
Tuesday, February 16, 2016


Hello All Happy WOYWW Here's my little space for you all to snoop around with I didn't do to much this week we had a few others things to do and I can honestly say my desk looked the same as last week ... UGG how Lame I have been updating Limited Runs with it's digi's and that takes a long time I found out but it has to be done every once in a blue moon and painted two of our brass chandeliers from boring brass to shabby chik. They look 1000 times better.
  So I thought I'd grab my boxes and open them up for you all to snoop in and see how I store my little things that are at my reach ... I know it can be a little to organized for some people but it works for me lol 
The Washi Tape Box I made with some card stock along with the one that holds my flowers and odds and ends it's just an oatmeal box with two drawers that pull out to keep all that stuff neat and tidy 
All Labeled up :)
I'll try my best to visit as many people as I can but I'm a little under the weather this week as I caught some silly cold that is giving me the sniffles and it's the lack of sleep that's kicking my butt at the moment .. Blah it shouldn't last too long or eventually I'll just pass out on my own most likely watching a movie see the title ..zzzz.... see the credits. Great movie??? watch next night lol
Have a good one
hugs Nikki


  1. hope your cold gets better soon, love your desk - your boxes look great all organised! Happy WOYWW Helen #1

  2. How organised you are!. You put me to shame! Hope you feel better soon. Have a Happy week
    Lynda B 8

  3. Oh heck! The dreaded cold/flu in some cases has caught you has it. I know it was rife in the family in the USA when we were over. Chas got it but so far apart from a few morning sniffles I am fine. Hope it soon leaves you - remember - rest and hot drinks.
    Love the fact that you are tidy love the labelled boxes for us to see - I think your desk is lovely.
    Hugs, Neet (feeling a bit pink today so maybe I will create)

  4. I'm fighting the lurgy off too :-(. Lots of hot drinks and paracetamol.....
    I adore your organised desk and boxes...that pleases me a lot. I couldn't work on a messy desk!!
    Hugs, LLJ 9 xx

  5. Great organising! I do like to be neat and tidy but do get into a mess at times! Hope you feel better soon - I think I have the start of the lurgy! Anne x #17

  6. Great organising! I do like to be neat and tidy but do get into a mess at times! Hope you feel better soon - I think I have the start of the lurgy! Anne x #17

  7. I'd like to see a before and after shot of your revamped chanderlier.Vicky#7

  8. Love how you are orgainzed, I try to be to but my younger dother love to craft when I am gone and she does not think that it should be wher I put it, nonono she alwais fdind some new place LOL
    ♥Hugs Valentina♥

  9. Being organised is a wonderful skill to have and makes me want to declutter my desk. Hope your cold runs its course quickly.
    sandra de @25

  10. Something that really caught my eye on your desk this morning is the box of washi tape! I think I have one roll of that and it came in a box with some supplies I purchased. I don't even have a clue when or where to use it. I must have been living in a closet! Glenda #27

  11. Hi Nikki. I have loads of washi tape but don't seem to use it, I now feel quite guilty about it sat there doing nothing and must find a use for it, Thanks for the visit to mine, have a great woyww and happy crafting, Angela x 26

  12. I'm sorry you are under the weather. Hope you feel better soon.
    I love to see an organized desk. I wish I was that organized. When we move to our new appartment (i.e. upstairs)my craftroom has to be reorganized... watch this space.
    Thanks for visiting,
    Happy WOYWW and have a good week,

  13. Love your desk, so colourful and your pen stash is awesome! Get better soon, I had flu virus last week...sssoo poorly, roll on summer!!
    Dawn #33

  14. I hope you feel better soon! Thanks for sharing the organising. I'm always looking for new ideas of how to store stuff. My goodies seem to be multiplying even though I don't think I'm buying a lot (maybe I'm just fooling myself!)

    Happy WOYWW
    Sharon K #42

  15. thanks for showing how you organized. that's what I'm just starting over again at doing. I love how you made your own boxes with drawers. Great idea!!! (WOYWW 350 #43)

  16. You make me feel guilty Nikki. You are so organised. I do hope you're soon feeling better. Barbxx

  17. Nicely organized boxes on your desk! I do that too with films! Best snoozes I ever have are in front of the telly! Last night I fell asleep with my Kindle in my hand - when I woke up it turned itself off and I was still holding it! Hope you feel better soon! zsuzsa #40

  18. Hi Nikki, love your organisation. The boxes are great. It's funny, generally I am the most untidy person ever, except for my love of little drawers to store stuff in! lol. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #6 xxx

  19. Oh what a fabulous desk and look at all those gorgeous pens! thanks for visiting my desk too - hugs


  20. Sweet cards in the right corner! :)
    I guess that you made them yourself?

    Very organized desk.

    HAPPY WOYWW to you!
    Sussie nr 50

    1. The ones that are hanging up are just toppers that I didn't want to use the one laying flat is on of Kay's I plan on mailing it to my grandmother it's just so bright and beautiful

  21. I always try to be organized! but you are very organized!
    wonderful card!
    Bad Kitty's Craftroom

  22. Hi Nikki, Loving your organised storage. What are all your lovely pens in?

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sue #20

  23. Great organisation there! I think it must be a crafters thing to find a new use for all sorts of boxes and containers! Hope your cold gets better soon.

  24. Hey Nikki, thanks for the visit earlier. I love the view of your desk today and your box of 'ready to go' die-cuts is absolutely genius..why have I not thought of this before. Cx #47

  25. I love all your neatly organised art supply's!

    Greetings, Sofie #34

  26. from all the awesome things you have on your desk I noticed the lamp, is that a lamp standing long behind your blings? how do you like it, been wondering about those for a while now :P thanks for visiting me earlier :)

  27. Hi Nikki,

    Wow, you are so organized! I like how you have everything separated and stored neatly in boxes. I'm still working on my stuff.

    I'm also feeling the need to switch to something else rather than knitting. We'll see what pops up on my desk next week.

    I hope you are feeling better. A coworker came in sick last week so I'm starting to feel a cough and sore throat now. I hate it when people do that.

    Thank you for visiting me already!
    Happy belated WOYWW
    Hugs, Kay (57)

  28. Well that was a fun snoop through your boxes, thank you for that! I'd love to see the chandeliers, too!

    Feel better soon, Nikki--gosh, it's awful being sick!

    Thank you for your visit this week, I really appreciate it!

  29. I've had that silly cold (which turned into a chest infection) for the last few weeks. I really hope that you managed to shake it off! Thanks for visiting last week, I'm catching up with everything this evening. Bit of a backlog!

    I love all of these little boxes - I would really want to snoop properly if I had the chance.

    WOYWW 12


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
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