
Tuesday, January 5, 2016

WOYWW + Redraw of Winner

Please Check out my stash for sale Page HERE !

Happy WOYWW and here's my space not to much going on just colouring in some more digi and stamped images to have some ready to create with I end up colouring way more then I ever use
So as you can see nothing to exciting on my desk at all really yep I craft tidy and have no problems with it the minute it gets to messy I get distracted and start to clean lol Never ending circle it seems

 didn't contact me before this post so alas I've gone back and had to pull a new name from the sorting hat (Harry Potter movie spree over the holidays) 
and it picked the Judy from Judys Lace Creations please send me your snail mail and I'll pop it off into the post for you and don't worry I'm working on a little sweet Valentine Candy really soon 

That's all and last week I managed to Visit everyone who joined in WOYWW it took a while but I did it 
hugs Nikki 


  1. happy colouring! thanks for dropping by already. Helen #3

  2. What a lovely surprise Nikki. Thank you for your kind and lovely comment on my blog post.
    Thanks so much!!
    Judyx #12

  3. Hi Nikki what a fab tidy desk, must say I work that way too, tidy after each project. Have a great week RobynO#21

  4. What a tidy desk Nikki and what a lot of pens you have. I like the little house. Have a happy 2016 and lots of fun crafting. Barbxx #28

  5. Hi Nikki sweetie, looks like 'desk in waiting' Lol!
    Hope you have a great new year with lots of juicy crafting.
    Happy woyww, Angela x 32

  6. Gosh - that really is a lovely tidy desk. Shows off the beauty of the wood so thanks for that - and such a lovely big clear picture too.
    Hope you have had a lovely New Year and all the best for 2016.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  7. It may be a never ending circle, but it is a good one! I like the house with the thermometer on it!

  8. That's what I call tidy. Can you come and organise my desk??
    Happy New Year
    Hugs Lisax #18

  9. Enjoy the colouring, Nikki. They will all get used eventually.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #2

  10. Can't beat colouring! Take care Zo xx 42

  11. I know what you mean..I make a mess then seem to want to clean it up. I think it is from having too small of a working space. Maybe if I spread out in a big space I would leave more messes..but my desk does stay mostly clean (clean being relative...there is paint splatters and ink overspray everywhere..and the floor..paper bits galore) Thanks for visiting my blog earlier :) Shel/PaperOcotilloStudio #14

  12. You have a very interesting desk (to me, at least.) All of the little cubbies and drawers make me want to find out what's in them!

    Clair x
    WOYWW #25

  13. Nice tidy desk! I have a small workspace right now as I haven't found desk I particularly like. My plan is to clean up as I go along but... we'll see lol

  14. I had planned to visit last night, but right after I linked to Julia, my electricity went off. It came back on a short time ago, so now I'm trying to catch up with everyone.

    Golly I like your clean and tidy desk. It is a real inspiration to anal people like me. Thanks for the earlier visit, too. Happy WOYWW from #1.

  15. Coloring in is so much fun... And what a lovely tidy desk!
    Thanks for the visit earlier, only just getting round to my WOYWW visits tonight!
    Thanks for sharing, take care and have a good week.
    Catherine xxx #38

  16. Sorry i am so late this week. that desk looks SO tidy!! have a great week. soojay xx


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
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