
Tuesday, January 12, 2016

WOYWW + Candy!!!

Happy WOYWW! !! Here's my space this week little bit of creating going on seeing it's finally snowing outside today so we stayed in.  I made up a little card using a new digi from Limited Runs and I managed to make 3 new digi for Valentines day.  
So I'm also in the process of getting together some candy for a couple lucky peeps. In it some papers,ribbons and embellishments and what ever else I can share from my stash.
I'll give one away now to a lucky person 
1 Please be a follower
2. A way to get in contact with you in case you win.
I will post anywhere too
Ends on 19th

I will post the 2nd envelope in a little bit with a picture of both

Thanks for visiting 
Hugs Nikki 


  1. I barely got Christmas put away and we're already talking about Valentines. WOW!

    You asked about the paper. Yes, I'm tea dyeing the paper, but if you come back on Thursday you'll see what I did with the tea bags. thanks for visiting already. Happy WOYWW from #2.

  2. This is a very sweet card Nikki.Clever you designing stamps!

  3. It's wonderful you are preparing for Valentines. I love to see an organised WOYWWer
    Lynn // 6

  4. good luck with your valentine designs. thanks for visiting - yes the hamper is gorgeous (I was probably only pretending i didn't want it!) Helen 1

  5. I do love your work area, so organised and colourful! The Valentine digits sound fun :-)
    Hugs, LLJ 16 xx

  6. You are far too organised if you have started valentines :0 Have started following.
    sandra de @15

  7. Hi Nikki, busy as ever and very organised. Your fond follower! sending you a happy woyww, Angela x 17

  8. Oh my life, Valentine's! I'm not in the zone at all! Hope you enjoyed your snow day - you are certainly very productive! And sharing, you must be the canniest person I know!

  9. I love your space and it always seems to be so organized! Wish we would get some snow...just had a few flurries so far!
    Glenda #34

  10. It's all looking very tidy at yours!
    Happy Wednesday

  11. Yikes, Valentines Day will be upon us before I know it. Wondering just what you are preparing - it should be fun!
    Love your desk, so organised.
    Hugs, Neet 3 xx

  12. your ccraft space is great
    I like that hous on your shelf,its very cute!
    thank you for the chance!
    Bad Kitty's Craftroom

  13. A very cheery desk pic Nikki, and have a wonderful week RobynO#36

  14. All I can see when I'm looking at your workdesk is those pens! So much colour and possibility - they keep drawing my eye :)

    Clair x
    WOYWW #25

  15. Tidy desk, great card! We now have snow too and colder temps. We were spoiled up until the New Year. People were wearing shorts and flip flops on Christmas Eve here in Ottawa. :) I'll have to check out your stamps.....

    Nann4 #43

  16. Very neat desk. I see you have your Ott light right there. I just got one for my desk and like how much light it produces.

  17. I only have to make one Valentine's card but I do like to use hearts on my card. The little card on your desk looks very sweet and goodness I do envy you all those Copics. I'm still using Pro Markers. Have a lovely week. Barbxx #39

  18. Valentine's Day?? Aarrggh! Over here they were putting things up in the shops a couple of days after Christmas. From one holiday to the next...I love seeing all your markers on your desk. Wonderful collection.

  19. I have been following by e-mail for a long time. I made sure I am following other ways too. Thanks for a chance to win. Edwina Brown

  20. Wonderful craft space.
    Thanks for the chance to win!
    Valerija xx

  21. WOW Valentines day!!! I know I am moving slow this month tho and it is already half gone. Great looking desk and card. Hope you have a great week and thanks for visiting my desk earlier. Vickie #61

  22. Hmmm Valentines. I need to get busy. Lovely card. Peg 66

  23. Wow im realy love jour second shelf and all that great boxes on it, did you make them youre self?
    ♥Hugs Valentina♥


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
Check out Visit Limited Runs Stamps
Digital Stamps for those on a budget