
Tuesday, December 15, 2015


Happy WOYWW 
and here's my little space I finished going through all my rubber stamps and am now going through my clear stamps sorting them out and removing those which I have not used and are taking up space for those I will. Which Means I'll be adding in more to my for sale page and it's got some great little savings up there too 
The spool of heavy Paper twine is from a present I wrapped and never removed at all from my space 
Oh I can't wait for this to be all done it takes so long and alot of hum do I really need that lol 
Short and sweet and I have two giveaways going on to Here and Here
Thanks for popping in and I managed to get over half way through the list last week and will try to get to as many blogs as I can this week too 
hugs Nikki 


  1. Your desk looks very busy this week with your purging, sorting, and organizing. I guess that's why I don't have many rubber stamps. I don't seem to buy ones I don't like, and I don't seem to get stamps I don't like, either.

    Hope you get the job done in no time at all, and can get on with your Christmas holiday.

  2. You are so good sorting and getting rid - something I can't bring myself to do.. despite having stamps (and other stuff) I haven't used in .. forever.. I can't get rid "just in case"!! Have a great day. Helen 4

  3. Hi Nikki. Your desk looks nice and organized! Thank you for my very sweet Christmas card. She's a little cutie. Also glad you got your package be it quite late! I'll be better next year.

    Hugs Kay. I might be number 14!

  4. Hi Nikki. Your desk looks nice and organized! Thank you for my very sweet Christmas card. She's a little cutie. Also glad you got your package be it quite late! I'll be better next year.

    Hugs Kay. I might be number 14!

  5. Happy WOYWW. I have been having a big sort out in my craft room for what seems like months now - and still got a few areas to go through. Very satisfying and I find some stash to sell or donate to local charity. Ali x #13

  6. what a big job that must be. I should do it too, but it is very daunting and I am very bad at getting rid of stuff!
    Happy WOYWW!
    Tertia #7

  7. Well done you for sorting out your stamps. I have to do the same, mine are all stuffed in a drawer at the moment. Its one of my New Year's resolutions - to get organised!.
    Have a happy week
    Lynda B 22

  8. Hello Nikki, your sweet card arrived today ... a big thank you for the extra bling. Very sweet and very kind of you. I hope my card arrives soon i.e. before Xmas would be good. Good to see you are sorting through those stamps .... must do something similar.
    Sandra de @24

  9. I have been doing some sorting myself. I always squirrel things away and then I can't remember what I planned to do with the thing. It's always good to see what you have and decide if it is truly necessary! Glenda #23

  10. Hi Nikki, think I need to have a clear out too or get expanding walls (again) him indoors has been selling on Ebay recently so I think he has the same idea. Take care and have a great woyww, Angela 25

  11. Oh, the things we find when we sort out our ateliers... and all the choices that we have to make (keep or get rid off...) I know, I know. Good luck decluttering! I'm off to check out your giveaways. Happy woyww and a hug from Holland, Marit #28

  12. I believe that purging our stash from time to time is a healthy thing. Your desk looks very well organized. Happy WOYWW! #32

  13. You have been very busy!

    I'm also having a giveaway, were you can win a bracelet and earrings jewelry set!

    Greetings, Sofie # 31

  14. Sorting and sifting! Great fun when it's finished!!! Keep up the good work.

    Have a good week

    Bishopsmate #36

  15. Sorting... yes it has to be done. I'm not very good at it though.
    Your roll of twine is brilliant. I've never seen it on a big roll like that.
    Have agreat week,

  16. Ahhhh sorting and purging my least favorite thing. Yeah for you for getting so much done! Great desk.
    Marnie #41

  17. You really are impressive...I know you can't wait for it to be done - I can't bring myself to start! Also, did you get that I failed to understand the Christmas card 'swap'!! I'll do better next year!!

    ♥Hugs Valentina♥

  19. Hi Nikki, you are a winner of blog candy on my blog from the coffee hop! Please email me at rutabagapie designs @ Thanks!


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
Check out Visit Limited Runs Stamps
Digital Stamps for those on a budget