
Tuesday, February 23, 2016


Happy Woyww everyone. 
Here's my space at the moment I did start sewing that pink ribbon together and it it puckers a lot together and I know that if I make it into a purse it will need a liner that it's sewn to as the ribbon pulls apart easier then I hoped and it puckers alot I think I'm going to show off the part where the seams are as it looks pretty wild looking but it's going to take longer then I'd like to make but eventually it will get done as I'm not in a rush for it plus I have no idea what it will look like... It will surprise me when finished lol . I just sew and see where it takes me I don't plan anything when sewing. Pattern what's that !!! I can hear some of you that sew just laughing at me lol 
I did make one quick card for a friend we dropped in on who just got a new place it's a nice little condo that works well for him really great high ceilings so it feels really open. 
See I think the ruffled side looks better then the smooth side 

So I'm off to make some new digi and pop into blogs 
Thanks for popping in 

hugs Nikki 


  1. I agree, the ruffled side is great! thanks for visiting already. I know what is where in the boxes but do list my stamps in a folder. Helen #2

  2. You could make it an inside out purse, it would look great
    Bridget #8

  3. Well, I sew and make things up rather than use a pattern all the time!! So you're in good company :-). I like the ruffled side best too, it's more textured!
    Hugs, LLJ 13 xxx

  4. you're right about the ribbon, looks better on the ruffled side. Thanks for popping by and great to hear that drawing can be learned then there is hope for me because I so would like to be able to draw faces in my art journals. Happy woyww Vicky#3

  5. You're stabbing into the ribbon against the grain, and the stitch tension doesn't match the weave, is all. I prefer the unruffled side, unlike everyone else!! It'll look lovely though, all shiny and satin!

  6. Hi there Nikki, well done your ruffle agree and you could even ruffle it a tad more if you, you have lot of pens .. do they ever collapse I wonder...
    Thanks so much for sharing.
    Happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz.x #25

    {Shaz in Oz – Calligraphy Cards}

  7. Humm. I like both, but then it may be the colour that I like, so I would :)

    Happy WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (20)

  8. Hi Nikki, the scarf looks good and I love the puckered side best as it adds more interest to the finished fabric. Hope you have a great day and thanks for the visit to mine, happy woyww, Angela x 28

  9. I'm with the other in saying go with the puckered side.
    Thanks for stopping by earlier .
    Jill #1

  10. I'm with the majority of liking the ruffled side! And it's a gorgeous colour!!

    Happy WOYWW
    #31 unless Mr Linky has changed it!

  11. I like both sides - can you not get some more and make two? One ruffled, one plain?
    I need to get m sewing machine out soon and do some stitching, had an idea for using some of the pink ribbon I won from you - hopefully I won't forget by the time the machine comes out.
    Hugs & Thanks for visiting me earlier - Neet 4 xx

  12. Goodness you are brave. The material is beautiful and yes I like the ruffled look. Barbxx

  13. I think the ruffled side looks really good. I got a new sewing machine, and it's still in the box. I need to learn to sew - so I'm LOST without a pattern!
    Have a great day!

    Diane WOYWW #44

  14. Very pretty lace! I'm sure it will turn out lovely whatever you come up with.
    Your stamps look very organised. Mine just seem to end up in drawers lol. I need to figure out some sort of organisation but I must admit it is not my strong point.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sharon K #47

  15. You have done a good job with both sides, I'd say! Your desk looks very organised! Chrisx 39

  16. LOL youo made me smile ;) Thanks!!
    For now looks great on bouth sides, can wait to se the final result :)
    You made a card??? No you did not, when I do not se it then you did not donn it :D Kiding ;)
    Looking forward to se youre new digi to ;)
    ♥Hugs Valentina♥

  17. Hi Nikki, I agree, the ruffled side is way more interesting. Love that you store your stamps in ring binders- snap! Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #12 xx

  18. yes indeed the ruffled side rocks. thanks for sharing

    Pat #61

  19. Hi Nikki, I'm a new girl to this party, my first link-up. I shall def. ck-out your stamp site. And, as you know, the exposed seam is all the rage in fashion, so I think you are onto something good! It makes it uniquely yours, too. xoxo, Aimeslee WOYWW #52

  20. I'm a lover of texture, so the ruffled side looks good to me. You could sew interesting yarn or something between the ruffles? There are so many gorgeous fluffy types out there now.
    This is the look when you make those raggy quilts. Exposed seams you snip into, and "distress".
    When I gave a pink lap quilt I made to my mother, she had it the smooth side up. I had to explain that the raggy look was the "right" side- meant to be that way!
    Love that pink!

  21. Your organizedc your stamps very nicely. Mine are still in plastic bags inb boxes. Your way seem to be more practical and a way to wuickly see what stamps you have... :)

    Happy week!
    Sussie nr 50 WOYWW

  22. Hi Nikki sorry to be so late! Love that pink creation, I would make it into a gorgeous scarf with home made tassels! Have a fab weekend xxx Annie C #73


Thanks for taking the time to comment I just love to read them.
I do sell my cards if you see something you like send me an email it's in the side bar.
hugs Nikki
Check out Visit Limited Runs Stamps
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