few Jan babies 
have a wonderful day and a Fun and safe New Years Eve
hugs Nikki


  1. Impressive collection of cards! Happy creative new Year!
    robyn 2

  2. Wow! That's a lot of cards, and all so pretty! I love it that you have a place for your cat! Happy new year! How fast time flies! Patsy

  3. What a fabulous collection of cards you have there - and what a lovely crafting area - but where are the inks and recycled handmade containers?
    Happy New Year - Hugs, Neet xx 4 (thanks for the visit)

  4. What a lot of Christmas cards you made!
    Happy 2016
    Jackie 7

  5. Happy New Year Nikki. that's an impressive collection of cards. Have a great 2016. Helen 5

  6. An amazing set of cards - well done you! Happy New Year.

  7. That's a brilliant idea to photo all the cards together that way you can look back at them for ideas next year. Not sure I will get to my 100 now, don't understand why they have to change things it's obviously to there advantage not ours, we will just have to see what happens. Take care and happy woyww New Year, Angela x 16

  8. I love the annotated pic of your desk! A tidy desk makes me happy, I like to have room to work and know where all my tools are. I can't bear searching for stuff...what a waste of time :-)
    Happy 2016 lovely gal! LLJ 8 xxx

  9. Your desk looks nice and clean! So many pretty cards you made as well! Thanks for sharing and Happy New Year!
    Glenda #23

  10. Very neat workspace and a great collection of cards, Nikki! Wishing you a very happy New Year! zsuzsa #24

  11. I love that it's all organised and un-junky. With every bone in my body, I long to be like you, but I am genetically hard wired to be untidy, your husband would hate it! Your collection of cards is pretty awesome, no one the same and all coloured, it takes time and love! Keep WOYWWing won't you? happy happy New Year.

  12. So tidy and an amazing card collection you managed there. happy New Year Anne x #17

  13. Your cards are beautiful! Have a great new years :)

  14. Youre card colection is apsolutley great!!
    Happy crafty New Year!!
    ♥Hugs Valentina♥

  15. Wow what a diverse and fabulous collection of crafty cards. Happy New Year! Carole 33

  16. For sale! NO - I must not look! I must not look! Lol.

    What a lovely lot of cards! You were certainly busy. I need to make a note to start earlier. Christmas might seem FAR away in Aug/Sept but isn't really. It just seems to creep right up

  17. lovely cards and all different wow. Wishing you a happy creative New Year butterfliecrafter#11

  18. Hi Nikki, your desk is sooooo neat and tidy ... no wonder you and your husband are happy :) Love the photos of the Christmas cards you made this year - you've been really busy. I like that you made most of them flat - after paying out a fortune in postage my 2016 cards are going to be flat too. Happy New Year to you and yours. Elizabeth x #37

  19. What a great collection of Christmas cards you made!

  20. What a lovely variety of Christmas cards.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sue #12

  21. Some lovely cards there, Nikki; and, oh my, what a neat and tidy desk! Fancy a trip to wales to see what you can do with my chaos??!!
    Thanks for your visit and best wishes for John. He's really doing well - but the amount of health professionals who now need to visit (and have all chosen today to do it!) has left him exhausted. However - it's just so precious to have him at home.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #6

  22. Happy WOYWW and congrats on the No.1 spot. I always love your tidy workspace - and the fab picture/labelling. In my head I am as organised as you - but reality is different! Great to see all of your cards in one place - you must be so proud. Happy New Year. Ali x #43

  23. Happy New Year, Nikki. Saw your link over at Kay's and was able to skip over quickly to see what you've been up to. My hat's off to you for the fab organization task you've accomplished. I need you to visit me! Loved seeing the wide variety of cards that you've shared, and golly, you certainly had some pretty ones. Hope that 2016 will bring all the wonderful things you need to happen. TFS & Hugs

  24. A clean and tidy desk you have, so organized. I also love all your Christmas cards - they are wonderful.
    I am new to WOYWW, and am just trying to get a look at everyone's desk - so fun!


  25. My that is a lovely bunch of cards How do you manage to make so many and keep things so clean My table looks like a whirlwind it it Happy new year Peg 38

  26. Wow - what a neat and tidy desk. I wish I was that organized. :-) And the Christmas cards are very impressive. This year I plan on making a card a week. Of course I said that last year too. wink wink
    April #44

  27. Thanks for visiting my blog! I love the cards you made! They look beautiful!
    Happy New Year!
    Greetings, Sofie

  28. Beautiful cards you made for the holidays. I made a few and sent a few but not like I did in years gone past. Hopefully I can get an addressing program that will allow me to address labels cause I don't do well handwriting them with arthritis. Hope you are enjoying the holidays. Vickie #48

  29. What a fab desk and super cards. Happy New Year to you and yours. Take care Zo xx 30

  30. Very tidy desk! I am amzed at all the cards you made and the variety! I do understand the joy in hand coloring. While I don't make cards I like to hand color stamps for tags and rolos. Thank you for the visit to my blog earlier. I'm late but enjoying a quiet afternoon visiting everyone.

  31. Your desk is very neat and organized! What a lot of nice cards. Happy WOYWW, thanks for visiting, and happy new year! ~ Laura #41

  32. What a lovely neat desk and just how I like to work, very organised and tidy! And well done you if you are naturally untidy but keep it like that for your hubby - you're a star! I love the collection of cards you made. Thanks for stopping by earlier, sorry I'm so late in getting round - hope you have a happy New Year,
    Diana #18


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
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